Tag Archives: governor-rick

Perry on $10k Bet: Shows Romney is “Out of Touch”


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Republican candidate for President Texas Governor Rick Perry addressed the $10,000 bet offered by rival Mitt Romney during the Republican Iowa debate Saturday night, on Fox News Sunday. “I was taken a little aback,” said Perry. “I’m driving out to the station this morning I’m pretty sure I didn’t drive by a house that anyone in Iowa would think a $10,000 bet was possible. It was a little out of touch… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 11/12/2011 19:44 Number of articles : 2

Perry on $10k Bet: Shows Romney is “Out of Touch”

It’s About Time… Rick Perry Apoligizes For Calling His Supporters “Heartless” (Video)


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Governor Rick Perry apologized today for calling his supporters “heartless.” “I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word and it was inappropriate.” “Probably? The Hill Tube reported: Rick Perry said Wednesday that he was sorry for saying at … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 28/09/2011 19:39 Number of articles : 2

It’s About Time… Rick Perry Apoligizes For Calling His Supporters “Heartless” (Video)

SMH: GOP Presidential Wannabee Rick Perry’s Spiritual Advisor Is A Demon-Seeing Granddaughter Of A KKK Leader

After all that fuss over Obama’s pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright , this GOP wankster oughta know good and well we’re not having this beyotch all up in the mix. It turns out Governor Rick Perry is all tied up with this Alice Patterson broad who is known for her extreme hate speech against gays and democrats… and hate is all in her blood anyway cuz her granddaddy was rockin’ the white hood back in the day. GOP presidential candidate RICK PERRY has tied himself to a controversial spiritual adviser who political sources say could wreck his Whites House run! Christian activist ALICE PATTERSON, whose grandfather The ENQUIRER learned was in the Ku Klux Klan, believes the Democratic Party is literally con­trolled by demonic spirits, and she’s drawn fire for blasting ex-President George W. Bush, condemning gays and declaring that widows who don’t remarry should be denied aid. Gov. Perry shared the stage with Patterson and even hugged her, when he spoke to a 30,000- strong crowd at The Response prayer event in Houston, Texas, on Aug. 6. Patterson is an “apostle” with a Christian group called the New Ap­ostolic Reformation, and helped organize the prayer session. Now political pundits are comparing her inflammatory statements to those made by President Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright. “Wright almost destroyed Obama’s chances, and Patter­son could do the same for Perry,” a political insider told The ENQUIRER. We’re pretty sure Perry doesn’t need this broad to ruin his chances… he’s doing that well enough on his own. SMH! Source

SMH: GOP Presidential Wannabee Rick Perry’s Spiritual Advisor Is A Demon-Seeing Granddaughter Of A KKK Leader

Raising Cain: The Hermanator is the GOPFATHER of the Florida Straw Poll


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Herman Cain scored a big upset at the Florida straw poll, beating Governor Rick Perry handilhy with Perry scoring a distant second and Romney coming in third. Meanwhile President Obama was scolding blacks, telling the to stop complainin’ and fight…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : PAXALLES Discovery Date : 25/09/2011 02:11 Number of articles : 2

Raising Cain: The Hermanator is the GOPFATHER of the Florida Straw Poll

Larry Flynt Puts Bounty on Rick Perry Sex Scandal

If you’ve had a sexual encounter – gay or straight – with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Larry Flynt wants to hear from you. And will pay BIG BUCKS for proof. Hustler ‘s publisher is targeting the Republican Presidential candidate, offering $1 million for anyone who can show Perry having an illicit sexual liaison. The ad, which Flynt will take out in various newspapers, asks bluntly, “Have you had a gay or straight sexual encounter with Governor Rick Perry?” Hey, you might as well not beat around the bush in this quest. Rick Perry wants to be president. Larry Flynt wants to derail him/make money . A purveyor of all things smut, Flynt is clearly not a fan of Perry, who opposes gay marriage and is regarded as devoutly conservative on social issues. Then again, he’s made similar offers in the past to people coming forward with dirt on Bill Clinton and/or members of Congress in either political party. No word if there’s a similar bounty on Perry’s rival Rick Santorum , or whether it would involve a bonus if it involves “santorum” as Google defines it. Seriously, Google Rick Santorum. Larry Flynt would be proud.

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Larry Flynt Puts Bounty on Rick Perry Sex Scandal

REPUBLICANS CHEER DEATH PENALTY at Reagan Library Debate (Video)



Republicans Cheer Death Penalty– Republicans cheered the death penalty tonight at the GOP debate at the Reagan Library. They cheered again when Governor Rick Perry defended his state’s laws. Brian Williams: Governor Perry a question about Texas. Your state has … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 08/09/2011 04:17 Number of articles : 3

REPUBLICANS CHEER DEATH PENALTY at Reagan Library Debate (Video)

Video: Aerial Shoot Throughout Israel


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From the Vimeo page : After a year of research and preparation, the giant screen film JERUSALEM advanced into production with an unprecedented aerial shoot throughout Israel and the West Bank. Scheduled for worldwide release in 2013, the film will take audiences on a spectacular tour of the Holy Land and the city once believed to lie at the centre of the world. Hat tip: My Right Word Technorati Tag:… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Daled Amos Discovery Date : 19/06/2011 18:00 Number of articles : 2

Video: Aerial Shoot Throughout Israel

Rick Perry: “The Left Is Never Going to Like Us So Let’s Stop Trying to Curry Favor With Them” (Video)


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Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) was a huge hit at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. FOX Nation reported: Hotline On Call reported: In a 20-minute address to about 2,000 activists at the Republican Leadership Conference, Perry decried the … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 19/06/2011 18:58 Number of articles : 2

Rick Perry: “The Left Is Never Going to Like Us So Let’s Stop Trying to Curry Favor With Them” (Video)