Tag Archives: higher-concept

Alisa Ahmann for Vogue Ukraine of the Day

Alisa Ahmann’s mother agency is in Hamburg Germany, so it is is safe to say that she’s some Nazi created entity during Hitler’s Syphilis induced evil genius where he wanted to kill off all the people he found gross…but most interestingly was able to rally all the people to follow…we’re talking an entire fucking country, who just sort of went with it, because they are some pragmatic people who just do what they are told, even when it is fucking evil…Everyone focuses on the Nazi officers, but no one really cares about the millions of civilians doing the Nazi Salute…that could be Alisa Ahmann’s family, maybe her granny on Christmas prances around Heil-ing…but then again, maybe she’s not even from Germany, maybe she’s a Jew, maybe she’s not a product of “Lebensborn”, Hitler’s super human breeding program…but she could be – because she’s fucking perfect….I mean from the right angle, in some of her instagram pics she looks very horsey…which could be part of Hilter’s cross breeding programs…either way, she’s german. These pics are by the master of photographer Ellen Von Unwerth… The post Alisa Ahmann for Vogue Ukraine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alisa Ahmann for Vogue Ukraine of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is More Than Just Tits of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is an instagram model who scammed her way into a couple of movies even though she can’t act..where she pretty much played herself and the producers either wanted to fuck her when she was at her peak…and gave her the part they new required no talent..but she’s mainly an instagram model… That’s not to say she doesn’t have a great body, even if the autheticity of her body, and I guess her lips are questionable…she obviously does, but it’s to say so many girls followed her lead and are doing what she does, making her a lot less interesting that when she started getting naked in photoshoots… Meaning, she’s on the decline, and she knows it, but I guess she’s been working on her ass, thinking “Maybe this body part will open some doors”…that will lead to her opening up her legs and / or spreading said ass for any job she can get…because no one likes to HIT big and hard…and dissipate to no one gives a fuck…since no one gives a fuck about anything these days…but bikini pics still get semi-noticed…so keep up the good hustle…it’s this type of bottom feeding and laziness that will end up with a sex tape…fingers crossed You can put a whore in movies, but you can’t put movies in whores, I mean I guess you could with enough lube if they were in DVD form…but you get what I’m saying…she’s crying for attention…”LOOK AT HER “…that’s what she wants… I guess what I am saying, since I don’t mind looking at her body, and really have seen her entire career as the first site to really post her photoshoots, even though she’s unappreciative….is that I hope for her case that the next movie she does is critically acclaimed and her performance is brilliant..It’s called “CRUISE” and is by the guy who did “The Wrestler”….because she’s at the make it or break it…fade into old, played out Lohan status…because people get bored…even looking at ass in a bikini… That’s all I have to say about that.. The post Emily Ratajkowski is More Than Just Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emily Ratajkowski is More Than Just Tits of the Day

Frida Aasen in For Love & Lemons’ spring Campaign of the Day

Frida Aasen is amazing… I don’t know who she is, but I love that face…she’s Danish and doesn’t look nearly as Downs Syndrome as Nina Agdal or other Danish models…and I love that body…she’s fucking awesome…how has she been hiding…why has she not been getting all the fucking work available to a model…why is it that Kendall and Gigi the bootleg versions of this…who can buy their careers are depriving the world of talent like this that we lose amongst all the bullshit noise we are being fed daily… Frida Aasen is amazing… This is a campaign she did for Love & Lemons, which is a boutique lingerie company that I guess is going up against a higher concept lingerie brand like Agent Provocateur, giving instagram models outfits their sugar babies can buy them, as Victoria’s Secret is some bootleg shit that poor people and mall shoppers wear… This is their campaign, of Frida Aasen in lingerie….and all I have to say is… Frida Aasen is amazing…. The post Frida Aasen in For Love & Lemons’ spring Campaign of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Frida Aasen in For Love & Lemons’ spring Campaign of the Day

Larissa Hofmann for Mango of the Day

Larissa Hofmann sounds Jewish…. but I bet most of the girls at your Jewish studies group don’t look like this….and that most of the girls in your Jewish studies group aren’t underwear models…but then again, it’s very possible that not all Hoffmann’s are Jewish..and that some are Germans…who tried to exterminate the Jews 70 years ago…and that maybe, just maybe I am generalizing about Jewish Studies groups, if that is even a thing, and that there are in fact babes and bikini models, especially if that Jewish studies group is based in LA, because all these Jewish execs have imported models as their wives, adding some new converted model DNA to their Temple… Either way, these pics for some shitty brand that isn’t paying me…is pretty good… The post Larissa Hofmann for Mango of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Larissa Hofmann for Mango of the Day

Lana Del Rey for Vogue Turkey of the Day

Lana Del Rey has zero sex appeal, but her songs are just so on point, meaning sex appeal doesn’t matter…. When she’s showing her thigh in obscure market Vogue magazine, it’s higher concept, less sensationalized, or desperate than someone who also has no sex appeal, but has hit songs…Lady Gaga… I call this “Straight from Lake Placid Private Schools…”….because that’s pretty much her story, where all the inner torment happened…small Olympic towns in upstate New York that vistors would say “this is so cute, it’s like out of a movie or even Europe, OMG they even have a Starbucks”…but beneath that Starbucks on mainstreet surface…there is darkness..sultry voiced darkness…that is Lana Del Rey… The post Lana Del Rey for Vogue Turkey of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Lana Del Rey for Vogue Turkey of the Day

Katy Perry’s See Through Shirt of the Day

Katy Perry is chubby little a pop star…with a massive and insane following…all for music that isn’t even that good…but that for some reason gets a lot of airplay and makes no sense to me… Her dancing is awkward…her talent questionable, but through it all…failed relationship, after Failed relationship…she’s maintained something….something magical…no not her bad skin….but rather her amazing tits..not that they are that amazing out of a bra…but in a bra…those fuckers have volume… I’ve spent years mocking, laughing, hating on her because her songs pollute my life and I don’t ask them to…..but I don’t care, I mean bitch is rich as fuck, doing what she wants, probably has no real friends…but may not be looking for substance…at least that’s what I would assume because if she was about substance…her content would probably be a little fucking higher concept and a lot less “flashy lights for retards to buy into”…but who cares about that…when you got tits… The post Katy Perry’s See Through Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katy Perry’s See Through Shirt of the Day