Tag Archives: from-the-paps

Jessica Simpson Gets Ready For The Money Shot

Here’s one of my original favorite busty blondes Jessica Simpson in New York to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Jessica Simpson Collection, and you know, I’ve got to give the girl credit. Because if you’d told me 10 years ago that Jessica would have her own successful fashion empire, I would’ve laughed in your face. But here she is still going strong a decade later. And just to be clear, I’m talking about her funbags, but I’m sure her clothing line is doing well too or whatever. » view all 14 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Jessica Simpson Gets Ready For The Money Shot

Vanessa Hudgens Can’t Hide Her Legs

We don’t see Vanessa Hudgens around that much these days, so you might think I’d be a little bummed about her hiding her face from the paps with that big dumb hat. But hey, as long as she’s not covering up those sexy stems of hers, me and the Little Tuna will always be happy to see her. And I’m betting you perverts will too. Enjoy. » view all 18 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Vanessa Hudgens Can’t Hide Her Legs

Chantel Jeffries’ Busts Out On The Streets

She may have tried to hide from the paps, but luckily, I’ve got a photographic memory when it comes to no-name hotties with killer booties — it’s one of my hidden talents — so I was still able to recognize  Chantel Jeffries here. And if my memory serves, I think she was banging Bieber at one point, which kind of bugged me at first. But then I checked out Chantel’s Instagram , and you know what? I instantly forgot all about that tiny loser. It’s just another one of my many talents. Enjoy. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Millie Mackintosh’s Leg Show

Even I have a hard time keeping track of all the hot nobodies out there and it’s my full-time job, so I can’t say I’ve ever heard of Millie Mackintosh before this, but apparently she’s another British reality TV star. Anyway, here she is leaving some club and blocking her face from the paps, but luckily, you don’t need to see her face to appreciate her legs and body. And after looking her up, I’m pretty sure it’s actually better this way. And yes, that’s my professional opinion. » view all 18 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Millie Mackintosh’s Leg Show

Chit Chatter: Halle Berry Blames God For Making Her Unlucky In Love And Says Being Biracial Is Like A Secret Society

Halle has such a way with words. Halle Berry is the subject of a pretty cool NY Times blog feature this week. Inside she talks candidly about her new role in the upcoming film Cloud Atlas , her race, her relationships and raising Nahla away from the paps. We’ve got the best excerpts for you here… Via NYT T Magazine Blog : On The Paparazzi: “They’re outside my house every morning,” she says.“I get it about the celebrity stuff,” she tells me softly, sliding into her seat. “It’s part of my job to recognize that there’s a certain part of my life the public wants to hear about. But it’s not O.K. that they’re doing terrible things to my daughter. One night, after they chased us, it took me two hours just to get her calmed down enough to get to sleep.” On Her Bad Choices In Men: “My picker’s broken,” she says with a laugh. “God just wanted to mix up my life. Maybe he was thinking, ‘This girl can’t get everything! I’m going to give her a broken picker.’ ” She says it’s fixed now. Hit the flip for more…

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Chit Chatter: Halle Berry Blames God For Making Her Unlucky In Love And Says Being Biracial Is Like A Secret Society

Justin Bieber Wants More Privacy From The Paparazzi

Justin Bieber took to Twitter on April 11, 2011 to talk about how he is having a great time on his My World tour, which is currently overseas, but that he wouldn’t mind having a bit more privacy. Here’s what Justin Tweeted: Amazing place…not a bad day. just wish got a little more space and privacy from the paps to enjoy this time with my family. thanks. I’m in the holy land and i am grateful for that. I just want to have the same personal experience that others have here. So I’m looking forward to this week and i look forward to putting on a great show…thank you for the support. night and God Bless. Hopefully the paparazzi are forwarded Justin’s plea for more space and they take heed! Follow Disney Dreaming On Twitter! See the original post: Justin Bieber Wants More Privacy From The Paparazzi

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Justin Bieber Wants More Privacy From The Paparazzi

Katie Price & Alex Reid Buying Engagement Rings?

It looks like Katie Price and Alex Reid might be going through with this whole getting married thing . Or they’re just putting on show to get more attention from the paps and papers. The recently reunited couple landed in Las Vegas last night and today, they were spotted “ring shopping” at TeNo in The Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.

VIDEO: SATC Girls Back To Work

The girls were back at work on the set of Sex and the City this morning and there was plenty of attention from the paps. Check out our video of SJP and Cynthia Nixon filming their first scene together for the hugely anticipated sequel movie. 

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VIDEO: SATC Girls Back To Work