Tag Archives: former-house

Stacey Abrams To Deliver The Democratic Response To Trump’s State Of The Union

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Source: The Washington Post / Getty Atlanta’s own Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democratic response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on February 5th. Abrams was handpicked by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer because of her dynamic leadership and her consistent work on voting rights. Abrams is most certainly a rising superstar in politics and her response is sure to raise some eyebrows around the country. President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in on Tuesday, February 5th at 9pm ET. Abrams will then rebut Trump’s speech moments after. Let us know if you will be tuned in…  

Stacey Abrams To Deliver The Democratic Response To Trump’s State Of The Union

Hi Hater: Nasty Newt Gingrich Blames Gov’t Shutdown On Obama – “He Was Trying To Form A Dictatorship And Refuses To Behave Like An American President!”

Newt Gingrich: President Obama Is Trying To Form Dictatorship Newt Gingrich likes to stay with a little President Obama slander in his mouth… According to Raw Story: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) argued on Tuesday that the government shutdown stemmed from an attempt by President Barack Obama to create a dictatorship. “The big problem is that President Obama refuses to behave like an American president,” Gingrich said in an interview on The 700 Club. “He refuses to deal with the Congress as equal, which it is in the Constitution.” Gingrich then went into an explanation of the constitutional articles providing for the establishment of all three government branches, accusing Obama of putting himself “above the Constitution, and that’s very dangerous for our freedoms.” Peep video below: Discuss…

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Hi Hater: Nasty Newt Gingrich Blames Gov’t Shutdown On Obama – “He Was Trying To Form A Dictatorship And Refuses To Behave Like An American President!”

Hi Hater: Nasty Newt Gingrich Blames Gov’t Shutdown On Obama – “He Was Trying To Form A Dictatorship And Refuses To Behave Like An American President!”

Newt Gingrich: President Obama Is Trying To Form Dictatorship Newt Gingrich likes to stay with a little President Obama slander in his mouth… According to Raw Story: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) argued on Tuesday that the government shutdown stemmed from an attempt by President Barack Obama to create a dictatorship. “The big problem is that President Obama refuses to behave like an American president,” Gingrich said in an interview on The 700 Club. “He refuses to deal with the Congress as equal, which it is in the Constitution.” Gingrich then went into an explanation of the constitutional articles providing for the establishment of all three government branches, accusing Obama of putting himself “above the Constitution, and that’s very dangerous for our freedoms.” Peep video below: Discuss…

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Hi Hater: Nasty Newt Gingrich Blames Gov’t Shutdown On Obama – “He Was Trying To Form A Dictatorship And Refuses To Behave Like An American President!”

Gingrich: Gay Marriage Inevitable … and All Good!

Former House Speaker and White House hopeful Newt Gingrich made a surprising admission, saying gay marriage is both inevitable and okay by him. Legalization of same-sex marriage in three states in 2012’s election changed the landscape, and conservatives have to come to terms with it, he said. “It is in every family, in every community.” he said. “The momentum is clearly in the direction of finding some way to … accommodate and deal with reality .” “And the reality is going to be that in a number of American states – and it will be more after 2014 – gay relationships are going to be legal, period.” The thrice-married Newt Gingrich, a Republican social conservative, said he recognizes the distinction between religious and civil marriage. He and his Roman Catholic church consider the former to be limited to heterosexuals, but he has no problem with legal marriage rights for same-sex couples. This is a significant departure for Gingrich; just this year, while seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, he opposed gay marriage. Stridently, in fact. “The effort to create alternatives to marriage between a man and a woman are natural pagan behaviors, but they are a fundamental violation of our civilization,” he said. He also signed an Iowa conservative group’s pledge to back the Defense of Marriage Act and to seek a Constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage. A lot has changed since then, he said, both politically and personally. He spoke kindly of his lesbian half-sister, LGBT activist Candace Gingrich, and of gay friends who’ve gotten married in Iowa, where gay marriage is legal. Public opinion has shifted in favor of equality, he said, and the GOP could end up on the wrong side of history if it continues to fight the inevitable. “I didn’t think [gay marriage] was inevitable 10-15 years ago,” he said. “It didn’t seem at the time to be anything like the wave of change we are now seeing.” Gay marriage :   Support Oppose View Poll »

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Gingrich: Gay Marriage Inevitable … and All Good!

