Tag Archives: hate-instagram

Rozanne Verduin See Through of the Day

Rozanne Verduin is a model who was in Vanity Fair Italia…which I guess doesn’t make her a very important model, she doesn’t have an obscene amount of followers on social media, which is how you can value or gauge how important a model is…or how much she gets paid…because that’s all that brands care about…not that this is for a brand, but it is a model in lingerie, that you can see through, and that’s about all I have to say about that, because who really cares about anything else I have to say about this girl, or anyone, it’s always going to be the same thing, about how all these girls just think they are so hot and that they’ve got a shot, like the girls before them who have made it, and they strip down and put themselves out there, ultimately, because they don’t want an actual job or education…and that’s the short term hustle, while the longterm hustle is locking in a sugar daddy, rich guy, to knock you up….it’s fascinating, only not really at all. The post Rozanne Verduin See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Rozanne Verduin See Through of the Day

Sophie Mudd Insta-Thot of the Day

I don’t know who Sophie Mudd is, I follow her on instagram and probably have for a long time, but I don’t really check instagram because I hate instagram, it’s some bullshit egotistical platform for idiots to post pictures about how awesome their bullshit fabricated for social media lives are, but more interestingly, a place for models to get their start at posting half naked pics, which in and of itself is great, but get old fast, and it is also a dating site where pervert rich guys seduce these models posting half naked pics, but I just don’t care about anyone to log into that shit to see all the shit..not to mention it supports Zuckerberg who is the devil… But this Sophie Mudd, in all her weirdo hormonal imbalance glory…has something pretty magical about her…a thing I call monster tits on a small frame, what we loved about Jennifer Love Hewitt in the 90s before her, because big tits on a small frame are always fucking great… Sophie Mudd, pushing 1,000,000 followers, working towards being the next Alexis Ren…good times…. VIDEOS: The post Sophie Mudd Insta-Thot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sophie Mudd Insta-Thot of the Day

Love Calendar Keeps On Delivering the Dog Shit of the Day

Weak…I know Kim Kardashian is a fucking monster, but having her walk in slow motion in front of a green screen showing Northern Lights…is just weak. I could recreate this in my fucking basement apartment, I just don’t know any shit colored trannies with sloppy tits that I could use…but I should parody this, to remind you all that Kim Kardashian is fucking dog shit and so is LOVE Magazines’ advent calendar….just step it up you fashion cunts… Doutzen Kroes cuz no one else wants her…shot by Hype Williams….a legendary hip hop music video director from the 90s…who even did Hollywood movies…and this is the uninspired shit he’s doing now…as much as I hate instagram content producers, at least they produce better shit than this… Heidi Klum 300 Years Old….shot by Rankin – Naked in Tub….with star nipples, because I guess her actual nipples are starting to show their age and can’t be showcased…or maybe it’s just not YOUTUBE friendly…who knows…but I’d rather see the nips… The post Love Calendar Keeps On Delivering the Dog Shit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Love Calendar Keeps On Delivering the Dog Shit of the Day