Tag Archives: former-employer

Terry Crews Tells Senate That Thousands Of Men Have Told Him: “Me Too”

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Source: Jason LaVeris / Getty Terry Crews continues to speak out for male victims of sexual assault. While testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Crews explained why he didn’t react violently when his former employer Adam Venit groped him at a work party. “What happened to me has happened to many, many other men… I have had thousands and thousands of men come to me and say, 'Me too.'” Terry Crews shared some powerful words during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual assault legislation. pic.twitter.com/AYBEtl3Drs — HuffPost (@HuffPost) June 26, 2018 Terry Crews on why he didn’t fight back when he was sexually assaulted: “As a black man in America, you only have a few shots at success… I have seen many, many young black men who were provoked into violence. And they were imprisoned or they were killed. And they’re not here.” pic.twitter.com/iZeoP4U5fv — AJ+ (@ajplus) June 26, 2018 Watch Crews’ full testimony after the jump.

Terry Crews Tells Senate That Thousands Of Men Have Told Him: “Me Too”

Terry Crews Tells Senate That Thousands Of Men Have Told Him: “Me Too”

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Source: Jason LaVeris / Getty Terry Crews continues to speak out for male victims of sexual assault. While testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Crews explained why he didn’t react violently when his former employer Adam Venit groped him at a work party. “What happened to me has happened to many, many other men… I have had thousands and thousands of men come to me and say, 'Me too.'” Terry Crews shared some powerful words during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual assault legislation. pic.twitter.com/AYBEtl3Drs — HuffPost (@HuffPost) June 26, 2018 Terry Crews on why he didn’t fight back when he was sexually assaulted: “As a black man in America, you only have a few shots at success… I have seen many, many young black men who were provoked into violence. And they were imprisoned or they were killed. And they’re not here.” pic.twitter.com/iZeoP4U5fv — AJ+ (@ajplus) June 26, 2018 Watch Crews’ full testimony after the jump.

Terry Crews Tells Senate That Thousands Of Men Have Told Him: “Me Too”

Ana Trujillo, Houston News Anchor, Kills Boyfriend With Stiletto Heel

Ana Trujillo, a Houston TV host, has been charged with murdering her boyfriend by striking him more than 10 times in the face, head and neck with her stiletto heel. She claims she acted in self-defense. Ana Trujillo, 44, was in a relationship with the late Alf Stefan Andersson, 59, a top researcher in women’s health issues at the University of Houston. The background is very much unclear. “We only have a dead man and a woman who confessed to doing it,” says Harris County, Texas, District Attorney spokeswoman, Sara Marie Kinney. Trujillo hosted community access shows under the name Ana Fox. Lott J. Brooks, Trujillo’s attorney and former employer, says to withhold judgment. Trujillo, he believes, suffered from battered women’s syndrome, and is a non-confrontational person who would not have instigated the fight. “It doesn’t seem like something she would’ve done without provocation, without some sort of triggering mechanism,” Brooks tells People . He adds, however, that he is still learning about the case and he doesn’t specifically know what Andersson may have done to Trujillo before she struck. On the night of June 9, she and Andersson drank tequila at Bodega’s Taco Shop and he got angry over another man who offered to buy Trujillo a drink. They then went to his 18th-floor condominium at around 2 a.m. and he got angry over her plans to visit her daughter from a previous relationship. Trujillo called 911, led officers to the body and told them Andersson “was attacking her and grabbed her hair and neck,” according to a DA spokeswoman. But officers observed no injuries on Trujillo. Andersson, however, suffered “at least 10 very serious puncture wounds to the back of the skull, and to the head and neck,” says Kinney, all inflicted by a stiletto. Investigators are trying to determine if Trujillo stomped Andersson with the shoe or held it and struck him as she claims. Officials are unaware what kind of stiletto was used. The shoe is in evidence and can’t be examined by a prosecutor until after Trujillo enters a plea. Trujillo is being held on $100,000 bail.

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Ana Trujillo, Houston News Anchor, Kills Boyfriend With Stiletto Heel

Kate Gosselin to Release Third Self-Promoting Book

Kate Gosselin sure refuses to go away is keeping herself busy. The mother of eight has several gigs coming up, including a return stint on The View, as well as working on a her new TV show for former employer TLC. Now sources report Kate is also set to release a new book on April 13, titled I Just Want You To Know: Letters To My Kids On Love, Faith And Family . What exactly Kate has to offer the average person after the past year is anyone’s guess. But it can certainly offer her own bank account some comfort. The book will feature “prayers, excerpts from her personal journal and eight individual letters to each one of her children.” Wow, she left out Jon? Kate’s next book will be titled Entomology of the Reverse Mullet . “Each day the thought crosses my mind that when they get older, my kids are going to look back and think about how they were raised,” Gosselin said in a statement. “I know they will have questions about things that may not make sense because they were raised so unconventionally. I don’t want them to grow up and wonder.” Kate concluded: “I want them to know without a shadow of a doubt how much I love them and how much every sacrifice made was worth it for them.” Mmmyeah. Whatever helps you sleep better at night! This will be the third book written by Kate. Her two previous works, Multiple Blessings and Eight Little Faces made it onto the New York Times bestseller list. A new memoir by Jon Gosselin , Mediocre Girls: Memoirs of a Douchebag Bachelor’s First Year of Freedom , is tentatively scheduled for a January 2011 release.

Kate Gosselin to Release Third Self-Promoting Book