Tag Archives: felt-it-ruined

Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day

You know…I don’t want to sound like I’m a tough guy, because I’m not at all, but I know that I’m tougher than a gang of pussy celebrities and if Russell Brand went for my iPhone, there would be fucking blood…seriously….motherfucker tries to pull his “I’m a celebrity, I can do what I want” bullshit….we’ll I’d be sure to stab him in the fucking neck… I hate these pansy motherfuckers more than I hate the paparazzi documenting them….because these pansy motherfuckers decided to be famous and this is what comes with it….he didn’t have to marry ugly Katy Perry who everyone cares about…and if he didn’t marry her…he could fuck all the groupie pussy he wanted in peace…cuz he just doesn’t fucking matter….but he thinks he does….and that’s why he’s pulling tacky, tantrum stunts that damage other people’s property….I despise these spoiled cunts.

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Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day

Christina Hendricks Fat Chick in Blackbook Magazine of the Day

Recent amateur pornstar Christina Hendricks ….one of the “victims” of a staged cell phone hack…..when really I feel strongly that we were all victims of her staged cell phone hack…cuz none of us want to see an obese chick naked…even if she has obese chick sized tits…even though it turns out everyone hates me for calling her obese….like I invented to Body Mass Index….or something…. Well she’s put some clothes on, got some photoshop on, and is in the latest Blackbook magazine, where she discussed, amongst otheer things, her obesity…at least that’s what I assume she talked about…cuz when I look at her…that’s all I seee…. Big titties don’t impress me when you’re fat motherfuckers…

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Christina Hendricks Fat Chick in Blackbook Magazine of the Day

Kristin Cavallari’s Pregnant Bathing Suit Pics of the Day

I don’t have the rights to post these Kirstin Cavallari pics….which is probably a good thing…because she’s pregnant and no one wants to see a pregnant chick in a bikini…at least not for masturbation reasons…unless you’re weird…or a pussy pretending your wife is this beautiful creature carrying your spawn inside her like some kind of loyal vessel who is really just in it for herself… ….not to mention Cavallari is a total nobody….sure we know her name, at least some of us do, but we’d rather not, cuz she’s a worthless piece of reality show garbage that couldn’t make it on her own…you know at her peak of bratty, spoiled delusional cunt….before crawling back to MTVbegging for work to feel like she mattered….only to have the show cancelled that year…cuz she sucks so fucking bad….or maybe all those years of me begging for it to be cancelled paid off cuz I felt it ruined the minds of the youth and I care about the youth as the youth are the future pussies I plan on trying to fo fuck…. But I can link out to them and that’s just what I am going to do….cuz a bathing suit…even on a pregnant nobody…is still a fucking bathings suit…. To See The Knocked Up Ass in Bathing Suit Pics – FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kristin Cavallari’s Pregnant Bathing Suit Pics of the Day

Kristin Cavallari’s Pregnant Bathing Suit Pics of the Day

I don’t have the rights to post these Kirstin Cavallari pics….which is probably a good thing…because she’s pregnant and no one wants to see a pregnant chick in a bikini…at least not for masturbation reasons…unless you’re weird…or a pussy pretending your wife is this beautiful creature carrying your spawn inside her like some kind of loyal vessel who is really just in it for herself… ….not to mention Cavallari is a total nobody….sure we know her name, at least some of us do, but we’d rather not, cuz she’s a worthless piece of reality show garbage that couldn’t make it on her own…you know at her peak of bratty, spoiled delusional cunt….before crawling back to MTVbegging for work to feel like she mattered….only to have the show cancelled that year…cuz she sucks so fucking bad….or maybe all those years of me begging for it to be cancelled paid off cuz I felt it ruined the minds of the youth and I care about the youth as the youth are the future pussies I plan on trying to fo fuck…. But I can link out to them and that’s just what I am going to do….cuz a bathing suit…even on a pregnant nobody…is still a fucking bathings suit…. To See The Knocked Up Ass in Bathing Suit Pics – FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kristin Cavallari’s Pregnant Bathing Suit Pics of the Day