Tag Archives: exhibitionism

Heather Graham Slutty Fetish Pics of the Day

Heather Graham, like all the Celebs in their 40s from the 90s, is making a move to social media because they understand that people are voyeurs and part of being a public figure is letting your fans into your actual life, your actual personality, making a reality show of yourself, that you curate on your feed. They remember when they had to be totally disconnected from their fans, and when they had to limit their exhibitionism to the movies….but now, it’s the other way around. If you want to get into movies, to get noticed, to be hired – you need the instagram feed…you need a character that represents you as an actor and the world will buy into you… It’s really nonsense, but people want real and these puppets who are not real at all have to fake their way through it. Sometimes with bikini pics doing weird fetish pics like this…

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Heather Graham Slutty Fetish Pics of the Day

Kera Lester Naked of the Day

Her name is Kera Lester, and I guess she’s some kind of model. Her instagram was underwhelming and she had far less followers than I’d want to see from a girl who gets totally naked for photoshoots….but I also felt refreshed, and reminded that even in these dark times, women will still get naked, some more than others, will not care about the public consensus, and will use the #metoo movement to get ahead, by going the traditional route, like some kind of scab taking over some union jobs… This Me Too Movement has really opened my eyes to something that has always existed, that I have said has always existed, but that often times exists because the women put themselves in the situation for it to exist as they try to get ahead in their careers… It’s nice to pretend men are these evil overlord demons….but there is such thing as seduction to get ahead..that some women are all about…. Not to say what some of these perverts did was ok, I mean maybe they let it all get to their heads with all that money and hot women who willingly fucked their ugly fat asses to get ahead….and took advantage of unwilling girls…sure…. But but there is such thing as seduction to get ahead..and getting naked in photoshoots is one of those things…cuz I’m seduced here. She’ll say it’s art, freedom, self expression, and no one will openly admit or endorse sexual assault…I mean that shit is wrong and being naked is not an invitation for it…but I’m still seduced and this boner’s not gonna go away on it’s own here. The post Kera Lester Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kera Lester Naked of the Day

Miley Cyrus Being Slutty of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted up some slutty pictures of herself for some social media action, and I found the whole thing refreshing, because I thought Miley gave up on her old self, that was her new self, and that made her a lot of money, but that she left behind when she got back with her Australian, in what I assumed was her being a pregnant wife, no longer out to piss off an ex, but rather trying to establish her country following and her country legitimacy because country fans pay big fucking money and a product, puppet, like Miley can use the money when it’s available, I mean why not have as much as you possibly can if it’s there to have, it’s the American way… But these poses and short shorts bring back home that her exhibitionism lives on…sure it’s not a spread vagina imitating a tumblr star…but it’s a start in the right direction. Good times. The post Miley Cyrus Being Slutty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Miley Cyrus Being Slutty of the Day

Sarah Hyland Rolling Her Face Out of the Day

Sarah Hyland and her weird exhibitionism has led to videos of her posting her hygiene regiments, like rolling out her weird fucking face with a roller that is I guess supposed to take away the muppet like swelling caused by her parents having her on growth suppressant hormones when she was a kid and they were trying to make her famous… I don’t know why she wants to share this with the world, but fame has this weird effect that makes you think you’re important and that people care to see weird hygiene practices…and social media makes it too easy to connect with your fans, who are mainly perverts, who fetishize about this shit…like experiencing a girl they’ve seen grow up weirdly on TV…doing things in her bathroom. I prefer my exhibitionism to involve dick in pussy..or pussy on pussy…really anything with pussy…if you’re gonna put yourself out there…you might as well really put yourself out there… I mean shitting and pissing would work too… But rolling out your doughy face like you’re making cookies with it…that’s just boring exhibitionism. Step It Up.But in the mean time, it’s a very weird social experiment. The post Sarah Hyland Rolling Her Face Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sarah Hyland Rolling Her Face Out of the Day

Bella Thorne Jessica Rabbits of the Day

Bella Thorne has a new show out – that is slated to be the biggest new teen show on TV, thanks to featuring Bella Thorne….I think it premiere’s tonight, because she’s been promoting it hard…as it is really going to put her on the map…despite her insane amount of instagram followers from being a Disney Kid turned exhibitionist proving that she is already on the map… Your big fear should be that this attention and success will make her lazy in her exhibitionism, because she’s got what she wants…a TV show, movies, work, success…money….and when a girl gets what her want, she gets less hungry, and gets tired of the attention…and stops the exhibitionism…TRAGIC.. But I guess we are versatile and can jerk off to her pretty much doing anything…like cleavage in a red dress with her red hair doing what I call the Jessica Rabbit. We are so flexible in our titty obsession….and by we I mean me…I just sometimes think there are more of us. The post Bella Thorne Jessica Rabbits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Jessica Rabbits of the Day

