Tag Archives: documentation

Where Is Maury??? Paternity Test Proves Flo Rida Is NOT The Daddy After Judge Rules In Favor Of Groupie’s Child Support Request

Flo ain’t the daddy ! Flo Rida Proven Not To Be The Father Of Groupie’s Baby Via TMZ reports Somebody call Maury … because Flo Rida underwent a paternity test to determine if he’s the daddy of a 2-year-old boy in Florida — and according to the documentation, he’s free and clear. TMZ broke the story … Flo Rida was sued for child support in Florida by a woman named Gloria Holloway, who insists Flo fathered her kid. Flo — real name Tramar Dillard — adamantly denied paternity … and now he’s got proof in the form of a DNA test. TMZ has obtained the doc … and according to the paperwork, there is a 0% chance that Flo is the daddy. Sources close to the rapper tell us, his attorneys will be filing the DNA test results with the Florida Department of Revenue to block Holloway from obtaining a child support order against him. Flo’s lawyer tells us, “Flo Rida is absolutely not the father of the child and does not expect to hear anything else on the subject.” Calls to Holloway weren’t returned. Get this groupie outta here!

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Where Is Maury??? Paternity Test Proves Flo Rida Is NOT The Daddy After Judge Rules In Favor Of Groupie’s Child Support Request

Shady Azz Billboard In Texas Tries To Sway Black Voters With Image Of MLK, Jr.

Are they trying to imply that Black voters only vote for black candidates? Even if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a republican, he definitely wouldn’t be a fan of all the bull going on today. According to The Huffington Post : Hovering above Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in Dallas, a provocative billboard makes a controversial claim in black and red block letters: “Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. VOTE REPUBLICAN!” It’s a claim, and a voter registration tactic, that has been used before, despite a decidedly mixed reactions from community members who see it. The ads posted this year — as well as similar billboards posted in Austin and in Houston back in 2009 — are the brainchild of Claver Kamau-Imani, a Houston, Texas, church leader and the founder of RagingElephants.org, a conservative group that aims to recruit more African Americans for the Republican Party. Kamau-Imani said the use of the American Civil Rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner is appropriate and accurate. “The use of Dr. King, because of him being an icon in the community, we feel would be most effective,” Kamau-Imani told CBS DFW. “That’s why we used it. We have the documentation to back the claims we’re making on the billboard.” This documentation is hard to pin down, however. In 2009, Kamau-Imani told Fox News that King’s niece, the Rev. Alveda King, said her uncle was indeed a Republican. But while video of Alveda King’s claim is available on YouTube, Kamau-Imani acknowledged there’s no documentation to back her up. That 2009 billboard was taken down early, after the leader of the local New Black Panther Party chapter organized a press conference rallying support against the $3,000 sign. “Martin Luther King may have very well believed in some of the Christian principles of the Republican Party, but Dr. Martin Luther King was not a Republican or a Democrat,” Quanell X told Fox News at the time. “[He] would not be with the party of Newt Gingrich, he would not be with the party of Sarah Palin, he would not be with the party of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage or Sean Hannity.” Dr. King’s son Martin Luther King III, as well as various other friends have all objected to this label. Ultimately, Politifact said the claim was false. Back in Dallas, Peter Johnson, an activist who worked alongside King in the 1960s, told CBS that the billboards are simply offensive. “Using his image is one thing, exploiting his legacy is another,” Johnson said. “To distort his legacy, it’s sacred to some of us. We know the suffering and sacrifice that was made.” To take the sacrifice that Dr. King and so many others made is beyond disrespectful. It makes us wonder what other disgusting tactics these ignorant fools will make. Images via facebook

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Shady Azz Billboard In Texas Tries To Sway Black Voters With Image Of MLK, Jr.

