Tag Archives: feeding-trash

Lindsay Lohan for Love Magazine’s Advent Calendar of the Day

LOVE MAGAZINE ADVENT CALENDAR continues with even more amazing bottom feeding trash that most people forget exists, or don’t care exists, but are still huge names, and people want to see dancing around in totally non-christmas related dance….to non-christmas related song…in some peep show style show…like this one of Lindsay Lohan…who has awesome tits…is a still a huge star to me…and who I would get pregnant if I could, because I don’t mind the herpes or the pile of broken sadness that comes with being Lindsay Lohan…in fact that who Parents whoring her out for their personal gain, destroying her at her core, is exactly what I look for in long term opportunistic love… Either, here’s her botox face being amazing….looking like some kind of Claymation Christmas miracle…that is only a Miracle because she’s still alive…

Lindsay Lohan for Love Magazine’s Advent Calendar of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord in a Bathing Suit of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord is back on her paparazzi hustle. She’s just all about getting in a bikini for her friends who sell the pics to the photo agencies and all the sites pick it up because we got nothing better to talk about, as we sit on our fat asses bored and looking for pictures to update the site with for a handful of perverts who like anyone who has been on TV once in a bikini… You see AnnaLynne McCord makes me laugh, because she’s really a total fucking nobody, with no talent just an ego and willingness to keep on hustling her shit because she can’t go back home defeated…she’d release a sex tape before that… She is at that level of star, who people know because of her walking around like this…but who will never amount to shit, her five minutes are up…but in the slight possible chance she does win an oscar for her breakout roll as a tranny hooker dying of hepatitis in the 90s…I will admit I was wrong about her, by wearing this bathing suit on the street corner for an hour… However, I think she’s gonna stick to booking the straight to DVD jobs. She’s just that kind of hollywood bottom feeding trash…they are a dime a dozen… nothing special, but a hot ass. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Originally posted here:
AnnaLynne McCord in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Aubrey O’Day’s Stupid Tits of the Day

Fat pig O’Day….the bottom feeding trash people still talk about cuz she has the most fake followers on twitter than any other bottom feeding trash who was on one TV show once, that lead to her getting fucked by diddy, where I assume he complimented her fat ass, cuz it lead to her gaining about 40 pounds, some of that fake tit….that she is still using to be the next Coco…you know hoping a rapper locks her down so she can live the good life without having to spend her Palm Springs trust fund that got her in this mess in the first place…. But cropped down, her big tits, undisrupted by her face….make her really not all that bad….useless, irritating, overrated as a person sure….but I know at least 40 things I’d like to do with these fuckin’ tits…We’ve finally found her calling that she’s been trying to show us she had all these years…and it works for me. To See The Rest of the Pics Even Though I Posted the Best Part….and Who Really Wants to See a Fat Pigs Face When You Can Just Stare at her Cropped Pics…. FOLLOW THIS LINK

See original here:
Aubrey O’Day’s Stupid Tits of the Day