Tag Archives: frances-cobain

Lindsay Lohan: Goes TOPLESS in Racy Deleted Photo

Lindsay Lohan decided to go topless on Instagram just two days after Donald Trump said he wanted to bone her (which has nothing to do with Ken Bone; sorry).  Lohan shared the pic on her social media account, and just hours later, had a brief thought of remorse and removed it.  She replaced the pic with a photo of a club performance, where a woman with Kylie’s old turquoise ‘do commanded the stage.  Lohan captioned the replacement pic, “#LOHAN #GHOSTBUSTERSTYLE #MINTANINE I would love to host one night with @KylieJenner.”   While we have zero idea what she’s talking aobut in this pic – and might’ve been better off hashtagging it #SuckItTrump, we’re gonna give her a pass on this one, since she apparently doesn’t realize that Kylie’s high, turquoise ponytail is, like, so over.  Not the fetch-est, girl.  The photo was to support the grand opening of the Lohan nightclub (LOL FOREVER) in Greece, helmed by businessman and unconfirmed boyfriend, Dennis Papageorgi.  So there you have it.  Lindsay Lohan has a night club named after her – of which she’ll pocket some of the proceeds – but she’s busy helping refugee children out in poverty- and famine-stricken lands.  Is there nothing our girl LL can’t do?  Nah, probably not. When you have all the time in the world on your hands to do … well, whatever it is that you want … it’s easy to be a Jill-of-all-trades and slap your name on whatever business venture you see fit.  Most notable about the deleted pic, perhaps, is the fact that she’s still wearing the emerald engagement ring from abusive ex, Egor Tarabasov.  Though she’s still “allowed” to keep it, she’s either really, really savvy for flaunting the rock, or really, really pathetic for hanging onto a memento of a relationship in which your partner tried to “murder” you .  If we were you, girl, we’d hock it – you don’t want what happened with Kim K’s robbery to happen to you, do you?  You’re smarter than that – and though we don’t always understand the workings of your mind, friend, we’re gonna support you as long as you avoid doing dumb s–t.   Which has to happen sooner or later, right?  View Slideshow: 29 Wackest Photos of Lindsay Lohan

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Lindsay Lohan: Goes TOPLESS in Racy Deleted Photo

Watch Once Upon a Time Online: Season 6 Episode 4

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 4 was titled “Strange Case.” Scroll down to read a summary of events from the installment… On this episode, The Evil Queen worked with Hyde against Jekyll. On what, exactly? Meanwhile, in the past, Rumplestiltskin helped Jekyll complete the serum. Also this week, Mary Margaret got ready to return to teaching, while Hook attempted to protect Belle from Gold. Go ahead and use the video featured above to watch Once Upon a Time online and find out what else transpired now.

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Watch Once Upon a Time Online: Season 6 Episode 4

Frances Bean Cobain and Courtney Love: Kurt Cobain Would Be Rolling Over in His Grave!

If Kurt Cobain were still alive and kicking, he’d be thrilled to see his daughter, Frances Bean Cobain , and former wife, Courtney Love, playing nice and looking gorgeous . The two were spotted out together at Seth Rogen’s Hilarity for Charity Event in Los Angeles over the weekend, and it’s really hard to say who looked hotter. The two were photographed a few weeks ago at a fashion event in Paris, looking just as fierce. It’s easy to see that whatever bizarre, disturbed fences were broken in the past are, at least for now, mended. Frances is looking like the female version of her father, while Courtney’s looking … well, perhaps the best she ever has.  While Frances was previously accused of some nasty, hoarder-type habits , they don’t seem to be overflowing into her appearance.  According to a source, FBC is a compulsive shopper and thusly, her house was close to uninhabitable.  “The weird truth is that Frances Cobain’s house is virtually unlivable because of [her] hoarding,” the mole revealed.  “Frances spends her days doing lots and lots of online shopping.”  “Virtually every room is filled with boxes of stuff Frances has ordered from online retailers and never even bothered to open,” the source continued.   Hey, you know, some people are addicted to heroin and pills and alcohol … ol’ Frances Bean Cobain is fairly okay if this is the worst of her troubles.  She’s even looking much healthier – and not nearly as emaciated – than she had in previous years.  FBC hit a red carpet event with her mother in April 2015 where she looked thin, wan, and tired.  What a stunning improvement compared to today’s photos, right?  And speaking of stunning improvements, check out mama.   Love isn’t a stranger to plastic surgery. She previously had a boob job in the past, and with all of the drugs that she likely put up her nose, there had to be some facial reconstruction done there. Despite whatever she might’ve done, though, things are working for her lately.  And hey – we can start counting our blessings in 3, 2, 1 … because Courtney apparently stopped with the onslaught of Facebook nudes .  For now.  Small steps, y’all. That’s all we can hope for with this one. 

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Frances Bean Cobain and Courtney Love: Kurt Cobain Would Be Rolling Over in His Grave!