Adam Lind is in deep trouble these days, even by Adam Lind standards. Lind was arrested for domestic assault back in November, and that brush with the law seems to have set Chelsea Houska’s first baby daddy into a downward spiral that will likely have him serving hard time in the near future. Shortly after that first incident, Lind was arrested again, this time for violating a restraining order against a second ex. Needless to say, none of this did him any favors in his two simultaneous custody battles, particularly after it was revealed that Lind tested positive for meth just minutes before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter. For obvious reasons, Chelsea Houska was awarded sole custody of her daughter Aubree, a move she’s no doubt very happy about in the wake of recent developments in the life of Outlaw Lind. According to Radar Online, a warrant has been issued for Lind’s arrest in response to his deadbeat ways: “He has a warrant out for his arrest for being behind on child support,” a spokesperson for the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office in tells Radar. “The warrant is for $2,025.” Houska obviously makes much more money than Lind, whose earnings probably hover near the zero range, so not surprisingly, the payments are owed to his second baby mama, Taylor Halbur: “He owes her over $16,000 in child support,” a source tells Radar. “Petitioner Lind was ordered to pay child support for Paislee Lind $500 per month,” the sheriff’s office spokesman confirms. One insider adds that Lind has not only failed to pay child support, he’s also made no effort to spend time with his daughters. “He hasn’t seen Paislee since August,” that source claims. “He doesn’t call or check in. She doesn’t even see his family.” It’s not illegal to be an absentee father, but it is strange that Lind has been battling both of his exes for custody and visitation rights, even though he seems to have little interest in being involved in his daughters’ lives. “He has the potential to be a good dad when there aren’t obstacles in his way,” the source says in Lind’s defense. “At the end of the day all that matters though is his actions and his effort and it’s just not there. He only works on his cars and sleeps a lot.” We’ll believe that bit about his potential when we see it. In the meantime, expect Lind to be taken into custody sometime very soon. Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how big of a bullet Chelsea dodged. View Slideshow: Adam Lind: Arrested AGAIN! Is He Facing Prison Time?
Read more here:
Adam Lind: Warrant Issued For the Arrest of Chelsea Houska’s Ex!