Tag Archives: talking-points

Kush Chronic-les: The Denver Police Would Like To Wish Each And Every Piff-Puffer A Happy 4/20

Denver Police Send Out “Happy 4/20″ Tweet Did you ever think you’d see the day? Via HuffingtonPost In what may go down as the coolest police tweet of all time, the Denver Police Department posted a message of tolerance for the “420” marijuana festivities taking place in the city over the weekend. Late Sunday afternoon, on the second and last day of a massive annual 4/20 marijuana rally at Denver’s Civic Center Park, Denver police tweeted this: In a single lighthearted tweet, the Denver police illustrate just how far the drug war has been rolled back in Colorado — which, in 2012, became the first state in the U.S. to legalize recreational marijuana — with a play on lyrics from Chamillionaire’s 2007 Grammy-winning song “Ridin’.” By any objective standard, that is a pretty cool way for a police department to send a message to the public. When The Huffington Post sent a tweet to the police department account asking about the song referenced, the department noted that “#PoliceLikeToJamToo.” Although private recreational marijuana use has been legalized in the state, public consumption of the drug is still illegal. However, it does still occur, especially at large events. Denver police generally make enforcement of that law on 4/20 a low priority and target only the most egregious offenders. Considering that an estimated 125,000 people attended the rally over the course of the weekend and that Denver police issued only approximately 160 total citations, it appears that police stuck to that strategy. The Associated Press reported Sunday that the police had seen no major issues throughout the weekend. Po po ain’t trippin’! Light it up!

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Kush Chronic-les: The Denver Police Would Like To Wish Each And Every Piff-Puffer A Happy 4/20

Dame Dash Loses Custody Of Daughters To Ex-Wife Rachel Roy

Dame Dash Loses Custody Of Daughters After months of back and forth on who’s the crappier parent , courts have finally sided with Rachel Roy in deeming Dame Dash not as fit a parental figure. The judge in their custody battle have revoked Dame’s custody, giving him nothing but supervised visits from here on out. Via TMZ : Damon Dash just lost custody of the daughters he shares with ex-wife Rachel Roy, and it’s probably all news to him … since he didn’t even show up for the hearing. Roy just got sole legal and physical custody of 15-year-old Ava and 6-year-old Tallulah. Dash also wanted full custody. The former couple each accused the other of being an unfit parent. He claimed she drove drunk with one of the girls, and threatened to cut him with a knife. She claimed he smokes weed around the kids. She said all the women and drugs were a bad influence on their daughters. The judge clearly sided with Rachel, ruling Dash only gets supervised visitation. Roy also got a three-year restraining order against Dash. Damn…maybe Dame should have been channeling more of his energy to the case for his kids than to his other ventures and talking points the past few weeks.

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Dame Dash Loses Custody Of Daughters To Ex-Wife Rachel Roy

Lindsay Lohan-Jay Leno Interview Pisses Off Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters is not happy about Lindsay Lohan bailing on 20/20 – and even less pleased that the star immediately booked an interview with Jay Leno. Her new publicist, Tej Bhatia Herring, took over when Steve Honig quit last month, and was reportedly concerned that Walters would paint Lohan in an unfavorable light. She therefore found else someone to interview her client, a man who lobs more softballs than that fat dude in your slow-pitch league: Jay Leno. Come to think of it, Leno might actually be the fat dude in your slow-pitch league. Walters feels she was stood up by Lindsay and is pissed, given how fair she believes she’s been to her over the years – and would’ve been again in this case. Alas, fair also means holding the interview subject at least semi-accountable. On Friday, NBC announced that Lohan would appear on The Tonight Show on November 20 to promote her Liz Taylor biopic, which airs on November 25. You can expect Leno to stick to the Liz & Dick talking points and avoid any hard-hitting inquiries about partying, legal problems or family issues. Lohan’s new publicist seems to have a plan to reconstruct her client’s image, one that basically entails preventing her from having to explain herself. Ever. PR at its finest.

