Heather Graham, like all the Celebs in their 40s from the 90s, is making a move to social media because they understand that people are voyeurs and part of being a public figure is letting your fans into your actual life, your actual personality, making a reality show of yourself, that you curate on your feed. They remember when they had to be totally disconnected from their fans, and when they had to limit their exhibitionism to the movies….but now, it’s the other way around. If you want to get into movies, to get noticed, to be hired – you need the instagram feed…you need a character that represents you as an actor and the world will buy into you… It’s really nonsense, but people want real and these puppets who are not real at all have to fake their way through it. Sometimes with bikini pics doing weird fetish pics like this…
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Heather Graham Slutty Fetish Pics of the Day