Tag Archives: even-showing

Kate Beckinsale’s Skinny Bra of the Day

Her name is Kate Beckinsale…and the people who love her…absolutely love her…it’s like they saw her in some low level movie called Underworld, and their virgin socially awkward loser instincts took over and decided she was a girl they would love until the end of time…. Since I am not a virgin loser, I am someone with a virgin loser job, I mean blogging about these idiots is fucking lame…more lame than being these idiots…but funny enough…I am more about hating everything obsessively, that obsessing over bullshit like videogames, nerd shit, sci/fi fantasy and the girls who market themselves to that… But I do know who she is, because she’s a single mom, her daughter is probably 18 now, and she still looks like that…and for someone from the UK…that’s just a freak of fucking nature… So here’s a shitty intentional see-through…that is hardly a see-through… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Kate Beckinsale’s Skinny Bra of the Day

Kelly Brook’s Bikini Ass of the Day

If you’ve ever got drunk with professional Irish Rugby Players, you will know that Kelly Brook is a fucking joke amongst the league…apparently, she’s a Rugby groupie and has fucked all kinds of Rugby players over the course of her whoring…..and they just go off, even showing you nude pics of her that are passed around the league, laughing about how fat she is….I mean they just think her move to America is as silly as anyone who knows who Kelly Brook is, because she’s not that hot, she’s hopeless, her acting career probably won’t happen…she’s just too old…and as much as she tries…she just doesn’t have it, but she does have tits, big tits, and tits is all that people care about… I guess she’s trying to curve that interest to her ass…because it is the fat ass era…I mean that’s how I explain this selfie… What I can’t explain is why I just analyzed her selfie…

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Kelly Brook’s Bikini Ass of the Day

Lauren Conrad’s Showing Some Bra for Lucky March 2013 of the Day

OMG! Lauren Conrad exists….she didn’t blow up with the rest of the cast of the HILLS like she should have…but I guess that’s because she’s gone onto bigger and better things….like posing in LUCKY magazine 5 years later, a magazine with a readership of at leaser 200 women at the gyno office….and she’s even showing a little bra to really set off fire alarms….letting us all know she’s not dead…even though she might as well could be….considering how much she matters now that her pollution has been taken off TV….. And the real question is…how many dudes do you think have jerked off to her? I’m thinking not that many…

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Lauren Conrad’s Showing Some Bra for Lucky March 2013 of the Day

Justin Bieber Is Not Smart

Perhaps Justin Bieber should spend more time studying the meaning of words and less time looking adorable. The teen icon appeared on a New Zealand television show this week and was asked if his last name meant “basketball” in German. In what , Justin asked?!? In German , the host insisted, even showing Bieber the question so he could see it written out. Justin’s response? Uhhh, I don’t know what that means. We don’t say that in America. Just something to think about, ladies, the next time you cause a riot just because Bieber is in the vicinity… What Does That Mean?

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Justin Bieber Is Not Smart