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Lindsay Lohan-Jay Leno Interview Pisses Off Barbara Walters

CPAC: Day Two Compressed Into 100 Seconds of Video


The rest is here:

The Conservative political stars were shining at CPAC yesterday in Washington. If you were unable to be there, the folks at Talking Points Memo selected some representative moments that captured much of the mood from Friday’s events and packed them into a short video. Here is the TPM 100-second highlight reel from CPAC’s second day. H/T TPM.com Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 10/02/2012 23:35 Number of articles : 2

CPAC: Day Two Compressed Into 100 Seconds of Video

Sarah Silverman Goes Full-Frontal, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Welcome to the Broadsheet, a new, daily Movieline feature gathering some of the morning’s top stories from film, TV and the rest of our glorious culture. In today’s talking points, Sarah Silverman teases her forthcoming nude breakthrough, Community gets animated, Robin Williams gets serious, Randy Quaid has a brand-new mug shot, and more…

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Sarah Silverman Goes Full-Frontal, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Reporter Who Smeared Tea Party With False Accusations of Violence Has ‘No Regrets’

A reporter for the St. Louis paper the Riverfront Times has a message for all the members of the Tea Party movement he smeared with false accusations of political violence: “I have no regrets.” Chad Garrison penned a blog post last week speculating that a member of the Tea Party had firebombed the office of Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-Mo. “Given what we know of [the perpatrator] – 50, white, angry – he certainly fits the demographics of a Tea Party member,” Garrison wrote. ” “On second thought,” he added, “maybe he’s not a Tea Party member. Firebombing your opponent’s office seems a little too, um, sane for that group.” But it turns out the man was actually a disgruntled former Carnahan staffer and blogger for the left-wing site Talking Points Memo, not a member of the Tea Party. Members of the movement asked Garrison to retract. His response: you people have no sense of humor. “As to the legions of Tea Party adherents who are calling for my head: No, I have no regrets,” he said in an email. “I was having fun – at their expense.” In case you’re wondering (I was), the Riverfront Times does not bill itself as a sort of localized version of the Onion – it’s not a satirical publication. There also was no notice on Garrison’s piece that what followed was just a joke. So this apparently is the journalistic standard RFT imposes on its employees. They can smear entire political movements by speculating – without evidence and, it turns out, contrary to the facts – that its members are violent. When they’re called out for their sloppy and borderline-unethical reporting, they can just claim they were joking. How professional. As usual, Ace does a fantastic job of illustrating the utter absurdity of the whole debacle. I’ll let him close it out: Again.. I’m sure this is sick-funny but I’m a little too stupid, I’m afraid, to understand the humor here. It’s like that intellectual humor, you know, like on Frasier. Oh That Reminds Me… I heard a joke once. It was pretty funny. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Knock knock. — Who’s there? Boo. — Boo who? Boo who we’re going to take the country back and leave you with nothing but your hot hysterical tears as you sob to yourself that your New God is dead and make hesitation-cuts on your wrists with a straighrazor. Pretty good one too, right? I like the “boo hoo” part. And also, the part where you die broken and alone.

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Reporter Who Smeared Tea Party With False Accusations of Violence Has ‘No Regrets’

FNC’s O’Reilly Cites NewsBusters Video of Media Praising Obama’s ‘Brilliance’

