Tag Archives: qualifications

Paperwork Poppy: Tyrese Demands Proof Of Childcare Costs Before He Breaks Off Baby Mama Bag

Image via Mike Windle/WireImage/Getty Tyrese Wants Ex-Wife To Prove How Much She’s Spending On Childcare Tyrese isn’t exactly living his best life, but he’s damn sure not going back and forth with his ex-wife Norma Gibson. According to TMZ , Tyrese is demanding to see proof of exactly how much Norma is spending on childcare for their daughter Shayla. Norma has asked the court to mandate that Tyrese pay $25 per hour in babysitter fees, but Tyrese isn’t sold that she even needs services because she isn’t currently employed. Moreover ‘Rese wants to know if this sitter is a professional and what their qualifications are. Far as he’s concerned, the court never said when or why he has to reimburse Norma. For example, he doesn’t feel that he should have to pay if Norma is paying to go on dinners and other “personal” outings where Shayla can’t come. Kinda sounds like a sneaky way to hate on Norma’s dating life, but we guess the courts will decide what’s acceptable and what’s not. Until then, Tyrese ain’t trying to pay a dime.

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Paperwork Poppy: Tyrese Demands Proof Of Childcare Costs Before He Breaks Off Baby Mama Bag

New Black Police Chief Of Ferguson Speaks Out About Making Changes! [Video]

Lets go Delrish, clean that mess up, brother. The city of Ferguson, Missouri, swore in Delrish Moss as their first African-American police chief. CNN’s Sara Sidner speaks to the new chief about his qualifications.

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New Black Police Chief Of Ferguson Speaks Out About Making Changes! [Video]

For The Feminist Stans: Beyoncé Puts On Her Thinking Wig Cap And Pens Essay On Gender Equality

Yes, she can read and write for herself…. Beyonce Writes Essay On Gender Equality King Bey put on her thinking wig and recently wrote an essay titled “Gender Equality Is a Myth!” for the new installment of Maria Shriver’s Shriver Report , a study that the journalist publishes alongside the Center for American Progress. She writes: We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isn’t a reality yet. Today, women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes. But unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change. Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters earn more—commensurate with their qualifications and not their gender. Equality will be achieved when men and women are granted equal pay and equal respect. Humanity requires both men and women, and we are equally important and need one another. So why are we viewed as less than equal? These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible. We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together. Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more than 50 percent of the voters. We must demand that we all receive 100 percent of the opportunities. Bey makes a strong case . What do you think of her piece? The report, which is titled “A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink” also includes essays from Hillary Clinton, LeBron James and others can be found HERE

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For The Feminist Stans: Beyoncé Puts On Her Thinking Wig Cap And Pens Essay On Gender Equality

Race Matters: Historically Racist White Southern Baptist Convention Set To Elect First Black President

About dayum time!!! Congratulations ! Rev. Fred Luter Jr. is set to become the first African American president of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination organization when convention delegates vote next week in New Orleans. It’s a big step for a denomination that was formed out of a pre-Civil War split with northern Baptists over slavery and for much of the last century had a reputation for supporting segregation. In recent years, faced with growing diversity in America and declining membership in its churches, the denomination has made a sincere effort to distance itself from that past. Many Southern Baptists believe the charming and charismatic Luter is the man who can lead them forward. Many Southern Baptist leaders, when speaking of Luter, mention how respected he is for his determination to stay in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, destroying Franklin Avenue and scattering its members. Luter said the disaster shook his faith and he didn’t know at first if the church could recover. A photograph from that time shows Luter on a helicopter tour of the city, wiping tears from his eyes as he gazed at the flooded buildings and vans of his church. He told the Baptist Press the tragedy showed him that “life is like a vapor on this side of eternity. What you have today could be gone tomorrow. You can’t put your trust in earthly things.” As David Crosby, of First Baptist New Orleans, puts it: “It’s such a note of grace and favor from God that a man of this caliber would step forward to become the first African-American president of the SBC.” This sounds nice and all, but we have a couple of questions that need to be addressed. If he is elected, do you think it will have less to do with his qualifications, and more to do with demonstrating how the new Southern Baptists aren’t racists? Similar to how Michael Steele was elected head of the RNC right after Obama’s election. We support the organization “turning a new leaf” but we have to question the timing and motives behind the election. Just sayin’.

