Tag Archives: her-virginity

AJJupiter is the stepGIRLCAM Girl of the Day

Here at DrunkenStepfather we have created this amazing way to pass the time over at stepGIRLSCAMS …. Today’s stepGIRLCAM girl is named AJJupiter and she’s on some totally other level of awesome. Up on some hippie weirdness, that reminds me of a music festival, naked in a field, high on acid, all rocking’ a massive bush and hairy armpits…challenging my needs and wants – because bush is great, armpit hair not so much, but these tits…WTF…these tits…legendary…. TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES – VISIT stepGIRLCAMS CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES – VISIT stepGIRLCAMS CLICK HERE

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AJJupiter is the stepGIRLCAM Girl of the Day

Shyla Jennings is the Penthouse Pet of the Day

PENTHOUSE is a legendary publication. Along with Playboy and Hustler, they innovated the genre of nude photography in magazines for men to buy in local magazine stands to go home to jerk off with… It is a magazine that I was always a huge fan of because they showed the pink…and a magazine that has influenced where fashion nudity is today…now that Nudity is everywhere… So I am going to be showcasing as many of the PENTHOUSE PETS that I can for old times.. Tonight’s is a babe named Shyla Jennings, who lost her virginity at 15. She was born in 1985. And she’s a porn chick…but she’s also posted for Penthouse…showing the pink…which isn’t saying much since you can see her hardcore lesbian porn – but you can see her dirtier pics HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES CLICK HERE

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Shyla Jennings is the Penthouse Pet of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Future Ugly Watch of the Day

Here is a glimpse into the future for all you Ashley Tisdale lovers. Now I hate Ashley Tisdale and I really have no reason why I do, because she’s really got nothing to do with my life in any fucking way, I don’t even watch her on TV or in Movies and I hardly know anything about her, but there’s just something about her cunt face that makes me angry that she is famous. She should be working at a Jewish summer camp teaching kids how to my gimp bracelets, maybe losing her virginity to some of her campers because guys her own age don’t want anything to do with her busted up fucking face and not working for fuckin’ Disney… and what also pisses me off about her is that I know people who know her from growing up and that she is actually 29 years old and playing this teenage piece of shit, but that doesn’t piss me off as much as the fact that her mother isn’t fat, because if she was, that would have made me happy, you know, getting a look at what is gonna happen to her when she’s all growed the fuck up so now I’m just left with laughing at her stupid lookin face….here are the pics

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Ashley Tisdale Future Ugly Watch of the Day