You know…I don’t want to sound like I’m a tough guy, because I’m not at all, but I know that I’m tougher than a gang of pussy celebrities and if Russell Brand went for my iPhone, there would be fucking blood…seriously….motherfucker tries to pull his “I’m a celebrity, I can do what I want” bullshit….we’ll I’d be sure to stab him in the fucking neck… I hate these pansy motherfuckers more than I hate the paparazzi documenting them….because these pansy motherfuckers decided to be famous and this is what comes with it….he didn’t have to marry ugly Katy Perry who everyone cares about…and if he didn’t marry her…he could fuck all the groupie pussy he wanted in peace…cuz he just doesn’t fucking matter….but he thinks he does….and that’s why he’s pulling tacky, tantrum stunts that damage other people’s property….I despise these spoiled cunts.
See more here:
Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day