Tag Archives: finally-admits

Just Stay In The House: Celebrities Who Have Embarassed Their Boo Thangs In Public

Celebrities Who Have Embarassed Their Partners In Public It’s been said that money can’t buy everything, and in the world of the rich and famous shameless, it certainly can’t buy home training. Everyone gets the urge to act a fool at least once in a lifetime……and if you’re human, sometimes it even happens. But while it’s one thing to embarrass yourself and let someone get the best of you in public while you’re alone, it’s a whole separate thing to lose your cool and embarrass the person that you’re with too. Here are a handful of celebs who got buck in public and have probably enjoyed a lot more dates in doors ever since…

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Just Stay In The House: Celebrities Who Have Embarassed Their Boo Thangs In Public

The Swirl: CoCo Admits She “Disrespected Ice-T” After After She Was Caught Slobbing & Sloring On Struggle Rapper!

Coco finally admits to creeping on Ice-T … CoCo Admits To Disrespecting Ice T After Being With Another Man Via Daily Mail reports: “Ice is right, the pics I took with this man were in poor taste & I disrespected my husband however the pics were the only thing that happened.” “Do I want to set the record straight? No,” she said. “Because it’s old news and those pictures with [Moose Diesel] are old too. People are going to think what they think and there’s nothing I can do about it. But people were also saying my booty was fake too. No matter what I said or did, so there’s nothing I can do about either. “Ice and I just live our own lives. I have to answer to him and he has to answer to me and that’s it. We don’t care about the outside world and even though it can be hard out there, we just have to deal with it.” Photos of Coco and struggle rapper AP.9 were released in last year, and Ice took to his Twitter to put his triflin’ wife on blast . The couple worked things out and partied together on New Year’s Eve, only to have more photos of CoCo’s cakes with other men released. When will Ice learn?? The swirl ain’t always right.

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The Swirl: CoCo Admits She “Disrespected Ice-T” After After She Was Caught Slobbing & Sloring On Struggle Rapper!

2 largest liars/skeptics on climate change admit it’s happening and human caused

“Stu Ostro, Senior Meteorologist at the Weather Channel: “I changed my point of view from what it was in the days of the Fred Singer article, and would do so again if that’s what the evidence shows. But it does not. As I wrote back in 2006, global warming is not a religion. The chemistry, physics, and thermodynamics involved are science, not religion, nor are they liberal or conservative.”” http://current.com/1b9jn4c And from a different article: “CNN's long time climate change skeptic and purveyor of every wingnut talking point on global warming in the book, Chad Myers, finally admits the truth: “Is it caused by man? Yes. Is it 100% caused by man? No.”” http://current.com/179jn4c added by: TopScruffy