Scientists Confirm Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA

Research findings continues work of DNA Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Francis Crick Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and other scholars in this area. Current findings are consistent with reports of Professor Sam Chang, who discreetly released information on his own apparent findings, in association with the Human Genome Project. Scientists are beginning to complain more and more about political attempts to compromise the integrity of their important work for humanity. The discreet releasing of findings, is one apparent way in which scientists try to cope with scientific peer pressures to conform to prevailing political pressures. Details of findings have been published in part, by Dr. Michael Salla, who is a learned scholar on extraterrestrial research. Exo-scientists and other researchers base their findings, in part, on carefully collecting data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and “whistleblowers”, as well as other documentation. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_adn08.htm added by: DogBoy

Republican who yelled "baby killer" at Democrat Bart Stupak identified!

Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) has come forward and admitted that he was the one who yelled “baby killer” during the House debate on the health care bill last night. In his statement, Neugeubauer said that he meant to refer to the bill as “a baby killer,” not Stupak himself. That said, he has apologized to Stupak. It should be noted that in addition to the “baby killer” outburst, Neugebauer is also a sponsor of the so-called “Birther Bill,” introduced by Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), to require presidential candidates “to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.”

Pastor prosecuted for preaching gospel of pot

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — A local pastor is preaching the benefits of pot to his followers. But now this marijuana ministry is facing the wrath of county prosecutors. While Los Angeles city leaders struggle to figure out how to deal with the hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries that have sprung up all over town, law enforcement is targeting alleged law-breakers. A pastor who built his ministry around marijuana is now out of business. One look at the storefront on one West Los Angeles street and you know you're looking at a marijuana dispensary. Beverly Hills Green Cross is different. Craig Rubin conducts bible study there. The ordained minister is pastor of Temple 420, a marijuana ministry. “What we've always tried to do, my wife and I, is present god to people who use medical marijuana,” said Rubin. “[The Bible] says 'we are healed by his stripes' in Isaiah 53, and a as a Jewish person, I believe the Old Testament, and I think Christians should believe the Old Testament is valid. I teach a course in college called 'The Jewish History of the New Testament.' “Marijuana is specifically mentioned in the Book of Exodus in a holy anointing oil. It's called 'cannabossum,'” said Rubin. You could say he practices what he preaches. When asked if he smoked cannabis, Rubin said, “Yes, I do smoke.” The last time he lit up? “Ten minutes ago.” L.A. County District Attorney Steve Cooley says he's cracking down on hundreds of marijuana dispensaries he says are operating illegally in Los Angeles. Cooley says religion is just another way dope dealers try to get around the law to make a profit. “I want to reach out to people who do smoke pot and let them know that god still loves them, and they're welcome to come to church, and that it isn't a sin to smoke pot,” said Rubin. “I think they're frauds and they're corrupt,” said Cooley. “And they should be pursued by people in positions of law enforcement authority.” That's what happened at Rubin's dispensary. After an undercover investigation, L.A. police raided the place on October 22 at 4:20 in the afternoon. Rubin is in big trouble. He was already on probation after being convicted previously of marijuana possession for sale. Now he's facing those same charges again, plus a possible probation violation that could send him to prison for years. “Hey, I'm facing jail time,” said Rubin. “And really I feel I haven't done anything wrong but try and preach the word.” Rubin said he's being singled out because he's an outspoken advocate for medical marijuana who once ran for mayor of Los Angeles. He says his dispensary was licensed and that he'd consulted with the city attorney's office to make sure they were OK with it. Rubin was arraigned on Monday. He's acting as his own attorney. He says god and the law are both on his side, that the law under which he's being prosecuted makes an exception for ordained ministers. One of his supporters could be seen Monday smoking a marijuana cigarette right outside the courthouse. “The state makes an exception for duly ordained ministers to run psychological clinics, and we do provide psychological counseling and services, biblical services,” said Rubin. Rubin is due back in court in January, representing himself and his beliefs, with his freedom on the line. Rubin says he has the documentation to prove his innocence and he's ready to go to trial. He's undeterred by the fact that the last time he acted as his own attorney, he was convicted. video > > > http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news /local/los_angeles&id=7137520 added by: copperdragon