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Race Matters: Historically Racist White Southern Baptist Convention Set To Elect First Black President

Susan Estrich Suddenly ‘Concerned’ Over Paladino Qualifications to Become NY Governor

Remember when liberals brushed aside any criticism of candidate Barack Obama being unqualified to become president because of his lack of executive experience? Well, that was then and this is now because Susan Estrich has suddenly developed “concern” over the qualifications of the Tea Party backed Republican gubernatorial candidate in New York, Carl Paladino. A skeptic might rightly believe this recent Estrich infatuation with qualifications could be inspired by the fact that Paladino is closing the gap in the polls with the Democrat candidate, Andrew Cuomo. Here is Estrich with her newly developed qualifications concern : The Republican nominee for governor of New York doesn’t spend a lot of time talking about himself, which is both good and bad. It’s good because, in truth, his surprise victory over the “establishment” favorite (and Conservative Party candidate) Rick Lazio had very little to do with his qualifications and agenda, and everything to do with his tea party-infused attacks on Albany, government and the powers that are. It’s bad, of course, for precisely the same reason. Is Carl Paladino actually qualified to be governor of New York? The question left unasked by Estrich is whether Andrew Cuomo is actually qualified to be governor of New York. Based on Cuomo’s disastrous tenure as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the answer would have to be no: Andrew Cuomo promised to “transform the lives of millions of families across our country” when as HUD secretary he announced his historic plan to increase home ownership. Eleven years later, many experts think that much-heralded transformation played a role in the devastating subprime mortgage meltdown and the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Estrich doesn’t hide the fact that fear of Democrats losing is the real reason behind her recent concern over qualifications: Christine O’Donnell could win. Cuomo could lose. California could elect a Republican to replace stalwart Democrat Barbara Boxer. I’m not predicting a Democratic demise — yet — but if the most popular politician in New York (and that is Cuomo) is in trouble in a race against a guy who is all but unheard of, whose stump speech consists of off-the-cuff remarks without a hint of an agenda for governing, then it’s about time for some honest-to-goodness high-test fear to match the real anger on the other side. And thank you, Susan, for being honest over what really motivates your concern over candidate qualifications. “High-test fear” over Democrats losing big this year.

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Susan Estrich Suddenly ‘Concerned’ Over Paladino Qualifications to Become NY Governor

Republican who yelled "baby killer" at Democrat Bart Stupak identified!

Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) has come forward and admitted that he was the one who yelled “baby killer” during the House debate on the health care bill last night. In his statement, Neugeubauer said that he meant to refer to the bill as “a baby killer,” not Stupak himself. That said, he has apologized to Stupak. It should be noted that in addition to the “baby killer” outburst, Neugebauer is also a sponsor of the so-called “Birther Bill,” introduced by Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), to require presidential candidates “to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.”

Fawning Political Interviews Have Ruined American Politics [Softball]

Howell Raines hit out at Fox News for ruining political debate . But it’s not just Fox . By softballing and coddling interviewees, all of television news has helped politicians get away with appalling lies, distortions and… being Sarah Palin . Put simply: almost without exception, American political interviewers fawn and simper over their subjects, refuse to ask a question more than once and never call bullshit on blatant bullshit. If anchors, interviewers and White House correspondents did their job — to hold elected officials accountable, by their lapels if necessary — politicians of all stripes could not get away with distorting and outright lying, as they do now. Rove-ian veneers would simply be scraped away by the eight words ‘that is not true, please answer my question’. If they were repeated enough on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC it would mean no birthers. No myths about healthcare or rumors of death panels. No paranoid lies about creeping socialism. No George W. Bush. No Sarah Palin. Take, for example, Palin’s 2008 claim to ABC ‘s Charlie Gibson that because she could “actually see Russia from land here in Alaska,” she had foreign policy experience. Imagine if he’d thrown it directly back to her with follow-up questions. What bearing does this have on your ability to make policy? Are you seriously telling us that your qualifications are based on proximity? I put it to you, Governor Palin, that if you have to rely on such a shabby justification, you are woefully lacking. The resulting stammering and incoherence would have sent her limping back to Wasilla. Instead she was, and is, coddled. There is a quote passed around in British journalism, which has a more robust tradition. Every interviewer is instructed to ask themselves, when facing a politician, “why is this bastard lying to me?” Jeremy Paxman, a BBC interrogator, once asked a very senior member of the government a question 14 times ( video here , skip to about 3.30) simply because he evaded it. Next time Republican Congressman Eric Cantor is on your TV lying glibly about his party’s “no cost jobs plan,” or a government takeover of healthcare, picture an interviewer like Paxman, with the facts at his or her fingertips, making him eat his falsehoods live on air. Then consider how that might affect the level of honesty in his next appearance. It is not easy to be confrontational. These are wealthy, powerful, intimidating people who can choose who they talk to. So reporters make an excuse for practicing Hollywood-style access journalism: they claim their job is to ask the questions, air the responses and let the people judge. They are mere conduits. This, to be frank, is pathetic. Take a look at the dysfunction in DC for evidence. All the stations, from Fox to MSNBC , are doing is validating absurd lies by airing them as news. Politicians should fear, to their very cores, being interviewed by people other than Jon Stewart. We need to stop blaming Fox , and start asking questions. Repeatedly.

