This hunter was sure that he had just killed a deer recently. He couldn’t be more wrong. It couldn’t be more funny. Deer Scares the Crap Out of Hunter When the above clip begins, the hunter believes the deer he had just shot at has been hit and killed, seeing its body laying motionless on the ground. He approaches with caution, but certain of success. Then all of a sudden, when he’s standing just a few feet away, the animal leaps into the air and bolts, taking off running full speed in the other direction. You need to see it for yourself to fully appreciate it. For more great animal moments, most of which don’t even involve an animal playing dead (but you never know!) … just scroll through the video gallery below: 35 Awesome Animal Videos 1. Penguins Continually Tumble Over Rope These penguins are trying really hard to walk over this rope. But, hilariously, none can do so.
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Deer Plays Dead, Scares CRAP Out of Hunter