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Fair Or Foul?? Black Texas Teacher Will Lose Her Job After Racist Twitter Rant Tells “Dumb Crackers To Kill Themselves”

Twitter can get you fired ! Black Texas Teacher Will Lose Her Job Over Racist Twitter Rant Via Raw Story reports: Vinita Hegwood has admitted she made the post on the social media site during an online debate over the police shooting of an unarmed teen in Ferguson, Missouri, reported KRLD-TV. “Who the f*ck made you dumb duck *ss crackers think I give a squat f*ck about your opinions on my opinions RE: #Ferguson. Kill yourselves!” the English teacher posted Friday on her personal account. It wasn’t clear who or what she was responding to, but her husband told WFAA-TV there was more to her side of the story. Hegwood deleted the post and her account shortly afterward, but copies were preserved with screen capture images. She did not mention the school district or her job as a teacher, and it’s not clear whether any students or parents followed her account. But officials with the Duncanville School District said Hegwood would be suspended without pay until the school board can vote on her termination. “As an individual, Ms. Vinita Hegwood expressed an opinion on social media that is solely her own,” the district said in a statement. “She used her personal media account to make remarks that are offensive. While everyone has the right to free speech, as a teacher in the district, we believe the comments that are alleged to be made by Ms. Hegwood are absolutely reprehensible and we do not condone it.” A spokeswoman for the district said the post was so plainly offensive that Hegwood left the district “no other option” than to fire the teacher, and at least one parent agreed. “I would say she needs to be a fired,” said parent Lydia Flores. “That’s crazy. The kind of work that she’s doing now, she’s all around different kind of kids and stuff.” Do you think the teacher should be fired??

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Fair Or Foul?? Black Texas Teacher Will Lose Her Job After Racist Twitter Rant Tells “Dumb Crackers To Kill Themselves”