Tag Archives: ellendegeneres

Reaction to Justin Bieber Meet and Greet Tickets 2012

Our reaction to our parents surprising us with Justin Bieber meet and greet tickets! i will be uploading all the pictures to twitter and instagram! so follow me! twitter; twitter.com instagram: @devinweindel http://www.youtube.com/v/ry4Vc96mZUw?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata View original post here: Reaction to Justin Bieber Meet and Greet Tickets 2012

See the original post here:
Reaction to Justin Bieber Meet and Greet Tickets 2012

Ellen on Simon: Trying Not to Take it Personally

Filed under: American Idol , Ellen DeGeneres Ellen DeGeneres has a dog in the whole Simon Cowell fight — after all, she signed on just months before Simon’s big announcement that he’s leaving “American Idol.” Ellen just taped her show today, and cleverly explained a possible link between …

See the article here:
Ellen on Simon: Trying Not to Take it Personally

Paula Single White Females Ellen

Filed under: American Idol , Ellen DeGeneres For the new season of “American Idol” Ellen DeGeneres is taking over Paula Abdul’s spot — but last night on “VH1 Divas,” Paula poked fun at her successor and actually stepped into Ellen’s shoes …

Originally posted here:
Paula Single White Females Ellen

Ellen DeGeneres — The New Queen of Mean?

Filed under: Paparazzi Video , American Idol , Ellen DeGeneres As if it were possible — Ellen DeGeneres told a few paps yesterday she’s going to be mean on “American Idol.”That would be like Simon, well, being nice.

The rest is here:
Ellen DeGeneres — The New Queen of Mean?

Ellen: I’m the New Judge on ‘American Idol’

Paula Abdul’s vacant seat at the judges table on “American Idol” has officially been filled …

See more here:
Ellen: I’m the New Judge on ‘American Idol’