Pink was built like a fucking tank before the pregnancy, so there is no real surprise that bitch is built like a super fucking tank after the pregnancy…but it is still funny to watch her walk around all fucking huge and shit…while other new mom’s are dropping the baby weight…pink’s embracing finally having tits…something she was always envious of when she got her dick cut off as a child and never full got her hormone therapy adjusted properly like she was Jamie Lee Curtis, in some hermaphrodite turned obese mom who loves all things food related kind of love story I hope they make a movie about….Seriously, she’s so fucking large, I want to make a bouncy castle out of her….and suck the chocolate syrup and butter she sweats out of her ass…I’m weird like that..but not nearly as weird as Pink’s shape.
See the article here:
Pink’s Fat Ass and Milk Filled Tits of the Day