Tag Archives: evil-corporate

Elsa Hosk in LUI of the Day

Elsa Hosk for Lui Magazine by Cédric Buchet may be the hottest, most interesting, most amazing, most epic, distraction from the fall of the economy, government, financial system, and possibly the end of the world as we know it… Because she’s showing her tits… Tits she was showing before she landed the Victoria’s Secret contract..and tits that she will continue to show because once you’ve pulled your tits out, you need to keep them out, otherwise people will think you just showed your tits for attention to land that evil corporate contract…that will set you for life and secure rich husbands for life…instead of really believing in showing your tits… She’s Swedish and in Lui, which is what I assume the French from France version of Playboy or GQ, designed to showcase model tits, instead of trashy girl tits…and model tits, with good photographers is more interesting to look at… TO SEE HER VICTORIA SECRET SHOOT CLICK HERE Here’s the other shoot that LUI put out for the July/August issue featuring: Axel Pons Ramon, Chrispophe Canitrot, & Carolina Jaramillo The post Elsa Hosk in LUI of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk in LUI of the Day

Katy Perry Business Tits of the Day

Katy Perry is a massive business… Some would argue that she’s a massive scam… But I would argue that 90 percent of business and success is a scam….it is usually shitty product you don’t need, shitty service you don’t need, shitty messaging, that just communicates to the retards of the world who buy into it, and a lot of times, shitty business practices…. I’ve never met a billionaire who wasn’t willing to rape and pillage to become a billionaire…I am talking walk the fine line of morally sound and evil for profit…the kind of Kick em while they are down to get a profit…. Now I don’t think Katy Perry is an evil corporate genius, I think she’s probably got a team of evil people she employs…to make her less of the Kissed a Girl one hit wonder and more the Madonna level of “Katy Perry is Still Around”.. I don’t know what other boss moves she’s done, or what she’s invested in, financed, and help create to get her on Forbes, I just know her music sucks…people like it…radios play it and it has given her the freedom to achieve anything she wants…with lecherous people who just want a part of her… I also know…she’s got tits….that make this shoot for FORBES hard to take seriously, even if her bank balance is fucking serious… The post Katy Perry Business Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katy Perry Business Tits of the Day

Sarah Stephens for Betsey Johnson Swimwear of the Day

Sarah Stephens was in see through lingerie for Agent Provocateur yesterday…because some lingerie companies do better shitty catalog pics than the evil corporate generic sweatshop made Christian friendly photoshop out the nipples on their cheap overpriced white trash rags…and others don’t….and here she is in shitty catalog shots again…this time with less see through and more swimwear…because she is a versatile model…throw panties and bras at her for 10,000 dollars a day…or throw bikini at her for 10,000 dollars a day…and she fucking delivers…right…

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Sarah Stephens for Betsey Johnson Swimwear of the Day

Jeisa Chiminazzo Hot for La Perla Lingerie of the Day

Jeisa Chiminazzo is some major model who started prostituting herself for fashion when she was 13….because something all these Flordia Sex Offenders haven’t learned is that if you tell a girl you’re recruiting her as a model…instead of just taking pics of her showering..you won’t get arrested…in some double standard shit…when both are equally creepy as fuck… Either way, she’s not 13 anymore….she’s from Brazil, she’s 27, she’s been in SI, she’s walked for Victoria’s Secret…and now she’s the tits and ass for La Perla….a lingerie company that’s a little sexier than it’s evil corporate counterpart…or at least sexier in their catalog shots…and she’s perfect… I would totally sing her love songs outside her bedroom window to make her know I care…if I knew where her bedroom window was…but more importantly…if I wasn’t lazy as fuck….no girl is good enough to get me off this here couch….Here are the pics…

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Jeisa Chiminazzo Hot for La Perla Lingerie of the Day