Blac Chyna Laughs At Rob Kardashian’s New Healthy Diet ‼️ A photo posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on Feb 15, 2016 at 8:03pm PST Blac Chyna is on mission to get Rob Kardashian skinny, or SnapChat tryin’. Rob’s shapely bae took to Instagram yesterday to ke-ke and ha-ha at all the fat free, gluten free, sugar free, taste free snacks that she made him buy in an effort to get him down to “I can finally see my penis!” weight. A video posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on Feb 19, 2016 at 1:33pm PST Clearly that is going to take a significant change in Rob’s eating habits as Rob probably hasn’t seen his member in well over a year. Keep flipping to see more of BlacRob’s social media shenanigans. Image via FameFlyNet/Instagram Continue reading →
Trust us this is as sick and twisted as it sounds… A woman who faked a pregnancy and panicked as her supposed due date grew near attacked a pregnant mother with a baseball bat and cut her full-term fetus from her womb with an Exacto knife, killing the mother and baby, according to court documents filed Monday. Annette Morales-Rodriguez, 33, faces one count each of first-degree intentional homicide while armed and first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child while armed in the death of Maritza Ramirez-Cruz and the boy she was set to deliver next week. Morales-Rodriguez faces mandatory life in prison if convicted. Pregnant mom, unborn baby killed in ‘fetal abduction’ Morales-Rodriguez made a brief court appearance Monday, standing silent as her bail was set at $1 million. Online court records didn’t list an attorney for her, and the Milwaukee public defender’s office voicemail wouldn’t accept messages Monday afternoon. “I don’t know what she had in her mind,” said Maria Garcia, 44, who lives next to Morales-Rodriguez and described her as her best friend. According to the criminal complaint, Morales-Rodriguez told detectives that her boyfriend wanted a son but she couldn’t get pregnant. She told him she was pregnant anyway, but started to grow desperate as what would be her due date approached. She told investigators she planned for two weeks to find a pregnant woman, take the baby and make it hers, the complaint said. Now if that plan sounds FAWKING ridiculous wait until you read how she actually carried it out…SMH Morales-Rodriguez drove around on Wednesday searching for a pregnant woman, but found none, authorities said. On Thursday she drove around a nonprofit organization that provides Hispanics with health care and found Ramirez-Cruz. The 23-year-old had moved from Puerto Rico to join her childhood sweetheart, Christian Mercado, said Mercado’s father, Carlos Mercado. They already had three children together and Ramirez-Cruz was carrying their fourth. Morales-Rodriguez told detectives she thought about telling her boyfriend the truth, but decided against it and offered Ramirez-Cruz a ride. Telling Ramirez-Cruz she needed to change her shoes, she drove them to her weathered two-story house on Milwaukee’s south side. Ramirez-Cruz went inside to use the bathroom. When she emerged, Morales-Rodriguez was waiting for her with a baseball bat. The complaint said Morales-Rodriguez began to bludgeon her. Ramirez-Cruz fell to the ground. Morales-Rodriguez straddled the younger woman and choked her until she passed out, the complaint said. See, we told you. If there was ever a case where someone deserved the death penalty with no trial, it’s this one. Source
Photo by Ezra Gregg via DC Central Kitchen/ Guest bloggers Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer are co-founders of . Convincing kids to eat healthy foods is tough, but getting parents to come over to the healthy school lunch camp can be even tougher. A few of the moms at my kids school have been wag… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Host David Jensen (of the “Advanced Billiards Tutorial”) presents a four part series on werewolves. Includes eating habits, how to financially support a werewolf, and inexpensive ways to feed your werewolf with friends. Or maybe friends you don't really like. View
Yes. In one of the most anticipated events in recent television history, Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage , will air as a two-hour special August 19.
Kelly Clarkson has a message for anyone that thinks she’s overweight: You’re the one with the problem, not me! This self-assured, admirable American Idol champion covers Self this month and goes off on her critics inside the magazine’s pages. Here are excerpts from her empowering interview: On her critics : When people talk about my weight, I’m like, You seem to have a problem with it; I don’t