At the top of Thursday’s O’Reilly Factor on FNC, host Bill O’Reilly cited a NewsBusters video montage of various media figures touting President Obama’s “brilliant” handling of the General McChrystal controversy: “[Obama] has a very powerful ally, the American media. After the President fired General McChrystal yesterday, NewsBusters.org put together this montage of press reaction.” O’Reilly played the video as part of his Talking Points Memo opening the show. After it finished, he joked: “So I guess the firing of McChrystal was a brilliant move.” He then noted how “…we could have played that montage with another 30 seconds with different reporters echoing the same theme.” Minutes later, O’Reilly asked radio host Laura Ingraham about the media all singing from the same hymnal: “When you hear the mainstream media, brilliant, it was brilliant, it was brilliant, it was brilliant.” Ingraham interjected: “It was hilarious.” O’Reilly replied: “Isn’t it? I mean, how far down in the tank does the American people – the American media have to go, before the people just say enough.” Ingraham concluded: “Well, it shows you Bill, how totally out of touch all these media figures – and that montage, I was screaming in the studio here, it was so funny to hear – but it’s so out of touch with the way regular people think.” Ingraham continued: “Most people are saying, okay, what they’re doing on the economy isn’t working. What they’re doing in Afghanistan, we’re losing confidence. We love our troops, we want them to win. But we’re not getting why this is working. And they’re losing confidence across the board in the way this administration is operating. And meanwhile, putting in Petraeus, who obviously is a hero, is ‘Oh, well, that’s brilliant. That’s decisive.’ Later, O’Reilly spoke with liberal Columbia University Professor Marc Lamont Hill about the same topic and declared: “He [Obama] had to do it. But it wasn’t brilliant. It was like he had to do it. And these clowns are going ‘it was a brilliant move.’ What do you think?” Even Hill admitted: “Brilliant was pushing it.” O’Reilly grilled Hill on the left-wing media slant: “…you watch these guys in the mainstream media supposed, you know, objective reporters. You know it’s a farce.” Hill again admitted: “I’ll agree the response last night was clearly a left-leaning analysis.” O’Reilly later observed: “But traditionally, the media in this country are cynical and they’re distrustful of people in power, and they’re looking to get you, and then you go on and ‘he so brilliant.'” On Wednesday night, radio host Mark Levin also cited the NewsBusters item on his show and similarly mocked the media reaction. Here is a full transcript of O’Reilly’s June 24 Talking Points Memo: 8:00AM TEASE BILL O’REILLY: The O’Reilly Factor is on. Tonight: CHIP REID: It sounds like a pretty brilliant decision. WOLF BLITZER: A very brilliant move. CHUCK TODD: It’s going to be seen as a brilliant choice by the President. O’REILLY: The mainstream media senses President Obama may be going down so they are propping him up. We will have opinions on that from Laura Ingraham and Marc Lamont Hill. 8:01AM SEGMENT O’REILLY: Hi, I’m Bill O’Reilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. President Obama on the descent. That is the subject of this evening’s Talking Points Memo. As we reported last night, this week is the low point for the Obama administration. And today, a new Wall Street Journal poll confirms what we said yesterday. For the first time in that poll, more Americans think President Obama is doing a bad job than a good job. 48% Disprove, 45% say he’s doing okay. But the really bad news for the President is that 62% of Americans now feel the country’s heading in the wrong direction. That is the highest number since before the presidential election of 2008. Talking Points believes it is the chaos factor that is damaging the Obama administration, once again. The economy, shaky. The oil spill, chaos. The Afghan war, not going well. And the border situation is so bad the state of Arizona is now defying the federal government. Add it all up and you are in the chaos zone. No president can survive there. Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon were all done in by the perception they could not control the country. That is where the President is right now. But he has a very powerful ally, the American media. After the President fired General McChrystal yesterday, NewsBusters.org put together this montage of press reaction: CHIP REID: Sounds like a pretty brilliant decision, really. JIM MIKLASZEWSKI: This is nothing less than a stunning development, Brian. And quite frankly, at a quick glance, almost brilliant. CHUCK TODD: Politically, in this town, it’s going to be seen as a brilliant choice by the President. WOLF BLITZER: A very brilliant move to tap General Petraeus. DAVID GREGORY: I think he took swift and decisive action. I think that’s how it’s going to be read. O’REILLY: So I guess the firing of McChrystal was a brilliant move. By the way, we could have played that montage with another 30 seconds with different reporters echoing the same theme. Like life, politics is not fair. President Obama didn’t cause the oil spill, he did not encourage General McChrystal to make indiscreet comments, he inherited a very bad economy, but has not been able to turn it around. For a guy like the President, who is ultra confident, this must be a frustrating time. His policies simply aren’t working. And if the war in Afghanistan and the economy get any worse, he will go the way of Jimmy Carter. Fair-minded Americans bear no malice towards Mr. Obama. Just as President Bush was treated unfairly at times, so has the President been. But the truth is, America is now in the chaos zone. And November is coming up fast. And that’s the memo.

