Tag Archives: fellas

Who Did It Better: Tinie Tempah And Rock City Put The International Spin On “Otis”

Yes, the summer of remixes hasn’t come to a close yet. A couple of our favorite Rap transplants – Rock City from the Virgin Islands and Tinie Tempah from the UK – have joined the ranks of the few artists who, after letting you sit with “Otis” for a second, cautiously attempted a freestyle. Tinie Tempah goes it alone… While Rock City put their island spin on it… Who do you think did it best?

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Who Did It Better: Tinie Tempah And Rock City Put The International Spin On “Otis”

Our Favorite Romantic Scenes From Television And Film

Ashanti once sang, “I wanna be like those girls in the movies, to have a man so in love it makes him drop to his knees.” And who can really blame the girl? Unless you’ve lucked up and snagged yourself a die-hard romantic man, for many of us, the big screen is the only place where we’ll get to experience flamboyant, over-the-top and maybe even a tad bit cheesy declarations of affection. The next time your man gets into a habit of forgetting that you’re a female with feelings who likes to be treated as such, pop in one of these flicks to be reminded how it’s done. And for the fellas, just take notes… ( Continue )

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Our Favorite Romantic Scenes From Television And Film

What The Hell??? Prince’s Minnesota Property Is In Foreclosure??

We’re gonna go ahead and guess this is one of those “I hired someone to pay that bill” situations. Because we can’t imagine Prince not being able to cut this check easily. A twenty acre parcel of land where pint-sized superstar Prince’s former home used to sit is due to go under the auction hammer next month. The large plot in Chanhassen, Minnesota, has gone into foreclosure because the famous performer (real name Prince Roger Nelson) has fallen some $368,000 behind in mortgage payments. Prince – who is from The Land Of Ten Thousand Lakes – is currently doing a marathon 21 consecutive show tour at The Forum in Los Angeles. But despite claims from his management that the debt has now been settled, when RadarOnline contacted Carver County Sheriff’s Department a spokesperson from the Civil Processor’s Department revealed that the land was still set for auction on May 13. “We have not heard anything from the lawyer or mortgage company to date and the land is still due to be auctioned next month,” revealed the Sheriff Department’s official. See! Someone must have their paperwork f*cked up. Prince is no stranger to tax woes – about 11 months ago the reclusive star paid $1.3 million in current and delinquent property taxes that he owed for 2009 and 2010 on 14 parcels of land in the area including Paisley Park his famous Chanhassen recording studio. The 52-year-old pop legend was also late paying his tax bills in the county in 2006 and 2008. Oh. Source

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What The Hell??? Prince’s Minnesota Property Is In Foreclosure??

For The Fellas: Just What The Doctor Ordered, Suelyn Medeiros Flaunts Her Cakes!

Suelyn Medeiros drops some new goodies for the fellas. Mizz Medeiros dips herself in chocolate and bares it all in new pics. Oh thank heaven for these cakes! Source

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For The Fellas: Just What The Doctor Ordered, Suelyn Medeiros Flaunts Her Cakes!

The Grimy Things Women Do

Time for some equal-opportunity bashing… Alright ladies, after exposing the men and their foolish speak, it’s time that we level the playing field. It would be a little unfair to perpetrate like they’re the only ones who have issues when you and I both know we do some very suspect things. So with the help of my “special male friend”(he told me to refer to him as such) I’ve crafted a list of the grimy/shady/silly things women do, so the fellas can engage in some “woman bashing” time. Read more at MadameNoire.com

