This is so fake…and it makes me laugh….because it is so fake…and I guess there are two schools of thought when it comes to child stars. The first is that they are so emotionally damaged from having their youth ripped away from them by their opportunist parents – leaving them unable to love anyone….ever…like Lindsay Lohan…just self involved little cunts who only care about themselves, their careers, their experience, making money and being more famous through the people they attach themselves to….you know…the “NO SOULS”… The other is that they are so emotionally damaged, that they just attach themselves to anyone who gives their sad, lonely, insecure freaks who had no real parents, so they suckle on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they can get their nursing mouths on. You know immature babies trying to fill a void…I call those ones the Britney Spears before medicated into a dead on the inside mess…the reason K-Fed was able to K-Fed… I will assume that Selena Gomez and her “love for Taylor Swift”…is neither, she may use words like “LOVE YOU”…but just uses those words to try to leverage Taylor Swift’s fme to increase her own, and vice versa….it’s just a “in the same industry, trying to make it as a pop star”….this is who the “idols of the generation are”…everyone is Politically Correct and overly nice to each other…but beneath that fake surface, that everyone has in this overly nice, anti bullying world, is definitely deep jealousy and hatred, because that’s how humans work…they are never satisfied with what they have, and hate anyone doing anything better than them…. But sure Selena…you love Taylor Swift…you using opportunist…Mexican trash….who should be making corn tortillas…at least that’s what Taylor Swift probably says about her but is famous instead….American Dreams… The post Selena Gomez Loves Taylor Swift of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Selena Gomez Loves Taylor Swift of the Day