Tag Archives: following-heidi

Stephanie Pratt Gets A B For Effort

This Stephanie Pratt chick must be doing something right because this is the second time this week that I’ve had her on the site. The first time I had no choice, she was wearing denim short shorts that were smaller than my boxer shorts, and I wear those little European boxers. These aren’t quite as good as that, we see a little too much face for my taste, but she’s making a decent effort drawing our eye to her little cleavage. According to her t-shirt ‘ Blondes Do It Better’ … The jury is still out on that one, but some bikini pictures might sway my vote. Ps – If you’re wondering what the B is for… It’s for boner. Ha!

Stephanie Pratt’s Got Surprisingly Hot Legs

I don’t post pictures of Stephanie Pratt very often, mostly because she came from the same womb as Heidi Montag’s douche soon to be ex-husband and can’t be trusted, but if she’s going to walk around wearing short shorts this small I may have to reconsider my rule. She’s actually pretty good looking, her body is awesome. I wouldn’t mind spending a Sunday afternoon with those long legs wrapped around my head. Call me.

Stephanie Pratt Bikini Pictures

Stephanie Pratt isn’t exactly the hottest girl in Hollywood, and the fact that she’s related to that super douche makes her even less enticing, but I like bikinis and I especially like nobody rich girls in bikinis so here we are. Besides, she’s got a good body and nothing pisses off a douche more than posting pictures of his sister on the internet in a bikini.

Excerpt from:
Stephanie Pratt Bikini Pictures