With the year 2011 drawing to a close, the stars of Garry Marshall’s New Year’s Eve were a sentimental — and cheeky — bunch talking up the portmanteau rom-com recently in Los Angeles. “When I stopped wanting my New Year’s Eve to be perfect, to ring in the New Year right, is when it started working out right,” admitted Hilary Swank , seated at a podium about as long as the credit roll for the star-studded holiday pic. At the other end of the panel, Zac Efron faux-wooed co-star Michelle Pfeiffer. “You’re coming out with me this year,” he winked at her. “I’ll show you how we do it.”
Originally posted here:
Efron’s Pfeiffer Crush, Swank’s De Niro Moment, and 7 Other Revelations from the New Year’s Eve Junket