Tag Archives: her-15-year-old

So Sad: Ohio High Schoolers Dump Urine, Feces And Spit On Autistic Teen In Sick Ice Bucket Challenge ‘Prank’

This is so sick ! High-Schoolers Dump Urine, Feces And Spit On Autistic Teen Via Raw Story reports: An Ohio woman said classmates dumped a bucket full of feces, urine, and spit on her autistic son – who believed he was taking part in the ALS “ice bucket challenge.” The mother said she found video of the incident on her 15-year-old son’s cell phone, reported WJW-TV. “He was embarrassed because he did not know what the contents were until afterwards and then he didn’t want anybody to know,” said the boy’s mother, identified only as Diane. “They used his phone to tape it and they put it up on Instagram.” Diane reported the incident to police, who are investigating, and she said she publicized the case to make other parents aware of the bullying. “The bucket challenge is supposed to be raising awareness for this disease and now they’ve turned it into a sick joke,” said the victim’s mom. “I just can’t understand why kids would do something this cruel.” Participants in the ice bucket challenge record video of themselves pouring cold water over their heads, make a donation to the ALS Foundation, and then post the video on social media. In the prank video, the Bay High School student stands in front of a garage wearing only underwear as a bucket containing bodily fluids and cigarette butts is poured over his head by someone on the roof. “It’s disturbing to watch, you can obviously tell that somebody has been taking advantage of there,” said Detective Kevin Krolkosky, of Bay Village police. Police said they have a good idea of the other students involved, and the teens could face juvenile charges. The high school is also investigating the incident. YT

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So Sad: Ohio High Schoolers Dump Urine, Feces And Spit On Autistic Teen In Sick Ice Bucket Challenge ‘Prank’

Is Madonna a Hypocrite With Anti-Smoking Stance?

Madonna is taking a stand against cigarette smoking, yet glamorizes smoking in her new music video for “Girl Gone Wild,” setting off cries of hypocrisy. The topic came up when The Queen of Pop appeared on Today and was grilled over her 15-year-old daughter Lourdes being caught smoking recently. Madonna says she “wasn’t very happy” about the Lourdes Leon picture , adding “I don’t approve of anyone smoking cigarettes, most of all my daughter.” Well, except in the “Girl Gone Wild” video: Madonna – Girl Gone Wild (Official Video) Pressed on the apparent hypocrisy of herself smoking seductively in the video, she says it was just an “accessory” and she doesn’t smoke in real life. That’s very possible. She can use it as part of her video art form and have no interest in partaking, and certainly wish that her teenager daughter not. However, its mere presence in the video may influence others, given that Madonna is one of the more glamorous, legendary performers of all time. Well, at least before MDNA album sales tanked . What do you think? Hypocritical? Or totally different because a music video is an art form and does not dictate how Madonna lives her personal life?

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Is Madonna a Hypocrite With Anti-Smoking Stance?

Niki Taylor loss weight picture

Niki Taylor, 35, stuck to her own mom food — a healthy diet of oatmeal sprinkled with berries, and chicken broiled in coconut oil — that has helped the model lose 59 lbs. — going from 197 lbs. to 138 lbs. — since giving birth to her daughter Ciel, now 13 months. (Dad is race car driver Burney Lamar, 29). Most moms might struggle to lose post-pregnancy pounds with two growing sons in the house. “They are meat and potato boys,” Niki Taylor says of her 15-year-old twins, Hunter and Jake. “They eat

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Niki Taylor loss weight picture

1,000 Ice Soldiers in Berlin

Link: http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/b… Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo carved 1,000 miniature figurines out of ice and placed them on steps in central Gendarmenmarkt square.

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1,000 Ice Soldiers in Berlin

Breadface and Old Chinese Woman Do the Forbidden Dance of Love

If having a bread face and loving and old Chinese woman is wrong, I don't want to be right. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Melanie Oudin’s Fancy Shoes

I'm fairly obsessed with the pink sneakers America's Tennis Sweetheart has been rocking. She picked out the colors herself, and then (no joke) her 15-year-old boyfriend added the “Believe.” It's like John Hughes came back to life to remake Rookie of the Year , but with tennis

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Melanie Oudin’s Fancy Shoes