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Fawning Political Interviews Have Ruined American Politics [Softball]

American Political Interviewing Sucks [Political Interviews]

Howell Raines hit out at Fox News for ruining political debate . But it’s not just Fox . By softballing and coddling interviewees, all of television news has helped politicians get away with appalling lies, distortions and… being Sarah Palin . Put simply: almost without exception, American political interviewers fawn and simper over their subjects, refuse to ask a question more than once and never call bullshit on blatant bullshit. If anchors, interviewers and White House correspondents did their job — to hold elected officials accountable, by their lapels if necessary — politicians of all stripes could not get away with distorting and outright lying, as they do now. Rove-ian veneers would simply be scraped away by the eight words ‘that is not true, please answer my question’. If they were repeated enough on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC it would mean no birthers. No myths about healthcare or rumors of death panels. No paranoid lies about creeping socialism. No George W. Bush. No Sarah Palin. Take, for example, Palin’s 2008 claim to ABC ‘s Charlie Gibson that because she could “actually see Russia from land here in Alaska,” she had foreign policy experience. Imagine if he’d thrown it directly back to her with follow-up questions. What bearing does this have on your ability to make policy? Are you seriously telling us that your qualifications are based on proximity? I put it to you, Governor Palin, that if you have to rely on such a shabby justification, you are woefully lacking. The resulting stammering and incoherence would have sent her limping back to Wasilla. Instead she was, and is, coddled. There is a quote passed around in British journalism, which has a more robust tradition. Every interviewer is instructed to ask themselves, when facing a politician, “why is this bastard lying to me?” Jeremy Paxman, a BBC interrogator, once asked a very senior member of the government a question 14 times ( video here , skip to about 3.30) simply because he evaded it. Next time Republican Congressman Eric Cantor is on your TV lying glibly about his party’s “no cost jobs plan,” or a government takeover of healthcare, picture an interviewer like Paxman, with the facts at his or her fingertips, making him eat his falsehoods live on air. Then consider how that might affect the level of honesty in his next appearance. It is not easy to be confrontational. These are wealthy, powerful, intimidating people who can choose who they talk to. So reporters make an excuse for practicing Hollywood-style access journalism: they claim their job is to ask the questions, air the responses and let the people judge. They are mere conduits. This, to be frank, is pathetic. Take a look at the dysfunction in DC for evidence. All the stations, from Fox to MSNBC , are doing is validating absurd lies by airing them as news. Politicians should fear, to their very cores, being interviewed by people other than Jon Stewart. We need to stop blaming Fox , and start asking questions. Repeatedly.

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American Political Interviewing Sucks [Political Interviews]

Inside the Low-Paying Cheezburger Empire [Cubicle Culture]

