Tag Archives: helpful-pieces

Khloe Kardashian Birthday Tribute: Best Quotes, Photos & More!

Khloe Kardashian turns 31 years old today. And she could really use some birthday love right about now. In the past week alone, two of her estranged husband’s good friends have died … while rumors have grown stronger than OJ Simpson really is her father . So, in order to pay homage to a birthday gal who may not be in the birthday spirit, THG is here to show Khloe some love. First, via our favorite Khloe Kardashian Instagram photos: View Slideshow: Khloe Kardashian Instagram Photos Second, via a handful of kute Khloe Kardashian pictures: View Slideshow: 30 Kute Khloe Kardashian Photos Next, let’s not forget about these klassic Khloe Kardashian quotes: View Slideshow: 24 Klassic Khloe Kardashian Quotes And let’s finally honor the star by remember these very important pieces of Khloe Kardashian advice: View Slideshow: 13 Helpful Pieces of Advice from Khloe Kardashian

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Khloe Kardashian Birthday Tribute: Best Quotes, Photos & More!

13 Konstructive Kernels of Advice from Khloe Kardashian

As previously (and hilariously!) reported, Khloe Kardashian is coming out with a self-help book. It does not yet have a title, but it does have a release date (November 3), as well as this amazing quote from Khloe describing what readers can expect: “I am so excited about sharing my philosophy on how I live and the power of strength. I hope to be an inspiration to readers everywhere on how they can create their own true strength and beauty inside and out.” What does this mean, exactly? View Slideshow: 13 Helpful Pieces of Advice from Khloe Kardashian We have no idea! But we can come up with some theories… and, in fact, that’s what we just did! The THG staff has come up with 13 pieces of life advice Khloe might be able to offer her fans via this kind of tome; from marriage counseling to (fake) fatherly words of wisdom. So click around now and let the countdown to November begin. We can totally wait for this book to be released!

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13 Konstructive Kernels of Advice from Khloe Kardashian

13 Konstructive Kernels of Advice from Khloe Kardashian

As previously (and hilariously!) reported, Khloe Kardashian is coming out with a self-help book. It does not yet have a title, but it does have a release date (November 3), as well as this amazing quote from Khloe describing what readers can expect: “I am so excited about sharing my philosophy on how I live and the power of strength. I hope to be an inspiration to readers everywhere on how they can create their own true strength and beauty inside and out.” What does this mean, exactly? View Slideshow: 13 Helpful Pieces of Advice from Khloe Kardashian We have no idea! But we can come up with some theories… and, in fact, that’s what we just did! The THG staff has come up with 13 pieces of life advice Khloe might be able to offer her fans via this kind of tome; from marriage counseling to (fake) fatherly words of wisdom. So click around now and let the countdown to November begin. We can totally wait for this book to be released!

See more here:
13 Konstructive Kernels of Advice from Khloe Kardashian