Beyonce’s Vegan Tits of the Day

Beyonce amazes me, and not in a she calls herself “Queen B” and that’s fucking entitled and obnoxious of any girl, esspecially a rich cunt who has nothing to prove, except maybe that she’s still got sex appeal, because she’s got everything else, and with a husband that keeps cheating on her with Kanye and other sluts, I’d assume it has got to her head making her work extra hard on her exhibitionism to keep up with the young girls…instead of just raising her kid like a lady..because none of these girls are ladies…they are just fame whore trash trying so hard to stay relevant…even though they can afford to disappear…and should fucking disappear… Anyway, here’s some Queen B bikinis selfies…showing off her tits…fascinating…but only because there is no need for this…amateur selfie by a photog that has been photoshopped nonsense to connect with the commoners…she is a queen. The post Beyonce’s Vegan Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce’s Vegan Tits of the Day

Daniela Giraldo for Mai Petit of the Day

Her name is Daniela Giraldo – I have never heard of her – she seems to have an IMDB page so I guess that means she’s an actress or an aspiring actress who has booked one job in an obscure TV show as the Coffee Shop Patron 1 – which is far more relevant and important than being Coffee Shop Patron 4. I guess… We all have to start somewhere, and if that is this Daniela Giraldo, it is safe to say her focus should be less on shitty acting roles and more on laying in bed in her panties… This is for some brand called MAI PETIT and I think it’s a far more interesting shoot than the brands with higher budgets because I feel like I’m watching this exhibitionism go down out in public…and as a Voyeur. I dig it.

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Daniela Giraldo for Mai Petit of the Day

Ataui Deng is some Hot Black Fashion Nudity of the Day

I figure if you’re going to book a black model, you might as well go for the darkest shade you can find, because all those light skinned girls are just playing, you know trying to be accessible to the white market as their ethnic friend who isn’t too ethnic that they will get stared at…when what really matters is finding a girl straight from Sudan, who looks like she from another fucking era, that really taps into any white industrialist’s fetish of taking over Africa back when white people took over Africa, where they bang the tribal women along the way… I mean, I think this girl looks like a work of art. Classy, elegant, and not like someone in line at walmart, with diabetes being candies…I’m talking amazing..and this shoot is great too, but I could just be saying that because I love tennis and the idea of seeing naked girls play tennis is porn to me., or maybe I just like her long legs and tight African booty…it’s just so different and reminiscent of my youth jerking off to National Geographic tits, back when porn was unattainable… I’m in love. This is one of the best fashion shoots to happen in a long fucking time.

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Ataui Deng is some Hot Black Fashion Nudity of the Day

Rihanna has an Ass Crack Dress of the Day

Rihanna wore a dress that her ass crack stuck out of because she’s an elegant classy hooker from a shanty town, with a garbage man father and a spark in her eye to fuck any rich tourist who could make her famous… I’d say her dress was exciting, but I’ve seen this girl naked, in fact early on her nude pics were part of her marketing campaign, along with being beat up by Chris Brown, that led to her becoming the biggest hit of all fucking time, despite low level of talent… Reminding us all that when you hit big, it’s usually not because you’re good at what you do, but more because you’re a horrible person who fucks everyone over along the fucking way… That said, I appreciate all she does in her exhibitionism, whether it is slutting up these kids of classy events…or just getting naked for fashion magazines for free..she’s good. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF RIHANA BUTT CRACK BEING CLASSY.. CLICK HERE

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Rihanna has an Ass Crack Dress of the Day

A Different Half Naked Scene in Rihanna’s New Video from Instagram of the Day

One of my pet peeves is when people pose with money on the internet. I just think it’s stupid as fuck and not even because I have no money…because I hate it when broke as people post their winnings from a casino game, and I hate it when strippers show the piles of dollars they made when people made it rain that probably amount to under 1000 dollars…and I really hate it when rappers and popstars do it for some hip hop image, like look how rich and crazy I am…I mean Rihanna is fucking huge, we know she’s rich, and doesn’t need to talk about it, but rather should spend her time focusing on exposing her vagina as much as possible, rather than 10k or whatever is going on in these pics from her new video, when bitch gets paid 100k or more a fucking hour….it just looks stupid..but I guess Rihanna never really cared about looking stupid, that comes with dropping out of school at 14 to be a hooker who became famous enough that people cared when she got beat the fuck up…taking her to a whole new level of garbage I want to stick my dick in…that is probably just as dirty as the kitchen garbage I’ve stuck my dick in at low periods in life when I just wanted something soft against my dick…but more socially acceptable… All this to say, I am a fan of her work, when she does, her exhibitionism…all works for me…even when it annoys me.

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A Different Half Naked Scene in Rihanna’s New Video from Instagram of the Day