Ben Huh ‘s media startup is focused on LOLcats and other internet animal memes. Things are less cute behind the scenes, where underpaid and overworked humans lurk, according to several company veterans who answered our recent request for information . Cheezburger Network might be the internet’s largest “meme aggregator,” according to Wired , with upwards of $4 million per year gleaned from other people’s pet pictures, supplied to the company for free. But that doesn’t mean the 30 or so employees share fairly in the bounty; as we reported last week, Huh has blogged about proudly offering jobs at Seattle’s minimum wage of $8.55 or slightly higher, at $10. Those low wages permeate the company, insiders and their associates tell us, with some former workers also describing worker misclassification unpaid overtime. On the bright side, it sounds like people have fun with their co-workers, as even some detractors tell us, and one employee wrote in to say his experience at Cheezburger Network beat the pants off her/his (other?) minimum wage jobs — not exactly a high bar, but, given the state of the economy, a practical one. After hearing from seven different people, most of them current or former employees or contractors of Huh’s, we’ve broken their comments down into a few categories below (some sources have multiple quotes). We’ve also included a company-wide memo Huh sent to his staff about our original post, saying he wanted to “solve” any labor issues. Hey Huh: If you’re feeling reformist, we know another Web publisher who might be able to lend you some guidance . Pay and overtime Former worker: In 2009 I made less than $15,000 and would have had to pay a couple hundred dollars to the IRS if it weren’t for a friend who is a crafty accountant/tax preparer. Current worker: I’m paid hourly, but am encouraged to never bill more than 30 hours a week, although I routinely work 40 to 45 hours. If I could find a place that would pay me fairly, I would do it .. but right now, you take the work you can find. Yet another tipster said Cheezburger Network expects staff and/or contractors to work “extensive hours without overtime pay,” a statement we quoted in our last post. Work status Former worker: Huh’s practice of paying “contract employees” is borderline illegal and I’d love to nail his ass to the wall for it. The work that he has his employees doesn’t fall under the qualifications listed on WA state’s contract employee Web page. Another former worker: I can confirm you’re right [with statements in prior post]. Not only was the pay slightly higher than minimum (some positions were outsourced to another country altogether), but he’s skating a fine line between employees and contractors—we did have regular assignments, we did have our own desks, and working from home wasn’t acceptable—in short, most of the things that would cause the IRS to classify one as a regular employee. But in a crap economy, who’s going to report this? Office culture He is shrewd and cheap and I recommend staying away from Cheezburger HQ if you value your sanity and pocket book… The co-workers at Cheezburger are fun, cool people, but Huh and his wife (who is the HR Manager), have a stifling presence in the office and aren’t shy about letting you know whether or not you’re in good or poor favor with them. Someone else: We are expected to be available at all hours, work off the clock and receive very few benefits. Didn’t work for the company: I know someone who interviewed for one of their open jobs. Minimum wage, no benefits, a surprisingly hostile interview that asked what the applicant’s “biggest fail” was without also asking them to describe their career successes, might have been a cute reference to failblog but came off like a retail job “personality” test question. The office was a bunch of workers crammed together at long high school cafeteria-looking tables, not even a cubefarm’s worth of personal space. Happy camper enjoys coworkers, lack of feces and punching: 1. Do I feel exploited, no; 2. Do I work a lot, yes… I love my job, I like coming in to work and I love the people I work with…. Reading through the Gawker article didn’t really anger me; I would describe my response as irritated. The irritation stemmed from the over-inflated sense of entitlement the spy had. I worked crappy retail cause I needed to pay rent and my ever expanding bar tabs, those jobs paid worse, had more hazard and conflict and caused a sense of self loathing that will probably never go away (I imagine it’s a similar sensation with herpes)….. Most of my previous work experience was spent drifting from one retail job to then next, trying to avoid cleaning up other peoples feces, getting punched by the elderly and sworn at by children. Hypocrisy (alleged!) Huh is also stingey about giving his employees learning opportunities. Even when there were relevant conferences in the city of Seattle, Huh wouldn’t send his employees, however, he wasn’t shy about bragging to the office that he was flying to San Fran, LA, or New York for the day to do an interview or meet with an investor. If you really want to talk about a slap in the face, you should ask Huh how much money he spent on booze for Fail Blog fans at the FOWA meet-up in London in 2008 and the Fail Blog night in Seattle later that year. Combined, he probably spent more on those parties than what one of his contract employees makes in 6 months. HuhYou ca response The email Huh sent to staff: You can also read the CEO’s comments in this contentious TechFlash thread from February . In it, Huh says he has lost (as of February) only four employees out of 30 in the past two years, counting both voluntary and involuntary departures. That’s not bad considering how little Huh pays at least some of his workers, but it remains to be seen if he’ll fare so well when the unemployment rate falls significantly from the present 10 percent . Some excerpts: ( Top picture: Huh and his wife Emily, who also works at the company. Getty Images )

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Inside the Low-Paying Cheezburger Empire [Cubicle Culture]

Ellen DeGeneres Defends Her New ‘American Idol’ Gig

‘I’ve spent my whole life being judged,’ talk-show host says of her qualifications for ‘Idol.’ By Eric Ditzian Ellen DeGeneres Photo: Warner Brothers With months still to go until her debut on “American Idol,” Ellen DeGeneres decided to hit back against folks who doubt she has what it takes to hold her own at the judges’ table.

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Ellen DeGeneres Defends Her New ‘American Idol’ Gig