Tag Archives: only-the-most

Big Orangey Dummy: Here’s Why “Unpresidented” Is Trending Worldwide On Twitter

The Internet Vs. Donald Trump (AGAIN) Here we are AGAIN, pointing and laughing at our soon-to-be Cheeto-in-Chief Donald Trump who tweeted a word that definitely doesn’t exist in a “serious” national security message currently fueling hilarious chaos across Twitter. Hit the flip for the funniest (and pettiest) reactions to Trump’s bigly typo seen ’round the world.

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Big Orangey Dummy: Here’s Why “Unpresidented” Is Trending Worldwide On Twitter

Merry Rich-Mas: 2 Chainz Famed “Dabbin’ Santa” Sweater Gets A $90,000 Upgrade

2 Chainz Sells $90,000 Diamond And Gold Ugly Christmas Sweater For Charity Tauheed Epps aka 2 Chainz aka Daniel Son; Necklace Don aka HairWeaveKiller aka Drench God aka a brotha who is making a LOT of money has brought his penchant for all things gaudy, over-the-top, and luxurious to the holiday season. Last year his “Dabbin’ Santa” Christmas sweaters were the hottest thing on social media, this year, he’s created a sweater for only the most ballerific of ballers. A $90,000 version of jolly ol’ Saint Nick made from diamonds and gold. Don’t get it twisted though, according to the 2ChainzShop site, this particular sweater is not for Mr. Chainz to get richer, all proceeds from the sale (there was only 1 made and someone has already bought it) will got to charity, likely his T.R.U. Foundation. Wonder who is gonna pop up on the ‘gram rockin’ this jawn??? Image via Instagram/2ChainzShop

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Merry Rich-Mas: 2 Chainz Famed “Dabbin’ Santa” Sweater Gets A $90,000 Upgrade

Kush Chronic-les: The Denver Police Would Like To Wish Each And Every Piff-Puffer A Happy 4/20

Denver Police Send Out “Happy 4/20″ Tweet Did you ever think you’d see the day? Via HuffingtonPost In what may go down as the coolest police tweet of all time, the Denver Police Department posted a message of tolerance for the “420” marijuana festivities taking place in the city over the weekend. Late Sunday afternoon, on the second and last day of a massive annual 4/20 marijuana rally at Denver’s Civic Center Park, Denver police tweeted this: In a single lighthearted tweet, the Denver police illustrate just how far the drug war has been rolled back in Colorado — which, in 2012, became the first state in the U.S. to legalize recreational marijuana — with a play on lyrics from Chamillionaire’s 2007 Grammy-winning song “Ridin’.” By any objective standard, that is a pretty cool way for a police department to send a message to the public. When The Huffington Post sent a tweet to the police department account asking about the song referenced, the department noted that “#PoliceLikeToJamToo.” Although private recreational marijuana use has been legalized in the state, public consumption of the drug is still illegal. However, it does still occur, especially at large events. Denver police generally make enforcement of that law on 4/20 a low priority and target only the most egregious offenders. Considering that an estimated 125,000 people attended the rally over the course of the weekend and that Denver police issued only approximately 160 total citations, it appears that police stuck to that strategy. The Associated Press reported Sunday that the police had seen no major issues throughout the weekend. Po po ain’t trippin’! Light it up!

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Kush Chronic-les: The Denver Police Would Like To Wish Each And Every Piff-Puffer A Happy 4/20

Maddonna Burqa Photo is Offensive, Stupid

Recently, Madonna has taken to behaving as revoltingly as possible as part of her desperate bid to remain relevant. Last month Madonna used the word “gay” as insult . Prior to that Madonna dropped an N-Bomb in reference to her white son. The most baffling behavior of all, however, may have the been the still-unexplained Daenerys Targaryen costume Madonna wore for Purim . It’s a bit sad, in that in her attempts to be “edgy” the former icon really just reminds you of an aging, bigoted relative who should probably institutionalized. We were actually beginning to feel bad for Madonna. Then we saw this: Yes, that’s exactly what it looks like…Madonna wearing a burqa. If you’re anything like us, this photo makes you want an explanation. Fortunately, Madonna has one. It just happens to be the Worst Explanation Ever: “It’s that kinda day! #Unapologeticb—-!” Yet again, Madonna demonstrates that she has only the most tenuous grip on reality and doesn’t quite understand how hashtags work. (Those dashes are hers.) So there you have it. Madonna posted a photo of herself wearing fundamentalist Muslim garb and doesn’t give a damn what you think about it. You think she’s an idiot? Of course you do! And you’re right to. But don’t hold your breath for an apology. Know why? Because she’s an unapologetic b—-! 8 Controversial Photos of Madonna 1. Madonna Armpit Hair Pic Madonna has hair in her armpit. And she’s not afraid to show it off.

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Maddonna Burqa Photo is Offensive, Stupid

Mexico’s paralyzed by "corporatist institutions" according to the Economist

Ever since 2000, when the National Action Party (PAN) ended seven decades of rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), there has been a broad consensus that Mexico needs thoroughgoing reform of its corporatist institutions and its oligopolistic economy if it is to create a vigorous, prosperous democracy. But the opposition has been reluctant to forfeit short-term advantage or anger privileged insiders—from teachers to television companies—by helping the government pass legislation. The current president, Felipe Calder