Tag Archives: she-underwent

Angelina Jolie: Pregnant With Twins Again (Tabloid Claims)!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have just experienced the mother of all “pregnancy shockers” and are – wait for it, and breathe – expecting TWINS! AGAIN**! ** – According to the new cover of OK! While fake weddings and pregnancies are standard celebrity gossip fare, this publication takes the cake as far as bogus Brangelina scoop goes. Not that it’s any surprise at this point. Jolie, the magazine says if you actually read the article, wants to become pregnant again – with twins, hopefully, before her ability to have kids ends. Considering Ange’s recent medical procedures – she underwent a double mastectomy and may have her ovaries removed next – we sort of doubt it. That and she and fiance Brad are devoted parents to six beautiful children already. Six! Unless you’re Michelle Duggar , that’s a lot to handle.

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Angelina Jolie: Pregnant With Twins Again (Tabloid Claims)!

Kendall Jenner Back Tattoo: Huge! Fake!

This just in: Kendall Jenner has gotten a giant, scary tattoo of a skull across her back. Just kidding: she didn’t really. But taking a page from Kim Kardashian , who has made plenty of headlines by Tweeting photos of herself in a wig and pretending like she underwent a major hairstyle change, Jenner’s makeup artist posted the following to Instagram this week: “Sharpie tatt for KJ! Love you girl,” Nat Wood wrote as a caption, ensuring no one really believes Kendall has joined the Sons of Anarchy . Which is too bad. Because how crazy would that make Season 6?!?

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Kendall Jenner Back Tattoo: Huge! Fake!

Ali Fedotowsky Injury picture

“We had a date set, and that date has now passed,” the reality starlet Ali Fedotowsky, 26, told us on Tuesday. “The decision to postpone [the wedding] was very difficult. I definitely shed some tears.” “But I want to walk down the aisle,” she said, “I don#39;t want to limp down the aisle.” Former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky has had to put her wedding plans with fiancé Roberto Martinez on hold while she recovers from an injury to her femur, for which she underwent surgery in July. Instead, the

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Ali Fedotowsky Injury picture

Heidi Montag’s Fake Boobs: Huge, Heinous, Hilarious

Heidi Montag showed off her newly-enhanced body in Las Vegas this weekend. It does not look good. For someone who claims to be all spiritual, she really desecrated pretty much all God gave her in favor of man-made breasts and a plastic-looking face. Way to go, Heidi! Seriously, how pissed is Spencer Pratt right now? You could get a blow-up doll that resembles this for so cheap, and not even have to make pillow talk … This is actually Heidi Montag, not a wax replica! As you can see, not even an steel-reinforced bikini top can contain Heidi Montag’s DDD breasts, which prove there is a threshold in which bigger is no longer better. Holy freaking crap. Just so wrong. Much as been made of the recent Heidi Montag plastic surgery debacle, and here you can see the result on display in all its glory. The results of the latest round, that is. The Hills star had plenty of work done long before she underwent 10 additional operations in a single day earlier this year. If you’re considering plastic surgery you need to be talked out of, or enjoy ogling once-cute girls who now resemble cartoons, there’s more where this came from. Click to enlarge pics of Heidi lounging poolside below … Heidi Montag looked way better …

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Heidi Montag’s Fake Boobs: Huge, Heinous, Hilarious