Tag Archives: because-normal

I want to Bang Ariana Grande’s Friend of the DAy

Everyone hates on Ariana Grande for being a unappreciative, bratty, cunt…you know who doesn’t respect her fans, who acts up and who her “life coach” quits on because who needs a fucking life coach. You know the kind of girl who steals black cock from her other teen starlets from equivalently low grade song and dance performances like the shit you see on shows like GLEE… But what people don’t realize is that all these child stars are unappreciative, bratty, cunts. It is very hard to be nice when you’ve been coddled and handled your entire life. Put to work to make mom’s dreams come true, and given an ice cream, or whatever she wants as bribes to do it…because normal kids don’t have work ethic, it is kind of part of being a kid, and those who do are the ones abused into working – whether it’s tending the farm – or tending to producers… So dealing with any actor – talented or not – is a fucking headache – but staring at their slutty friend and/or sister, who is probably too young for me to be looking at, and I am only doing it because everyone, at least when dressed slutty, looks 25 to me…it’s very hard to determine whether she’s 18 or not when you find her in a club in booty shorts drunk and high dancing like a shitty music video…that’s why you gotta card them all, Save yourself some jail time… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS

Originally posted here:
I want to Bang Ariana Grande’s Friend of the DAy

Candice Swanepoel’s Mom Sets Off Some Red Flags of the Day

Candice Swanepoel’s mom celebrated her birthday yesterday, so everyone wish the uterus that built Candice Swanepoel, instead of aborting her, a happy birthday. Her vagina was ravaged in the making of a vagina you all masturbate to, and she should be celebrated for that. That said, looking at her picture and using my scientifically backed “Looked at the bitch you’re fucking’s mom before getting too serious, because the chances are she’ll end up looking like her, acting like her and aging like her because mom, although fat and scary now, was once young and vibrant, like the pussy you are sticking your dick in”…..leading me to think Candice Swanepoel may not be what she is now, in 20 years, but the good news is the world will probably blow up by then and we’ll never have to see it, so until then, Candice is toned and not muff gutted, her gunt is glorious not menopausal, so whatever she’s gonna age into doen’t really matter, because what she is today is all we care about.

See the rest here:
Candice Swanepoel’s Mom Sets Off Some Red Flags of the Day

Miley Cyrus Pumping Gas Proper of the Day

I always find it funny watching Miley Cyrus try to be normal. You know doing the things normal girls do and hate doing, like pumping gas, and owning the shit, like she just won an Oscar. She’s been so coddled her entire life, that making her bed for herself is something she fucking celebrates, in what normal people may not understand, because normal people weren’t raised in a fishbowl their entire life, a fishbowl that will be solely responsible for her fucking crash and burn….a crash and burn we can safely say we hope involved her tight grip on a cock in a sex tape and not on the gas pump. All this to say, short shorts, long legs, heels at the gas stataion, or really doing anything, is my kind of softcore porn. Miley and her hip hop hustle done bring it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the rest here:
Miley Cyrus Pumping Gas Proper of the Day

Online Dating Story of the Day

I know without online dating, most of you wouldn’t ever get laid, married or live the normal life…and really online dating is not as out of control as it used to be, because normal girls use the internet now….cuz back when I used to fuck girls off the intenet, before settling down, back when the internet was a crazy fucking place, meeting the girls was always scary as fuck cuz you didn’t know if you’d show up and get gang rape by a bunch of computer nerds, mugged and when you got stuck with a fat one, you’d suck it up and take a blowjob to avoid awkwardness, since you weren’t meeting to get to know each other, you already did it in chat….sometimes there were hot ones, other times you had to focus on one thing about them that could get you hard and in the end, it was kinda exciting….but now the internet is filled with normal people and finding the freaks takes work….. Either way, I’m not sure if the moral of the story is to be careful who you date online, or if you should just not keep any valuables around them, or if you should just avoid the black ones….either way, funny story….

Read the original:
Online Dating Story of the Day