Tag Archives: feel-especially

Duck Dynasty Cast Plans Three More Books, Continues to Rule TV

The Duck Dynasty dynasty shows no signs of slowing down. Having achieved record ratings through three-plus seasons on A&E, the Robertson family has branched out into many successful side ventures as well. Books, perhaps most notably. Howard Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, announced three more tie-in works to the smash reality show in 2014. Five books penned by the Robertson family already are out, including such top sellers as Happy, Happy, Happy and The Duck Commander Family . Scheduled for next year are Faith in the Duck Blind , an ode to the family’s strong Christian values, The Women of Duck Commander and Phil-Osophy. Duck Dynasty series first aired in 2012. Set in North Louisiana, it follows two brothers, their wives, their dad and their uncle who manufacture duck calls. Well, when they actually work, which is seldom. It’s hilarious.

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Duck Dynasty Cast Plans Three More Books, Continues to Rule TV

Toddler Knows Every U.S. State Capital, Location; Is A Lot Smarter Than Us

Note to selves: Spend less time ogling Kate Upton nude photos and more time learning about the United States. In the following video, we meet Aanav Jayakar. The toddler is 19 months old and can barely talk, yet he can name every capital city in the country… while also pointing to its location on a map. Watch now and prepare to feel especially dumb this morning 19-Month Old Knows Every U.S. Capital Still, Jayakar. We aren’t that impressed. Call us when you can solve a Rubik’s Cube while juggling .

See the article here:
Toddler Knows Every U.S. State Capital, Location; Is A Lot Smarter Than Us

Kevin and Danielle Jonas: Expecting a Baby!

Wanna feel especially old, THGers? Consider the following: Kevin Jonas is expecting his first child! The former boy band member confirmed this pregnancy via E! News, telling the network on which he and wife Danielle star: “I was overjoyed. It’s been the most exciting thing in my life so far.” Jonas added that he’s “nervous,” which is to be expected. Kevin married Danielle Deleasa in December 2009 at the young age of 22. The couple took a honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas and stayed off the celebrity gossip radar for a couple years. They eventually agree to the anchor Married to Jonas on E!, which chronicles their lives as Kevin works on recording a new album with his siblings. We send our congratulations and our best wishes to the couple!

More here:
Kevin and Danielle Jonas: Expecting a Baby!