Tag Archives: high-speed rail

An Insider’s Look at the Formation of the NRDC and Birth of the Environmental Movement (Book Review)

Photo credit: NRDC You’d be hard pressed to think of anyone or anything that has done more to protect the American environment over the last 40 years than John Adams and the organization he founded, the NRDC . The National Resource Defense Council may not boast a name that rolls off the tongue, but they do boast perhaps the most impressive legacy for using the law to stand up for the environment. Adams’ new memoir, A Force for Nature tells the story of that legacy. I… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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An Insider’s Look at the Formation of the NRDC and Birth of the Environmental Movement (Book Review)

If We Build High Speed Rail, Will People Use It?

Photo Credit: Adam E. Moreira Is high-speed rail a good investment for Americans? That is what most leaders, political figures and advocates try to answer the majority of the time. Yet, that may be the wrong question. A better question is: would people use super fast public transit if it were built? According to A… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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If We Build High Speed Rail, Will People Use It?

Quarter Of American Bridges Declared Structurally Deficient or Functionally Obsolete

Bridge closed. Image credit: Ivan Cockrum Scholars & Rogues blog has a nice overview of the crumbling US bridges issue. In a phrase, upgrades and repairs are not keeping up with wear and tear. Fixing the bad bridges is anticipated to cost “$650 billion over 50 years.” Not good news for the ‘less government, reduced taxes’ crowd. But let’s focus on the environmental dimensions. There is good news and bad…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Quarter Of American Bridges Declared Structurally Deficient or Functionally Obsolete