Naomi Campbell is a model who I thought was retired, but I guess she felt the need to grace the world with her dark, luxurious, wallet fucking nipples at whatever fashion week is going on right now, since every week seems to be fucking fashion week, making me excited for the week that isn’t fashion week and that I can stop walking around in this tuxedo I made out of garbage bags to try and fit in like I was invited to these red carpet high profile, homoerotic yet luxurious fashion shows, instead of just left here to die, so that I can crawl back into the soiled sweatpants I pretty much have made a part of me by not ever taking them off….and even sometimes showering with them and by showering I mean getting caught in the rain, cuz showers are for idiots…… I have this feeling Naomi Campbell smells like shit, she just has that look that even if she showers, you know like she’s rotting on the inside from all the preservatives she’s ingested over the years to land billionaire cock. She’s trash, no matter how many billionaires she marries, or how decadent her ass thinks she is and here she is showing off her nipples like a common whore, that I haven’t decided whether wanting them makes you gay or straight…
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Naomi Campbell’s Nipples on the Runway of the Day