Tag Archives: from-the-skies

Shots Fired: Is Teyana Taylor Putting Ex-Boo Thang Brandon Jennings On Blast In The Lyrics Of Her Latest Song?!? [Audio]

We’ve been chronicling the Teyana Taylor’s rollercoaster romance with NBA baller Brandon Jennings for quite some time now, with the latest development being his newfound situationship with Teyana’s friend , actress and model Tae Heckard, but from the sound of what Taylor’s been putting down in the studio it seems she may finally be done with the lowdown dirty dog baller once and for all… Her new song “Sorry” seems to describe a young woman finally moving on from a tortured relationship to a happy loving one. The unmixed, unmastered song hit the web today and we heard quite a few lyrics that suggested the romance may be dead and buried once and for all. Here’s a look at the lyrics: He tells me I’m beautiful every day The better part of him, hear him say Now as you watch from far away All I can say, I’m so sorry You had your cake, and a gift that day Something that our love didn’t create Now as you watch from far away All I can say is I’m so sorry Never again cuz now I know Just what it means to love and be loved Now as you watch from far away All I can say is I’m sorry I’m sorry you didn’t know how to love me I’m sorry I wasn’t beautiful to you I’m sorry you didn’t understand How to be my man I’m sorry you couldn’t make me happy And I”m so sorry you never learned how I’m sorry it had to be this way But my heart is so good now Now as you watch from far away So baby, oh baby watch, all I can say Sorry, sorry you lost me THIS ISH IS SOOOOOO DEEP!!! Damn… The “I’m sorry I wasn’t beautiful line” hits us in the gut. This dude ought to feel like pure ISHT. What a jerk. Beautifully done Teyana… Can’t wait for the video for this one.

See the article here:
Shots Fired: Is Teyana Taylor Putting Ex-Boo Thang Brandon Jennings On Blast In The Lyrics Of Her Latest Song?!? [Audio]

R.I.P: Nobel Prize Winning Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dies At 87

Sad day for fans of good literature. Gabriel García Márquez Dies At Age 87 Such a talented author…what a loss. According to NY Times: Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian novelist whose “One Hundred Years of Solitude” established him as a giant of 20th-century literature, died on Thursday at his home in Mexico City. He was 87. His death was confirmed by Cristóbal Pera, his former editor at Random House. Mr. García Márquez, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, wrote fiction rooted in a mythical Latin American landscape of his own creation, but his appeal was universal. His books were translated into dozens of languages. He was among a select roster of canonical writers — Dickens, Tolstoy and Hemingway among them — who were embraced both by critics and by a mass audience. “Each new work of his is received by expectant critics and readers as an event of world importance,” the Swedish Academy of Letters said in awarding him the Nobel. Mr. García Márquez was considered the supreme exponent, if not the creator, of the literary genre known as magic realism, in which the miraculous and the real converge. In his novels and stories, storms rage for years, flowers drift from the skies, tyrants survive for centuries, priests levitate and corpses fail to decompose. And, more plausibly, lovers rekindle their passion after a half century apart. Besides his wife, Mercedes, his survivors include two sons, Rodrigo and Gonzalo. He will definitely be missed. Facebook

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R.I.P: Nobel Prize Winning Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dies At 87

Mashup of DEATH!


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Perhaps you’ve seen the video of George Hrab and I performing his song “Death from the Skies”. And perhaps you’ve seen my own show, “Bad Universe” . Now, thanks to Dana Peters, you can see them together : After all, these are the real ways the world will end. Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Bad Astronomy Discovery Date : 15/06/2011 14:30 Number of articles : 2

Mashup of DEATH!

Angels Are Falling in London



National Here’s a nice ambient augmented reality experiment using screens in London’s Victoria Station. The concept: Angels are falling from the skies – and it’s all due to the irresistible scent of new Lynx Excite. Via Bookmark/Search this post with: Digg Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 16/03/2011 22:25 Number of articles : 2

Angels Are Falling in London