Tag Archives: firefly-online

Margaretta Wolf, 96-Year-Old Grocery Store Owner, Lays Smack Down on Robber

She may look like an easy target, but Margaretta Wolf, 96, turned the tables on a would-be robber at her neighborhood grocery store in Wisconsin. Looks can be deceiving, as they say. Having owned and operated her store for 54 years, she wasn’t about to cave to some armed intruder after he ordered her to open the cash register. “I said: ‘I’m not opening that register. That’s it, I’m not opening it. I said have all the Tootsie Rolls you want but I am not opening that cash register,'” she said. The man in the silver mask and carrying a knife continued to give Wolf orders during the robbery attempt Monday, but she was having none of it . “He said, ‘Walk in the back of the store.’ I said, ‘I’m not walking no place, I’m standing right here,’ ” Wolf recounted, then stood her ground even as he pulled a knife. “I said, ‘I’ll press a button and I’ll have somebody here in seconds,'” she said. Wolf said the would-be robber appeared frustrated and confused, looked around, saw a security camera in the corner, then took his knife and fled. Marshfield, Wisc., Police Lt. Darren Larsen said he’s just glad Wolf is okay. “In this instance, certainly again while not recommended with what took place, we’re just very, very happy Marge was not injured,” Larsen told WAOW-TV. Wolf said she has a few words for the suspect if the cops nab him. “What do I say to him? I say I think you got some punishments coming, and it will be a little bit more than scrubbing the floor,” she told her local news. Moral of the story … don’t mess with this granny!

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Margaretta Wolf, 96-Year-Old Grocery Store Owner, Lays Smack Down on Robber

Lea Michele Acted as Cory Monteith Guardian Angel, Did All She Could to Save Actor

Lea Michele tried. She really did. Aware that Cory Monteith had a history of substance abuse, Michele did all she could to protect her fellow Glee star during the year-plus they dated. According to a TMZ insider, Cory – described as sweet but naive – was surrounded by a ” a zoo of piranhas ” in Hollywood, with danger around every corner. But Michele stood by her man and took the lead in convincing him to attend rehab this spring after his addiction cropped back up. Unfortunately, she could not control Monteith’s behavior in his native Canada, which, as previously reported, contrasted greatly from his actions in Hollywood . He died last Saturday in a Vancouver hotel room after a night out with friends. This same source says Michele was instrumental in arranging Monteith’s cremation and memorial. She took the reins and made it a lot easier on Cory’s mother in the wake of her son’s tragedy. R.I.P.

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Lea Michele Acted as Cory Monteith Guardian Angel, Did All She Could to Save Actor

Angelina Jolie: Pregnant With Twins Again (Tabloid Claims)!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have just experienced the mother of all “pregnancy shockers” and are – wait for it, and breathe – expecting TWINS! AGAIN**! ** – According to the new cover of OK! While fake weddings and pregnancies are standard celebrity gossip fare, this publication takes the cake as far as bogus Brangelina scoop goes. Not that it’s any surprise at this point. Jolie, the magazine says if you actually read the article, wants to become pregnant again – with twins, hopefully, before her ability to have kids ends. Considering Ange’s recent medical procedures – she underwent a double mastectomy and may have her ovaries removed next – we sort of doubt it. That and she and fiance Brad are devoted parents to six beautiful children already. Six! Unless you’re Michelle Duggar , that’s a lot to handle.

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Angelina Jolie: Pregnant With Twins Again (Tabloid Claims)!

Firefly Online Trailer Announcement: Yes, That Firefly!

That’s right,  Firefly is back! Well, sort of. With this Firefly Online announcement trailer we get a little glimpse of the new game being released next summer. Firefly Online Announcement Trailer Players are ship captains that find a crew and then find a job. Easy as that.  This is an MMO so you’ll be playing against millions of other captains and their crews. Whether or not there will be different classes of captains, like characters in other MMO’s, or even other characters beyond just the captain of the ship, remains to be seen. The game is still under development with QMXi and Spark Plug Games but no price or firm release date has been announced. Unfortunately it isn’t all good news with  Firefly Online .  It will be available for Android and iOS only as opposed to PC and/or consoles. While at first that seems like a huge letdown, it might be best to see what the finished game looks like before offering judgment. Who knows?  Firefly Online might herald in a new generation of MMO’s that play really well on a mobile platform.  Then again, it could be awful and we’ll be left with another void in our lives where something great could have been, but hey, let’s try and stay positive for the time being. In a somewhat topsy-turvy twist, a mobile gaming mainstay is coming to consoles. Check out this  Angry Birds Star Wars  teaser !

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Firefly Online Trailer Announcement: Yes, That Firefly!