Tag Archives: hilarious-right

Rihanna’s in a Bikini Again and I Like It of the Day

Rihanna has proven yet again that she doesn’t need magazines to take bikini pics of her, she can just do that shit on her own, and even keep it interesting by getting into twerk stance…because really in this day and age…twerk stance is all we really need to keep life worth living and bikini pics worth looking at and in Rihanna’s defence, she’s a black chick from the islands, she’s not jumping on any trend, her fucking granny twerks, I mean not now that she’s dead, but pre-death she twerked…and her granny’s granny twerked…this is just a cultural experience yo….a half naked cultural experience on instagram.

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Rihanna’s in a Bikini Again and I Like It of the Day

Miley and Her New Boyfriend Turnt Up of the Day

In the wise words of Miley Cyrus… So it’s true. If you turn the lights off and look into a mirror and say #turndown4WHAT 3 times fast shit gets TURNT. It is poetry from a retard who listen to too much LA hip hop radio…that confuses me because I am not a 15 year old medicated retard at the mall, but also because it’s set to this picture of her and her boyfriend…I mean is this a love letter…is this romance…if I was the bearded dude…I’d be loving every second of this ridiculousness…texting my homies being like “I’m fucking Miley Cyrus, Hilarious Right”…and we’d all laugh and laugh…because 3 times fast shit gets turnt.

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Miley and Her New Boyfriend Turnt Up of the Day