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The Grimy Things Women Do

Coldplay Back In ‘Exploratory’ Mood During Rebooted Album Sessions

Mysterious band blogger promises ‘killer’ tunes on Viva la Vida follow-up. By Gil Kaufman Coldplay’s Jonny Buckland and Chris Martin Photo: Getty Images It’s one of the eternal challenges of the musician: to describe the sound you hear in your head and translate it into a song that will stir emotion in your fans. Even harder, though, is describing those songs before they are even halfway finished and trying to make sense of what they may turn into. In the case of Coldplay , that job currently falls to the mysterious “Roadie #42,” who has been posting infrequent updates on the band’s website , the latest of which promises that the tunes for their follow up to the world smash Viva la Vida will be full of, well, “killer” songs. Roadie, who revealed that his/her role has recently expanded to engineering the album, said a few of the lyrics from the band’s debut hit “Yellow” — “your skin and bones turn into something beautiful” — aptly describe the current process. “With the project getting something of a reboot after Latin America, they’ve been very much back in the exploratory phase again,” #42 wrote. “As described in the previous blog, there is a list of songs now and those songs have verses, choruses, riffs, lyrics and so on. These are the raw materials, though. Unrefined and rough, this is the record’s skin and bones, if you will. The ‘turning into something beautiful’ bit is the result of two methodologies.” Working again with Brian Eno , Coldplay have been tracking the album at their new studio in London and in Budapest, and after a recent tour of South America, #42 said they were recently back at work in earnest. Eno has tried to shake things up by forcing singer Chris Martin to work separately from his bandmates and then pairing the band’s members up at random to push the envelope. When last we checked in, the Roadie said rough mixes for a number of songs and a “possible running order” had already been written up. The first methodology is what Eno calls the “screwdriver work,” the craftsmanship and songwriting phase where everything is “tried and changed, analysed and re-appraised” in search of that special Coldplay magic. The second are the “happy accidents” that happen when someone is just noodling around or putting words from a different song onto a new arrangement. “Both things get the record made and neither can be invoked by attempting the other,” #42 wrote. “Sitting around waiting for inspiration doesn’t get the hard work done and long conversations and methodical approaches can waste hours when a single snap of brilliance can change everything in an instant.” While Eno has been popping in to check on progress, he’s also been leaving the band alone to get things done. “It’s been noted that he’s having as much effect on the record when he isn’t here as when he is. The band observed a little while ago that very often when they were working without him and getting stuck, they’d think of something that he would say and apply it, getting them ‘over the hump.’ ” In order to help, the band asked Eno to come up with a kind of Ten Commandments they could hang on the studio wall that would help them get out of musical dilemmas. The rules appear to be working, as Roadie described: “I’ve seen Chris on more than one occasion get halfway through playing something a little too flowery or ‘done before,’ before breaking down in laughter and shaking his head, saying, ‘All I can hear in the back of my head is Brian telling me off.’ ” The band is on break again for a few weeks, spending time with family, but not before a recent spurt of hard work that consisted of ” a real concerted effort to push every song to a place that everyone was excited about … Anything that’s not as great as the current favourite song gets strong focus. Problems get the spotlight so that they can’t hide. A verse that’s not flowing into the bridge gracefully can get a whole day’s attention — the screwdrivers have well and truly been out.” After weeks of tweaking the little details and only paying attention to the bits that don’t work, Roadie said the band is now taking a longer step back and “trying to objectively experience what they have made so far. I could be mistaken, but it genuinely felt as though there was real excitement spreading through the room. Perhaps it began to dawn on the fellas that what they have here is more than just a collection of intros, verses and choruses. “The songs haven’t assumed their final beautiful form yet, but they’re a very long way from their skin and bones phase. What’s impossible not to conclude, though, is that they have some absolutely killer tunes. I have no idea whether the fellas left for their break proud of what they’ve achieved so far and excited about what they have here, but I really hope so. They should be.” Though a spokesperson for the band could not be reached for comment at press time, Coldplay have said they’re aiming to have the new, yet-untitled album in stores by Christmas. What are you expecting from Coldplay’s new album? Let us know in the comments! Related Artists Coldplay

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Coldplay Back In ‘Exploratory’ Mood During Rebooted Album Sessions

Skinny Fiddy or Shorn Willie: Whose New Look Is Most Shocking?

We’re all for equal opportunity reinvention—the ladies can do it, so why not the fellas? Of course, not even Madonna’s geisha phase or that one ill-advised time Taylor…

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Skinny Fiddy or Shorn Willie: Whose New Look Is Most Shocking?