Tag Archives: her-everytime

Sofia Vergara’s Ass in Tights of the Day

Here’s Sofia Vergara’s ass in fitness gear, because I guess she’s getting ready to get married, or maybe she realizes she’s 100 fucking years old and that she needs to go to the gym to maintain that sex appeal that too her 20 years of hustle to finally land the right part, on the right show, to suddenly validate everything and everyone she did along the way to the top…. I am not overly excited by 45 year old strippers who never were, because they were smart enough to get to Miami, date rich, get into the right circles, make money…and it all paid off… But I know that people are, especially 35 year old aspiring actors, not just hispanics trying to border jump, but every 35 year old who hasn’t made it says “Sofia Vergar only got Modern Family at 37, it could happen to me”…not that I like 35 year old aspiring actors, but I do like their desperation… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Sofia Vergara’s Ass in Tights of the Day

Heidi Klum Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Her name is Heidi Klum. You may know her as the Victoria’s Secret model who never died, she worked there forever and she looked amazing and still looks amazing…a decade after quitting…because of German Engineering…thanks Nazi genetic testing for that… I know her as the model who had her vagina murdered by Seal, a massive black cock that I can assume is the size of forearm, basically fisting her everytime they fucked…only to give her dozens of babies…coupled with her existing babies…making me wonder if the bikini bottoms she’s wearing are in this pic she posted are in fact just Duct Tape holding it all in…and the sick thing in all this is that if I was there I’d be more than happy to let her use my mouth to hold it all in…she may be weathered, but that’s the kind of storm I’d let choke me the fuck out via face-sitting… Here’s some more of her nipple because she doesn’t give a fuck…. TO SEE THE PICS OF HER NAKED WITH HER NAKED BOYFRIEDN THAT MAKE ME LAUGH

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Heidi Klum Ass in a Bikini of the Day