Tag Archives: easily-the-best

Dexter Series Finale Recap: Remember The Monsters

It seems like only yesterday we fell in love with a serial killer named Dexter Morgan and now we’ve watched those sensuous opening credits roll for a final time. Ahhh. Dexter Morgan. The smirk. The pink shirts. The biceps. What a SKILF.  I mean. Wait. What was I doing again? Oh, right. The  Dexter  finale. We’re recapping it here, but be sure to head over to TV Fanatic for the full  Dexter series finale review . He Said, She Said:  On the ride to the hospital, Deb tells Quinn she’s done some pretty bad things. He says that by being a cop, she gets to do good things to make up for whatever it is she did. She says she needs to save a busload of nuns. He thinks back to his schoolboy days and says “don’t save ’em.” Terminal: When Hannah gets stranded in the bathroom at the airport, Dexter plants a suspicious bag and blames it on Elway. Elway gets taken for questioning and Hannah can escape the loo, but Dexter’s plan grounds their flight. Big Brother: Dexter gets the call that Deb is in the hospital after being shot by Saxon. Once she’s out of surgery, she tells him to go to Argentina to be with Hannah and Harrison. He follows her F-bomb laden orders. Sort of. He sends Harrison off with Hannah and plans to meet up with them. He also gives Hannah a bag of “essentials.” Then he goes off in search of Saxon. Terminator : Saxon, like a terminator, walks around Miami with a bullet wound. In the middle of hurricane prep. And no one seems to notice that he’s bleeding all over everything. He gets a veterinarian to stitch him up then, in what might be the grossest thing on the show ever, cuts out the vet’s tongue so he can sneak into the hospital to finish what he started with Deb. But Miami Metro busts him. Surprise, motherf***er! Bad News Bears:  Dexter and Quinn learn that Debra isn’t so okay after all. She’s in a vegetative state. Quinn believes in miracles. Dexter does not. A Little Jab’ll Do Ya:  Dexter dons his Miami Metro badge and gets access to Saxon’s holding cell. He lays out the tools in his test kit and eventually kills Saxon with a ballpoint pen to the jugular. And people think penmanship is dead! Psha! Another Little Jab’ll Do Ya:  Elway catches up to Hannah and Harrison on a bus headed toward Daytona. Hannah uses one of Dexter’s super special horse tranquilizers to knock Elway out so that she and Harrison can escape. The Perfect Storm: Dexter goes to the hospital and, in the chaos from the hurricane, turns off Debra’s life support. He tells Harrison he loves him just before he dumps Deb’s body in the ocean like the Bay Harbor Butcher he is. Then he drives the  Slice of Life  directly into the hurricane. Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina: Hannah reads the news of Dexter’s “death” on her iPad while sipping an espresso in a cafe with Harrison. She sheds a single tear before taking Harrison out for ice cream. Just Jack:  While those he loved (loves?) go on living without him, Dexter lives a solitary life as a lumberjack. At least we know he’ll still have his biceps, right? What grade would you give the series finale of  Dexter?   A B C D F View Poll »

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Dexter Series Finale Recap: Remember The Monsters

Dexter Series Finale Recap: Remember The Monsters

It seems like only yesterday we fell in love with a serial killer named Dexter Morgan and now we’ve watched those sensuous opening credits roll for a final time. Ahhh. Dexter Morgan. The smirk. The pink shirts. The biceps. What a SKILF.  I mean. Wait. What was I doing again? Oh, right. The  Dexter  finale. We’re recapping it here, but be sure to head over to TV Fanatic for the full  Dexter series finale review . He Said, She Said:  On the ride to the hospital, Deb tells Quinn she’s done some pretty bad things. He says that by being a cop, she gets to do good things to make up for whatever it is she did. She says she needs to save a busload of nuns. He thinks back to his schoolboy days and says “don’t save ’em.” Terminal: When Hannah gets stranded in the bathroom at the airport, Dexter plants a suspicious bag and blames it on Elway. Elway gets taken for questioning and Hannah can escape the loo, but Dexter’s plan grounds their flight. Big Brother: Dexter gets the call that Deb is in the hospital after being shot by Saxon. Once she’s out of surgery, she tells him to go to Argentina to be with Hannah and Harrison. He follows her F-bomb laden orders. Sort of. He sends Harrison off with Hannah and plans to meet up with them. He also gives Hannah a bag of “essentials.” Then he goes off in search of Saxon. Terminator : Saxon, like a terminator, walks around Miami with a bullet wound. In the middle of hurricane prep. And no one seems to notice that he’s bleeding all over everything. He gets a veterinarian to stitch him up then, in what might be the grossest thing on the show ever, cuts out the vet’s tongue so he can sneak into the hospital to finish what he started with Deb. But Miami Metro busts him. Surprise, motherf***er! Bad News Bears:  Dexter and Quinn learn that Debra isn’t so okay after all. She’s in a vegetative state. Quinn believes in miracles. Dexter does not. A Little Jab’ll Do Ya:  Dexter dons his Miami Metro badge and gets access to Saxon’s holding cell. He lays out the tools in his test kit and eventually kills Saxon with a ballpoint pen to the jugular. And people think penmanship is dead! Psha! Another Little Jab’ll Do Ya:  Elway catches up to Hannah and Harrison on a bus headed toward Daytona. Hannah uses one of Dexter’s super special horse tranquilizers to knock Elway out so that she and Harrison can escape. The Perfect Storm: Dexter goes to the hospital and, in the chaos from the hurricane, turns off Debra’s life support. He tells Harrison he loves him just before he dumps Deb’s body in the ocean like the Bay Harbor Butcher he is. Then he drives the  Slice of Life  directly into the hurricane. Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina: Hannah reads the news of Dexter’s “death” on her iPad while sipping an espresso in a cafe with Harrison. She sheds a single tear before taking Harrison out for ice cream. Just Jack:  While those he loved (loves?) go on living without him, Dexter lives a solitary life as a lumberjack. At least we know he’ll still have his biceps, right? What grade would you give the series finale of  Dexter?   A B C D F View Poll »