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FNC’s O’Reilly Cites NewsBusters Video of Media Praising Obama’s ‘Brilliance’

Rating Fox’s New Trailers: Yay or Nay?

Fox has released trailers for six of its new fall shows, and the series’ talking points scintillate: there’s the reappearance of Will Arnett, the comeback of Jon Voight, the next generation of Fox animation, and a new spin on the relationship comedy, among others. But not all of these offerings deliver on their promise, and Movieline’s breaking down each of the six trailers with a simple “yay” or “nay” vote, keeping these judgment calls as gladiatorial as possible. So, are these burgers well done or too pink for consumption?

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Rating Fox’s New Trailers: Yay or Nay?

Tea Party Vigilantes Out for Liberal Blood [Violence]

White extremists, angry at the passage of health care reform, are mobilizing to punish the Godless Democratic lawmakers who are responsible for the coming of Armageddon . The FBI is involved after a series of death threats. Here are some highlights. Right-wing nutjobs have graduated from simply yelling racist and homophobic slurs at Democratic lawmakers, to direct action. Bricks have been thrown through windows of several Democratic Party offices, some with Barry Goldwater (?!) quotes attached. Virginia Congressman Tom Perriello’s brother had the gas line to his home severed after Tea Partiers posted the wrong address on the internet. They were encouraging people to visit Perriello and “express their thanks,” for his ‘yes’ vote. The AP spoke with one of the organizers : Nigel Coleman, chairman of the Danville Tea Party , said he re-posted the comment that originated on another conservative blog, including the address, Monday on his Facebook page. The posts were taken down after the mistake was discovered. “We’ve never been associated with any violence or any vandalism,” he said. ” We’re definitely sorry that we posted the incorrect address .” Representative Bart “Baby Killer” Stupak received a voicemail that said: I hope you bleed … (get) cancer and die.” And then he got a fax that read: All Baby Killers come to unseemly ends Either by the hand of man or by the hand of God.” Missouri Rep. Russ Carnahan found a coffin on his lawn . And these are just a few of the incidents so far. But hey, this is just freedom of expression, the way the Founding Fathers intended! Republican John Boehner has denounced the threats and violence, but Democrats are demanding that he come out stronger in his condemnation of the wackos in his own party. Earlier this week, Times columnist Bob Herbert offered this analysis : The toxic clouds that are the inevitable result of the fear and the bitter conflicts so relentlessly stoked by the Republican Party – think blacks against whites, gays versus straights, and a whole range of folks against immigrants – tend to obscure the tremendous damage that the party’s policies have inflicted on the country.” Talking Points Memo is keeping a pin-map of the attacks and serious threats that have happened so far across the country. Sadly, it is bound to grow. Finally, here is a Drudge headline and a subtle advertisement encouraging people to let Nancy Pelosi know how they really feel. [ Image via , Drudge]

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Tea Party Vigilantes Out for Liberal Blood [Violence]

Paul Krugman steps back to compare the strategies used by both sides in the health care debate.

Just a portion of this fascinating opinion piece from the New York Times : And let’s be clear: the campaign of fear hasn’t been carried out by a radical fringe, unconnected to the Republican establishment. On the contrary, that establishment has been involved and approving all the way. Politicians like Sarah Palin — who was, let us remember, the G.O.P.’s vice-presidential candidate — eagerly spread the death panel lie, and supposedly reasonable, moderate politicians like Senator Chuck Grassley refused to say that it was untrue. On the eve of the big vote, Republican members of Congress warned that “freedom dies a little bit today” and accused Democrats of “totalitarian tactics,” which I believe means the process known as “voting.” Krugman really does no more than state the obvious, but he does so in a way that is