Tag Archives: feeding-their

Aly Michalka Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Aly Michalka – Ass in a Bikini…for her social media is not really exciting, but it exists…. I still don’t really know who Aly Michalka is, I know she has a sister, I know they were in a band, I know they had a Disney show and I know one of them had a lot of plastic surgery, yet I don’t know much more about who they are, what they do…or what inspires them… I like to think that this bikini pic for her social media is a pretty good glimpse into what she’s about…I’m just surprised she didn’t recruit her sister for the pic…to really maximize the sister fetish like I assume they did back at their Disney Auditions..becuase Disney Execs young sisters…at the same time…because they are perverts who dilute their perversions…with money, pay offs to parents, feeding their egos, like they were Michael Jackson settling for the child rape he was accused of… Right? I mean why else would she do this in her 30s….it stems from the core of who she is and how she was raised and I love her for that.. The post Aly Michalka Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Aly Michalka Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Raica Oliveira for Some Shitty Catalog of the Day

Catalog pics are the fucking best. I mean taking a 29 year old Brazilian model who has been in Sports Illustrated and putting her in shitty clothes, posing her in shitty ways, shooting her from shitty angles that focus primarily on selling the shitty clothes…that she’s fucking awesome.. I mean, it’s not like at her level of model fame, or even at her old model age, she wouldn’t put some effort in and get naked, maybe even spread her vagina for a photographer, I mean none of us would want that, when we can just google vaginas on the internet, and save Raica Oliveira for posing in garbage…am I right?

Go here to see the original:
Raica Oliveira for Some Shitty Catalog of the Day

Rihanna’s Underwear Pics for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna posted some crackhead videos of her in this outfit that she has since removed and I don’t have a copy of because I got my own life to live and it doesn’t mean sitting on ac computer documenting and saving all of Rihanna’s crazy self-produced work…even if I wouldn’t mind if my life consisted of that, since I think Rihanna is amazing…but not quite as amazing as the meltdown we all know is going to happen, because she’s too famous for her own good and the Illuminati always try to squash that by feeding their messengers they find in shanties in the islands through hard drug addiction….drug addiction that is safe to assume Rihanna is already knee deep in thanks to all her crazy…crazy I like because it is half naked.

See the rest here:
Rihanna’s Underwear Pics for Instagram of the Day

Turtle Back Tattoo

A woman uploaded a picture of her husband feeding their child—and showing off his tattoo: A turtle shell that takes up his entire back. View