Tag Archives: first-thought

Rambo Video Game Trailer: Shoot ‘Em Up Like It’s 1982!

When I woke up this morning my first thought was, “man I really wish there was a new Rambo game I could play and relive all those fabulous 80s era memories” and like manna from heaven… here it is!  Check out the  Rambo game trailer below! Rambo Video Game Trailer Admittedly, I have not kept up (read: watched anything beyond the first twenty minutes of the first movie) with the  Rambo  franchise so I really couldn’t tell you which movie this game was based on, if any at all. However, I can say that Stallone has never looked better. His skin is so smooth with just the right amount of stubble. Well done. Truly. I am puzzled as to why the world thought we needed a  Rambo game but I’m sure there are people out there who still like him.  Looking for more video game videos? How about this  GTA V  gameplay trailer ! So what do you think of a  Rambo game? Discuss below!

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Rambo Video Game Trailer: Shoot ‘Em Up Like It’s 1982!

Anonymous Actress Tells Disgusting Story

I told them to quit with all the sex scenes , but noooo : “Not to mention any names, but one actor came on me during the take. I had to surreptitiously wipe myself off with the sheet. Fortunately, I liked the guy. I found it a little flattering and a little creepy. We never talked about it, so I can’t tell you if it was Method acting on his part or if he just found me pretty, but I suspect I’m not the only actress who’s had this experience. But I can tell you that twenty years later, when I run into him, my first thought is, There’s the guy that had on-camera sex with my abdomen .” [ Vulture ] [Photo via Shutterstock ]

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Anonymous Actress Tells Disgusting Story

Buzz Bites (6/2/11): Justin Bieber’s Newest Tat » MTV Buzzworthy Blog

+ After stepping out with Selena Gomez and a new rib cage tattoo, Justin Bieber 's been spotting with yet another one — the outline of a star on his elbow. Was anyone else's first thought, “What ever happened to Crazy … Original post: Buzz Bites (6/2/11): Justin Bieber's Newest Tat » MTV Buzzworthy Blog

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Buzz Bites (6/2/11): Justin Bieber’s Newest Tat » MTV Buzzworthy Blog

Irene Lopez is Banging Macaulay Culkin of the Day

I read that Macaulay Culkin was seen out at a sex club with some pornstar named Irene Lopez. My first thought was who fucking cares who Culkin is fucking. Seriously. Dude hasn’t done a movie in years, the one movie he did do, he played an annoying queer who for some reason influenced all the local loser party kid….dude’s just living off the stupid money he made as a kid who got fucked by Michael Jackson….and the only reason his name came up is that I was into seeing Mila Kunis naked…..who he may be staging these pics to piss off… but who cares about their bullshit personal issues…cuz my second thought was find videos of his porn bitch naked and getting fucked….


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Irene Lopez is Banging Macaulay Culkin of the Day