Tag Archives: onion

Onion Meatball Bombs

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Ingredients 1 pound meatloaf mix (beef, pork, veal or use all beef if you prefer.) 1 egg ½ cup bread crumbs (I use Aleia’s gluten free) Click here for more ingredients and directions

Onion Meatball Bombs

Pope Francis Gets The C-Word Treatment In Parody Of The Onion’s Quvenzhané Wallis Tweet

Those who remain convinced that The Onion ‘s controversial Oscar-night tweet about Quvenzhané Wallis was  really about the Beasts of the Southern Wild  star and not about Hollywood hypocrisy should check out the below tweet from comedian and filmmaker  Paul Provenza . Last week, I posted The Aristocrats director’s thoughtful deconstruction of The Onion’s joke, why it wasn’t about Wallis and why the fake news organization’s subsequent apology was problematic. The story got a lot of reaction and, in the wake of yesterday’s announcement that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had been elected the new leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis I ,  Provenza took the opportunity to riff on The Onion  brouhaha, and to drive home the point that the joke is not  about whoever is named being a cunt. Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but that new pope is kind of a cunt, right? @ TheOnion — Paul Provenza (@PaulProvenza) March 13, 2013 If you disagree and your ears are smoking like the Sistine Chapel’s chimney, sound off in the comments section below. More on The Onion controversy:  ‘The Aristocrats’ Director Paul Provenza: The Onion’s Apology To Quvenzhané Wallis Was ‘Problematic’ Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter . Follow Movieline on  Twitter .

Go here to read the rest:
Pope Francis Gets The C-Word Treatment In Parody Of The Onion’s Quvenzhané Wallis Tweet

‘The Aristocrats’ Director Paul Provenza: The Onion’s Apology To Quvenzhané Wallis Was ‘Problematic’