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Dexter Series Finale Recap: Remember The Monsters

Merritt Wever Emmy Acceptance Speech: The Best of All Time

If you don’t know who actress Merritt Wever is, you will after seeing her Emmy Awards acceptance speech, which was easily the best in the show’s history. When Tina Fey and Amy Poehler announced that Wever won Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, many viewers were pretty surprised. But that surprise paled in comparison to this amazing acceptance speech: Merritt Wever Emmy Acceptance Speech Host Neil Patrick Harris, after she exited stage right, summed it up best: “Merritt Wever, best speech ever. Good luck to everyone else.” Some may recognize her from Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip , Lena Dunham’s first film Tiny Furniture , or as Schmidt’s sort-of girlfriend Elizabeth on New Girl . But the 2013 Emmys honored Merritt for her work on Nurse Jackie as Zoey Barlow, the titular character’s best friend at work. For that, we congratulate her! And encourage others to prepare speeches ahead of time.

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Merritt Wever Emmy Acceptance Speech: The Best of All Time

Merritt Wever Emmy Acceptance Speech: The Best of All Time

If you don’t know who actress Merritt Wever is, you will after seeing her Emmy Awards acceptance speech, which was easily the best in the show’s history. When Tina Fey and Amy Poehler announced that Wever won Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, many viewers were pretty surprised. But that surprise paled in comparison to this amazing acceptance speech: Merritt Wever Emmy Acceptance Speech Host Neil Patrick Harris, after she exited stage right, summed it up best: “Merritt Wever, best speech ever. Good luck to everyone else.” Some may recognize her from Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip , Lena Dunham’s first film Tiny Furniture , or as Schmidt’s sort-of girlfriend Elizabeth on New Girl . But the 2013 Emmys honored Merritt for her work on Nurse Jackie as Zoey Barlow, the titular character’s best friend at work. For that, we congratulate her! And encourage others to prepare speeches ahead of time.

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Merritt Wever Emmy Acceptance Speech: The Best of All Time

I’ve literally been waiting to write this forever and I…

I’ve literally been waiting to write this forever and I finally get too! My name is Paige and my Bieber Experience started November 19, 2012 at 5:42 when I found out I won two meet & greets from BieberFever to Justin’s show in Pittsburgh. That next day at school my friend Brittany and I left and drove 3 hours up to Pittsburgh. As soon as we got there we got our tickets, got in line and then they told us to get into groups of 6 or more. This was all of our first time meeting Justin so no one knew what to expect. Finally our turn came and we walked in – immediately I saw his beautiful face and couldn’t believe how perfect he really is. I walked up to him, hugged him then stood for the photo. He yelled “Enjoy the concert girls!” then we had to leave. I literally stood there hysterically crying for 5 minutes. Then we went to the concert (which was so amazing) and finally had to go home. I was so sad it was all over! Little did I know that my parents surprised me & my sister with tickets and meet & greets in New York City at Madison Square Garden on November 28 . We have very close family friends who live up there so we flew up on November 27. That whole next day we did nothing but get ready then finally drove into the city. We got to Madison Square Garden and waited in line. We knew we wanted to be last in line so we waited for about 1-2 hours. Finally we came up to Kenny who opened the curtain and all I remember is my friend Gabriele saying, “J-J-JU-JUSTIN!” He was like, “Hi sweetie, how are you?” and she replied with, “I LOVE YOU!” I walked in, took the photo then gave him a bracelet I made for him that said ‘Avalanna.’ He said, “Thank you, I love it” then hugged me. We stood outside the arena crying forever and eventually pulled ourselves together for the concert. Our moms hunted down Dan Kanter who was so sweet and he gave us all guitar picks! The arena was HUGE and the concert was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Those were easily the best nights of my life and I got to share it with my best friends and my favorite person of all, Justin. -@paige_keller6  Visit link: I’ve literally been waiting to write this forever and I…

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I’ve literally been waiting to write this forever and I…