Tag Archives: talking-point

Labor Day Open Thread: SEIU Exec Says Immigration Reform Could Add 8 Million Dem Voters

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point this Labor Day: an SEIU executive vice president earlier this year said immigration reform could add 8 million Democrat voters. Thoughts?

Go here to see the original:
Labor Day Open Thread: SEIU Exec Says Immigration Reform Could Add 8 Million Dem Voters

Open Thread: Gingrich Says Americans Are Afraid of Obama’s Radicalism

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tells Greta Van Sustern Americans are afraid of the radicalism of Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Thoughts?

Read more from the original source:
Open Thread: Gingrich Says Americans Are Afraid of Obama’s Radicalism

Open Thread: Terrorist Sings For Canadian Version of ‘American Idol’

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: “A man arrested this week as part of a suspected terrorist plot has been identified as an aspiring singer who tried out for Canada’s version of ‘American Idol’ in 2008!” I hope he’s a better terrorist than a singer – errrr, maybe not!

Read the original post:
Open Thread: Terrorist Sings For Canadian Version of ‘American Idol’

Open Thread: George W. Bush Greets Troops at DFW

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: George W. Bush greets returning troops from Iraq. Try to get through this without shedding a tear: Thoughts?

Continue reading here:
Open Thread: George W. Bush Greets Troops at DFW

2 largest liars/skeptics on climate change admit it’s happening and human caused

“Stu Ostro, Senior Meteorologist at the Weather Channel: “I changed my point of view from what it was in the days of the Fred Singer article, and would do so again if that’s what the evidence shows. But it does not. As I wrote back in 2006, global warming is not a religion. The chemistry, physics, and thermodynamics involved are science, not religion, nor are they liberal or conservative.”” http://current.com/1b9jn4c And from a different article: “CNN's long time climate change skeptic and purveyor of every wingnut talking point on global warming in the book, Chad Myers, finally admits the truth: “Is it caused by man? Yes. Is it 100% caused by man? No.”” http://current.com/179jn4c added by: TopScruffy

Open Thread: Obama Backs Ground Zero Mosque

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: President Obama backs the building of a mosque at Ground Zero. Thoughts?

Open Thread: Obama Backs Ground Zero Mosque

Open Thread: Fidel Castro Warns of U.S. and Israeli Nuclear Attack on Iran

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: He’s baaaaaaack! Thoughts? 

See more here:
Open Thread: Fidel Castro Warns of U.S. and Israeli Nuclear Attack on Iran

Open Thread: Gingrich Says Obama Doesn’t Understand America

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: Newt Gingrich says President Obama doesn’t understand America (h/t Ed Morrissey ). Thoughts?

Follow this link:
Open Thread: Gingrich Says Obama Doesn’t Understand America

Open Thread: Biden Calls Shop Owner Wanting Lower Taxes A Smartass

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: Biden calls a Milwaukee custard shop owner a smartass just for asking to have his taxes cut! Thoughts? 

See the original post here:
Open Thread: Biden Calls Shop Owner Wanting Lower Taxes A Smartass

Open Thread

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: Congressman Mike Pence (R-Ind.) calls Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “the least Democratic Speaker in U.S. history!” Thoughts? 

More here:
Open Thread