When The Onion ‘s CEO Steve Hannah publicly apologized last week for the satirical newspaper’s controversial Oscar-night tweet about Quvenzhané Wallis , two thoughts crossed my mind: 1) It’s not a good day for comedy when a satirical publication says it’s sorry for a joke that was not actually about the Beasts of the Southern Wild  actress. And 2) what would Paul Provenza make of this? In addition to being a veteran stand-up comic and actor, Provenza directed The Aristocrats ,  one of the finest dissections of comedy in any media (and not because I’m in it). The 2005 documentary deconstructs one of the oldest and dirtiest jokes in stand-up — the film’s title is its punchline — and when I shot my segment with Provenza, I quickly learned that, in addition to being a very funny guy, he’s a scholar of humor, who’s really good at explaining why something is funny — or not. ‘The Onion’: The Quvenzhané Wallis Controversy So, in the aftermath of the Wallis controversy, I emailed Provenza to get his analysis of the situation. Excerpts of his assessment appear below, but, first, an unexpurgated recap of what happened last week for anyone who was focusing on the sequestration crisis instead. If you’re offended by the word “cunt,” then stop reading now, because the term appears quite a bit in the following passages, and, in the context of this discussion, I think it’s justified. Also, as Provenza noted, censoring the word, “just adds to the irony” of the controversy. Here’s what The Onion  initially tweeted during the Academy Awards on Feb. 24.  After initially obscuring the offending word, the tweet was eventually disappeared as the backlash grew: “Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but that Quvenzhané Wallis is kind of a cunt, right?” The Onion’s Apology Here is the apology that Hannah posted on The Onion ‘s Facebook page on Monday, Feb. 25: Dear Readers, On behalf of The Onion, I offer my personal apology to Quvenzhané Wallis and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the tweet that was circulated last night during the Oscars. It was crude and offensive—not to mention inconsistent with The Onion’s commitment to parody and satire, however biting. No person should be subjected to such a senseless, humorless comment masquerading as satire. The tweet was taken down within an hour of publication. We have instituted new and tighter Twitter procedures to ensure that this kind of mistake does not occur again. In addition, we are taking immediate steps to discipline those individuals responsible. Miss Wallis, you are young and talented and deserve better. All of us at The Onion are deeply sorry. Sincerely, Steve Hannah CEO The Onion Why The Onion’s Apology Is Problematic Take it away, Professor Provenza: I think the crux of it is that the whole issue has more to do with Twitter than it has to do with comedy. Not completely, but largely. Twitter is a big, broad audience, and it’s a tough room to ‘read’, particularly with a joke this harsh. But the joke is absolutely misunderstood in most of the chatter. It is NOT a joke calling that sweet little girl a cunt. It’s not maligning her in any way whatsoever — it is saying exactly the opposite. The joke rests squarely on the fact that Quvenzhané Wallis is the very last person you’d ever want to call a cunt.  Not even the most steadfast cynic can find her anything but innocent, beautiful and adorable, and that’s the whole point of the joke: The Hollywood schadenfreude and the palpable desperation that runs through much of the movie biz inspires the idea that someone, somewhere in Oscartown is already spreading vicious rumors about her. The fact that it is so inappropriate to say anything like that about her is precisely the basis — and I believe the point — of the Tweet. It was meant as a satirical comment about Hollywood and the pretense that everybody at the Oscars loves each other so much. It’s all golden statues and lavish praise — and is, The Onion suggests, about as phony as it gets. SO The Onion ‘s apology is problematic. It suggests they did insult her, and they’re sorry about it. Which is not the case. They offended, yes — not by insulting  Quvenzhané Wallis, but by using the word “cunt” in the first place. And what could they expect, putting a most innocent, beloved 9 year old in the same sentence with perhaps the second most reviled word in the English language?  That’s not the norm for The Onion , which usually does a much more deft job of communicating harsh comic ideas, but, comedically speaking, the joke is  meant  to be a bludgeon. So, I really can’t fault it on that score. It’s not meant to be a cleverly disguised notion. It’s meant to be as harsh as the ugly truth of envy, back-biting and negativity that Hollywood embodies. No one is spared, no matter how sweet and pure and innocent. Provenza goes on to point out that launching the Wallis joke into the Twitterverse put The Onion in “a difficult place.” Their work rarely has reached the audience this has reached — it has gone beyond their normal audience of comedy fans, fans of biting satire, whatever — to the broadest based audience imaginable: Oscar viewers, news & opinion blog/TV watchers. That audience includes far more people who would be offended in great numbers. And that’s where it becomes about Twitter. It’s now a story debated by people who have never had, nor do they now have, any interest in The Onion or what they’re all about. And now we’re into the business of damage control. But man, it feels wrong to apologize for a joke you didn’t even make. When I asked Provenza if The Onion should have apologized at all, he replied: Not this apology. They could have apologized for upsetting people in their audience. That would  have been honest — they didn’t want to offend anyone. But this apology is dishonest: They apologize for offending the little girl and saying she deserves better when they did NOT say anything offensive about her. Thus, the apology is obsequious, reeks of insincerity and is compromising of The Onion’s integrity and its actual point of view in the first place. The Onion’s Tweet & Seth MacFarlane’s Jokes Stir The Pretentious Pot Provenza also drew a provocative connection between The Onion ‘s tweet and Seth MacFarlane’s much-maligned emceeing of the Academy Awards that night: If you look at  The Onion  thing (the actual substance of the joke, not the misinterpretation of it) and Seth’s entire night of hosting, some very loud voices were digging into the whole pretension of the Oscars.  And what’s really interesting to me is that Seth was essentially a fox in the Academy Awards henhouse. The producers of the telecast knew what he was going to do: Nothing was off the cuff, songs were rehearsed for weeks, scripts were signed off on by legal departments and Standards & Practices. In other words, the producers of the Oscars themselves chose to  let  Seth call bullshit on false propriety, to dredge up unsavory things about the celebs in attendance and onstage, to take very little of it as seriously as the Oscars seem to want to be taken. They essentially allowed him to repeatedly remind the audience what a load of crap it all is. We all know that Oscar itself is a massive industry. The politics behind the nominees and winners is predominated by studios/distributors’ financial interests and all kinds of deal-making and horse trading.  The fact that awards shows and celebrities are being called out ever more loudly, even from within, seems to suggest something. It’s almost as if even the people involved in the enterprise can’t ignore how pretentious it all is and are really tired of the machine. I can’t wait to read the comments on this. Leave them below. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter . Follow Movieline on  Twitter .

Read more:
‘The Aristocrats’ Director Paul Provenza: The Onion’s Apology To Quvenzhané Wallis Was ‘Problematic’

Blog Issues Apologizes For Calling Quvenzhane Wallis A “Cunt”

See the article here:

After posting this tweet during last night’s Oscars, The Onion apologizes for its criticism of young actress, Quvenzhane Wallis: “On behalf of The Onion, I…

Blog Issues Apologizes For Calling Quvenzhane Wallis A “Cunt”

The Onion Apologizes for Offensive Quvenzhane Wallis Tweet

The Onion has issued an apology for its WAY-over-the-top Tweet last night regarding Oscar nominee Quvenzhane Wallis. Facing pressure from… just about everyone with a sense of right and wrong, CEO Steve Hannah has released the following statement, in which he addresses an employee at the company referring to the nine-year old as a cunt . “On behalf of The Onion, I offer my personal apology to Quvenzhané Wallis and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the tweet that was circulated last night during the Oscars,” Hannah wrot on Facebook. “It was crude and offensive – not to mention inconsistent with The Onion’s commitment to parody and satire, however biting. “No person should be subjected to such a senseless, humorless comment masquerading as satire. “The tweet was taken down within an hour of publication. We have instituted new and tighter Twitter procedures to ensure that this kind of mistake does not occur again. “In addition, we are taking immediate steps to discipline those individuals responsible.” “Miss Wallis, you are young and talented and deserve better. All of us at The Onion are deeply sorry.”

