Tag Archives: fishbowl-their

Miley Cyrus Pumping Gas Proper of the Day

I always find it funny watching Miley Cyrus try to be normal. You know doing the things normal girls do and hate doing, like pumping gas, and owning the shit, like she just won an Oscar. She’s been so coddled her entire life, that making her bed for herself is something she fucking celebrates, in what normal people may not understand, because normal people weren’t raised in a fishbowl their entire life, a fishbowl that will be solely responsible for her fucking crash and burn….a crash and burn we can safely say we hope involved her tight grip on a cock in a sex tape and not on the gas pump. All this to say, short shorts, long legs, heels at the gas stataion, or really doing anything, is my kind of softcore porn. Miley and her hip hop hustle done bring it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus Pumping Gas Proper of the Day