Tag Archives: funny story

In Honor of Zach Galifianakis’s 42nd Birthday, Let’s Rediscover His Short-Lived VH1 Series

Zach Galifianakis is a riot on the big screen today (even in last year’s rather staid It’s Kind of a Funny Story ), but I’m willing to bet that the 42-year-old comedian’s strongest fans were just as fervent nine years ago, when he was but a piano-playing standup with a failed VH1 talk show. For those of us who watched that damn show every night for its two-month run in 2002 and remember when he interviewed Bradley Cooper in studio and singer Natalie Imbruglia on a crane, Galifianakis is a prized treasure. Let’s revisit the old gem in honor of his 42nd birthday.

More here:
In Honor of Zach Galifianakis’s 42nd Birthday, Let’s Rediscover His Short-Lived VH1 Series

It’s Kind Of A Funny Story Is Also Kind of a Disappointing One

Here’s my kind of funny story: When I was a post-collegiate punk with an afternoon to burn, I would often spend hours riding the single ticket I bought at the very cineplex where most of the TIFF screenings are taking place into and out of two or three different movies. It feels eerie to see many of my New York colleagues clamoring at the scene of the crime, and even stranger to hop from film to film not furtively but as festival workers smile and wave me in. I have to say: The thrill has been compromised.

Go here to see the original:
It’s Kind Of A Funny Story Is Also Kind of a Disappointing One

Eagle of the Ninth Bumped?

Focus Features still has a strong 2010 release slate to unspool, but was one movie sacrificed to make room? The Playlist noticed that Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere just got dated for December 22 and the ensembler It’s Kind of a Funny Story has been moved up from November to September 24…the same day the studio’s Channing Tatum vehicle Eagle of the Ninth was scheduled to hit theaters, which would square with rumors we’ve heard that the film’s been pushed back to 2011. Developing… [ Box Office Mojo via The Playlist ]

Visit link:
Eagle of the Ninth Bumped?

XMAS competition: the results

You were more than 5000 to take part in our fantastic Xmas competition, and finally over a thousand to find the 10 FMLs from the book which were hidden all around the website. Thanks to all of you for taking part! We put all the names into a hat, and these are the people we drew: – Kinpower – Wolfie07 – WonderChef – teenie1407 – elli81216 – Mookdaruch – Kaldra – weeble_wobbles09 – sscoles – itprosam – AndyNicole – caitlinmc14 – ntwnangel06 – xxmollyxx – kstirling689 – beatlegirl123 – LadyLieDie – shayne1911 – prosik – rminesinger All the winners will be contacted very soon via email. We will ask you for your postal address, so we can send you your prize. You should receive your book sometime in January!

See the original post here:
XMAS competition: the results

Crazy FML

Hey there crazy person, do those bloody eyes dangling in your hands belong to you? Yeah, we didn’t think so. See, we’re used to crazy people. And we’re sure you’re used to them too. Sometimes it’s the old lady with nothing but some fishnets covering what’s left of her feminine body that you meet in the supermarket, sometimes it’s your one-legged neighbor who is convinced that his microwave is haunted by aliens, and sometimes it’s your most beloved-one. FYL. And to talk about this awkward phenomenon, today we’re welcoming Justin White , also known as Jublin ! Justin is 24, lives in northern California and he’s a freelance illustrator and designer. He also watches cartoons, eats food, hangs out and sleeps, but he doesn’t get paid for doing those things. Jublin went to school at SDSU in San Diego and graduated in Multimedia. He’s still not sure what that means, but he had fun. He has always been very much in love with drawing and art, but never considered actually making any money out of it until he stumbled upon the website Threadless back in 2005. That’s when he started getting involved with freelance work. Our awesome artist of the week loves to draw and be creative. So any time he’s able to do so, he’s happy. He’d love to one day get involved with television and animation. He’d also love to just wander around the world with a tiny little sketchbook. He could pay for everything by drawing dollar bills, Euros, and all sorts of exotic currencies and because the drawings would look so realistic everyone would be like, “Whoa you’re a billionaire!” and He would hold his finger to his lips and whisper to them “Money isn’t everything”. Then he’d slip them a hand-drawn $20 and they would go buy a delicious Christmas goose for their family. Maybe you know Jublin thanks to his very unique and cool pokemon portraits project. Remember Nurse Joy and his cute white and pink outfit, who used to take care of your pokemons when they were in a coma? Jublin created a new dimension where this pinky nurse doesn’t exist, and where K.O’d pokemons seem more like scraggly animals. It’s gory indeed, and it’s funny. In other terms, we love it. Psyduck in straitjacket, Chansey with a broken egg, Drowzee filled with sleeping pills and so much more, all kind of dazzling interpretations that make us want to hit ourselves repeatedly over the head with the keyboard, as a kind of homage to his genius. ANYWAY. This year, Jublin finally fixed up his website. He has always been pretty active on the internet and all the social networking sites. It’s a great way to see what other people are working on and simultaneously be inspired and filled with jealousy. “-Now, it’s time for our traditional last question before we let you go, why did you choose this FML? -I thought the idea of a guy latching on to his girlfriend’s back and chomping at her hair was ridiculous. And I really wanted to draw a koala. -Oooh Koala… and why did you decided to send an illustration for FML? -It’s a fun site!” And it’s a fun illustration. Thank you Jublin ! Jublin ‘s website is here www.jublin.com His flickr account is overthere www.flickr.com/jublin   If you want to be the next published artist, send an email to alice@fmylife.com which starts with a hello and ends with a goodbye, including your name, age, and a link to your website/blog. If you don’t have one, attach some of your drawings. But DON’T send your illustration right away! You need first to get in touch with Alice, who has always been madly in love with Columbo, who will tell you what you have to do!

Read more:
Crazy FML