Tag Archives: senate-energy

Rand Paul Uses Ayn Rand To Fight Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs


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“Admit it,” says Dave Weigel , “you were waiting for this.” What, pray tell, is he referring to? He’s talking about Rand Paul, quoting Ayn Rand at length at a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. See, Rand Paul is hopping mad at the compact flourescent lightbulb for existing, because it represents the “boot heel” of the “collective.” Let’s go to the tape: PAUL: Ayn Rand wrote… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Huffington Post Discovery Date : 12/04/2011 21:00 Number of articles : 2

Rand Paul Uses Ayn Rand To Fight Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Manchin Claims Coal ‘Doesn’t Get A Penny Of Subsidies’


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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), the newest member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, claimed today that the coal industry doesn’t receive any government subsidies, unlike every other form of energy. The former governor of coal-state West Virginia, who famously fired a rifle at clean energy legislation in a campaign ad, argued that the Obama administration has “villainized” coal. In a hearing… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 03/02/2011 23:05 Number of articles : 2

Manchin Claims Coal ‘Doesn’t Get A Penny Of Subsidies’

Newspapers Revamp Print Editions for Nearly Nonexistent Readership

Big changes are afoot at The Boston Globe, The Washington Post and other relics of the bygone print media era in their aggressive effort to retain the handful of actual newspaper readers they still may have. This is one of those moments when the Onion … (continued) Related Entries May 31, 2010 What’s Not to Like About Civil Rights? May 31, 2010 Memorial Day and Our Discontents

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Newspapers Revamp Print Editions for Nearly Nonexistent Readership

Senate Protester Gives Herself the Pelican Treatment

Maybe oil companies like BP are careless with safety standards because, after devastating the tourist and fishing industries (not to mention the environment) of the Gulf, they’re on the hook for about one day’s oil profits in economic damages. In protest of that liability cap and one of the senators who wants to keep it, a woman poured “oil” on herself in Congress Wednesday. Treehugger: Diane Wilson, one of the founders of the Code Pink protest group, today anointed herself with a glass jar of toffee-colored oil at a Senate Energy Subcommittee meeting to protest, she says, Senator Lisa Murkowski’s blocking of a bill that would have lifted BP’s liability cap. President Obama had earlier in the week announced he was supporting lifting the $75 million cap, to raise it to $10 billion. Wilson was removed from the meeting and arrested, according to the Code Pink web site. Read more More about Wilson and the events on Code Pink’s website . David Sirota writes in a recent column: Considering the fact that oil-spill costs can far surpass $75 million, this is the old “too big to fail” idea propping up the oil companies. Applied specifically to the gulf cataclysm, the statute suggests that the national interest is best served by having taxpayers and communities foot the bill for the destruction rather than having companies like British Petroleum suffer the balance-sheet pain of paying the full damages. Read more The Caucus reports on efforts to raise the liability cap: At a hearing of the Environment and Public Works Committee on Wednesday, the bill’s sponsors — Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, and Bill Nelson of Florida — as well as a parade of witnesses from the Gulf region’s tourism and fishing industry demanded that BP be held responsible for every penny of pain caused by the disaster. The administration and Congressional Democrats are united in their support of the bill, saying that it would institute an incentive for companies to play it safe in the future. Read more

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Senate Protester Gives Herself the Pelican Treatment