Go here to see the original:
The Onion Apologizes for Offensive Quvenzhane Wallis Tweet

Iran News Website Quotes Onion Spoof Claiming Ahmadinejad More Popular Than Obama

A news agency in Iran has published a report claiming that white, rural Americans would rather vote for its own head of state, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, than U.S. President Barack Obama. Slight problem: The report was by the Onion. Quoting The Onion, Iranian news agency Fars (more like FARCE, are we right?!) cites a fake poll that says 77 percent would rather have a drink or watch sports with Ahmadinejad. A made-up West Virginia resident is quoted as saying: “I like him better.” The West Virginia resident also believes Iran’s president “takes national defense seriously” and wouldn’t let “gay protesters tell him how to run his country like Obama does.” The Fars news agency, which is affiliated with the powerful Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), does not credit The Onion for the report on the survey. Iran banned alcohol after its revolution in 1979, while homosexuality is punishable by imprisonment or death and the nation’s media and politicians often refer to the U.S. as the “Great Satan.” That and they’ve apparently never seen The Onion. What a terrible place!

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Iran News Website Quotes Onion Spoof Claiming Ahmadinejad More Popular Than Obama

Obama Kills High-Speed Rail, Proposes High-Speed Buses? (Video)

Obama Replaces Costly High-Speed Rail Plan With High-Speed Bus Plan That whole sustainable, comfortable, and high-speed transportation thing was overrated anyway. Who needs high-speed rail? See, as the Onion proposes above, all we have to do is paint over the shoulder lanes on ou… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Obama Kills High-Speed Rail, Proposes High-Speed Buses? (Video)

Reporter Who Smeared Tea Party With False Accusations of Violence Has ‘No Regrets’

A reporter for the St. Louis paper the Riverfront Times has a message for all the members of the Tea Party movement he smeared with false accusations of political violence: “I have no regrets.” Chad Garrison penned a blog post last week speculating that a member of the Tea Party had firebombed the office of Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-Mo. “Given what we know of [the perpatrator] – 50, white, angry – he certainly fits the demographics of a Tea Party member,” Garrison wrote. ” “On second thought,” he added, “maybe he’s not a Tea Party member. Firebombing your opponent’s office seems a little too, um, sane for that group.” But it turns out the man was actually a disgruntled former Carnahan staffer and blogger for the left-wing site Talking Points Memo, not a member of the Tea Party. Members of the movement asked Garrison to retract. His response: you people have no sense of humor. “As to the legions of Tea Party adherents who are calling for my head: No, I have no regrets,” he said in an email. “I was having fun – at their expense.” In case you’re wondering (I was), the Riverfront Times does not bill itself as a sort of localized version of the Onion – it’s not a satirical publication. There also was no notice on Garrison’s piece that what followed was just a joke. So this apparently is the journalistic standard RFT imposes on its employees. They can smear entire political movements by speculating – without evidence and, it turns out, contrary to the facts – that its members are violent. When they’re called out for their sloppy and borderline-unethical reporting, they can just claim they were joking. How professional. As usual, Ace does a fantastic job of illustrating the utter absurdity of the whole debacle. I’ll let him close it out: Again.. I’m sure this is sick-funny but I’m a little too stupid, I’m afraid, to understand the humor here. It’s like that intellectual humor, you know, like on Frasier. Oh That Reminds Me… I heard a joke once. It was pretty funny. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Knock knock. — Who’s there? Boo. — Boo who? Boo who we’re going to take the country back and leave you with nothing but your hot hysterical tears as you sob to yourself that your New God is dead and make hesitation-cuts on your wrists with a straighrazor. Pretty good one too, right? I like the “boo hoo” part. And also, the part where you die broken and alone.

Go here to read the rest:
Reporter Who Smeared Tea Party With False Accusations of Violence Has ‘No Regrets’

"Millions of Barrels of Oil Safely Reach Port in Major Environmental Catastrophe": Onion

Disaster strikes as massive quantities of oil reach their intended destination. The Onion Yes, the Onion, America’s finest news source, is consistently hilarious. But even it is rarely this biting, this trenchant — and this right on. Check out its lead story today , about the massive disaster that occurred when a huge oil tanker didn ‘t crash, and instead brought millions of barrels of oil ashore to be refi… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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"Millions of Barrels of Oil Safely Reach Port in Major Environmental Catastrophe": Onion

Newspapers Revamp Print Editions for Nearly Nonexistent Readership

Big changes are afoot at The Boston Globe, The Washington Post and other relics of the bygone print media era in their aggressive effort to retain the handful of actual newspaper readers they still may have. This is one of those moments when the Onion … (continued) Related Entries May 31, 2010 What’s Not to Like About Civil Rights? May 31, 2010 Memorial Day and Our Discontents

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Newspapers Revamp Print Editions for Nearly Nonexistent Readership