Hi Hater: Newt Gingrich Slams Sandy Hook Violence But Ties The Shooting ‘Godless Society’

Glass houses Newt … According to The Huffington Post , Newt put his foot in his mouth…again: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested on Wednesday that the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre was tied to godlessness in contemporary American society. Speaking to Brian Thomas of radio station 55KRC, Gingrich reflected on Friday’s shooting in Newtown, Conn., which claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six adults. “When you have an anti-religious, secular bureaucracy and secular judiciary, seeking to drive God out of public life, something fills the vacuum,” Gingrich said. “I don’t know that going from communion to playing war games, in which you practice killing people is necessarily an improvement.” Gingrich urged the national dialogue in the aftermath of the shooting to focus on the problems with America’s youth, who “don’t see their fellow Americans as human beings, but as objects.” He also went after “Natural Born Killers,” Oliver Stone’s 1994 movie about two mass murderers, saying it had no redeeming social value. “How can you possibly justify dehumanizing people to that degree and what do you think it does to young people who watch it over and over again?” he asked. Gingrich is not the first high-profile Republican to invoke godlessness as a possible root cause in the wake of the tragic shooting. Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) caught heat for saying the crime was no surprise because America has “systematically removed God” from public schools. Huckabee later sought to clarify his remarks, saying he did not believe increased prayer in school would have stopped the shooting from occurring. “I’m not suggesting by any stretch that if we had prayer in schools regularly as we once did that this wouldn’t have happened, because you can’t have that kind of cause and effect,” he said. “But we’ve created an atmosphere in this country where the only time you want to invoke God’s name is after the tragedy.” Sorry…how many mistresses and divorces has this man had again?? Images via tumblr

Hi Hater: Newt Gingrich Slams Sandy Hook Violence But Ties The Shooting ‘Godless Society’

Newt Gingrich Thanks Supporters Before Dropping Out


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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich released a video thanking his supporters in advance of his press conference suspending the campaign tomorrow. He doesn’t mention Mitt Romney by name but promises to work for the defeat of Barack Obama: “A reelection of Barack Obama would be a genuine disaster.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Amspecblog Discovery Date : 01/05/2012 15:13 Number of articles : 2

Newt Gingrich Thanks Supporters Before Dropping Out

Newt Gingrich Thanks Supporters Before Dropping Out



Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich released a video thanking his supporters in advance of his press conference suspending the campaign tomorrow. He doesn’t mention Mitt Romney by name but promises to work for the defeat of Barack Obama: “A reelection of Barack Obama would be a genuine disaster.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Amspecblog Discovery Date : 01/05/2012 15:13 Number of articles : 2

Newt Gingrich Thanks Supporters Before Dropping Out

Gainor Column: MSNBC Host Scarborough ‘Attacks Palin’ in Civility War

This week's news quiz is a toughie. If you blame Sarah Palin for the GOP's failure to take the Senate, have 'always loved NPR,' oppose Arizona's immigration law as “unacceptable and un-American' and called Republican candidate Sharron Angle a 'mental patient,' then you must be: A) Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, B) Lefty loon and entrepreneur Arianna Huffington, C) An MSNBC host or D) An elitist who 'will help headline the launch next month of a new national group dedicated to restoring civility in politics.' read more

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Gainor Column: MSNBC Host Scarborough ‘Attacks Palin’ in Civility War

Open Thread: Gingrich Says Americans Are Afraid of Obama’s Radicalism

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tells Greta Van Sustern Americans are afraid of the radicalism of Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Thoughts?

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Open Thread: Gingrich Says Americans Are Afraid of Obama’s Radicalism

Because He’s Worth It

That hair… Those eyes… And of course, McDreamy’s perfect smile. We don’t blame L’Oreal one bit for enlisting the help of Patrick Dempsey for their latest ad campaign. He’s hot!

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Because He’s Worth It