Aviva Drescher has been fired from The Real Housewives of New York City after two seasons on the Bravo series, according to multiple reports. The New York Post mentioned Aviva’s departure in an article also stating that Helena Christensen is joining the cast for its upcoming season. Drescher, 45, an author, amputee and married mother of four, will be best remembered for her leg-throwing incident on the sixth season finale: Arrivederci, Aviva Drescher? Aviva Drescher Throws Leg The shocking Aviva Drescher leg throwing incident occurred after co-stars accused her of lying and faking her illnesses to beg out of several cast trips. “The only thing fake about me,” Drescher snapped, yanking off her prosthetic leg, “is this!” She slammed the limb on the table, then flung it across a restaurant. Rumors that Bravo executives wanted Aviva Drescher fired had been flying well before this incident, so that wasn’t necessarily the root cause. If anything, it brought quite a bit of buzz to the beleaguered show. She’s not sorry about it, either. “I think me getting angry and throwing my leg on the table was really funny and crazy. I get a hoot out of it,” Aviva said later. “I was definitely at the end of my rope , or my leg so to speak.” Earlier in the season, Drescher came to near-blows with Carole Radziwill in an ongoing feud, now infamously labeled BookGate, about their respective tomes. She also made unrelated news this summer when her dad, 76-year-old George Teichner, married his girlfriend Dana, who is over 50 years his junior. Assuming her firing is legit, Aviva’s exit leaves Ramona Singer, Sonja Morgan, Kristen Taekman, Heather Thomson, and Carole Radziwill among the cast. Will you miss Aviva on The Real Housewives of N.Y. City? 21 Real Housewives Feuds For the Ages 21. Tamra Barney vs. Lizzie Rovsek The Real Housewives of Orange County stars have gotten insane mileage out of Lizzie’s birthday and Tamra’s alleged party snub, ripping each other on and off camera.
Here is the original post:
Aviva Drescher: FIRED From The Real Housewives of New York City, Reports Indicate