Tag Archives: experiments

‘Magic mushrooms’ ingredient beneficial to cancer patients, report says – latimes.com

Researchers find psilocybin improved the anxiety and depression of terminal cancer patients for up to six months. The study is considered a first step in restoring the hallucinogen's respectability. By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times September 7, 2010 The psychedelic drug psilocybin, the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms,” can improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression in terminal cancer patients, Los Angeles researchers reported Monday. A single modest dose of the hallucinogen, whose reputation was severely tarnished by widespread nonmedical use in the psychedelic '60s and ethical lapses by researchers such as Timothy Leary, can improve patients' functioning for as long as six months, allowing them to spend their last days with more peace, researchers said. The research was a pilot study involving only 12 patients, but it is viewed as a first step in restoring the drug to respectability. Get important science news and discoveries delivered to your inbox with our Science & Environment newsletter. Sign up

Radioactive – BOYSCOUT attempted to build a homemade breeder nuclear reactor

“Radioactive Boy Scout”, is an American man known for having attempted to build a homemade breeder nuclear reactor in 1994, at age 17. A scout in the Boy Scouts of America, Hahn conducted his experiments in secret in a backyard shed at his mother's house in Commerce Township, Michigan. While not successful in creating a nuclear reactor, Hahn attracted the attention of local police who found radioactive materials in the trunk of his car. His mother's property was cleaned up by the Environmental Protection Agency ten months later as a Superfund cleanup site. Hahn later attained Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts of America. http://www.flickr.com/photos/genin-x/4620272397/ added by: ejasun

Venezuela to outlaw violent video games and toys

Shouts of “Kill him! Kill him!” ring out as the preteens train their virtual assault rifles on the last remaining terrorist and spray him with bullets. Blood splatters. The enemy collapses.

See original here:
Venezuela to outlaw violent video games and toys

Nature, the cure for bad behavior?

Communing with nature not only lifts spirits, it helps people behave better, according to a study published this week. Psychologists at the University of Rochester conducted four experiments with 370 people who were shown computer images of either natural settings, such as landscapes and lakes, or man-made settings, such as buildings and roads. The subjects were encouraged to look at the surroundings carefully, noting colors and textures and imagining sounds and smells.

See the article here:
Nature, the cure for bad behavior?