Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty YouTube sensation Jade Nova is no stranger to impersonating Beyoncé . With her character “Keyonce,” she brings the laughs on how Beyoncé would break down certain situations. Below you can watch Keyonce give her spill as to why her Instagram is alway top notch.
Will Smith is aiming for the Netflix and chill crowd with his new movie Bright . This December, Will teams with Joel Edgerton to bring the heat with the story of two LAPD police officers one named Officer Ward a human played by Smith and Officer Jakoby an orc played by Edgerton. In Bright, the unlikely duo are working around the clock to keep the mean streets of Los Angeles safe from a sinister underworld filled with gang violence and dark forces at work. Check out this feature and gives you more a breakdown of this world.
It’s been no secret that rampant violence, specifically gang violence, is plaguing parts of the city of Chicago, so naturally, when speaking to Chi-Town’s own…